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It was all planned out so well. They had taken the day off at work, the tickets to the spa were already laying on the kitchen table, and their bags were packed. Alex and Tashi were ready to spend the tigress’ birthday just relaxing, getting spoiled with massages, sitting in hot tubs, and a nice dinner to finish things off.

They were laying in Alex’ bed, the stallion had come over to her apartment, so they could spend the evening before together as well. His car was parked nearby, tank full, they had thought of everything. As it was getting close to midnight, Tashi turned over to look into the tigress’ eyes, the smile on his face widening as he saw the alarm clock announcing his girlfriend’s birthday coming closer every time those two dots were blinking. Still, it was easy for him to get distracted, and to look into Alex’ eyes instead.

He chuckled when she put a hand on his cheek and turned his head back to face her once more. Already, the stallion had been more excited about her birthday coming than she was herself. Once, she even told him how she didn’t want to get older. Then again, the stallion was happy about any chance he had to do something nice for her, and the birthday was such a nice excuse for just that. “You really can’t wait for it, can you?” The tigress asked and shook her head, her teeth showing with the wide grin on her face.

“You know the answer…”, the stallion replied, knowing full well how silly it was to just wait out those last few minutes. He hugged her and held her tight, hands on her back, scratching her gently. He shouldn’t even have kept Alex up so long; he could still smell that scent of coffee and some freshly baked goods on her hair as he rubbed his muzzle against her head gently. It had been quite a hard day at work for her, but her manager assured her that she could absolutely take the next day off. When he opened his eyes again, the clock showed that it was just two minutes past midnight.

“Happy Birthday, my little tiger…”, he whispered. Alex purred and caressed his chest as he kissed her forehead, her nose, both her sabre teeth, and finally her lips, like he had done so many times before. They held that kiss for a long time, the tigress purring, Tashi snorting softly. “Thank you again, my horsey … can’t wait to spend such a wonderful day with you…” she whispered before they fell asleep in one another’s arms.

It was 6am when they got woken up. Not by the alarm clock that they set to a later time. It was Alex’ phone that kept ringing. She sighed when she opened her eyes and turned around to pick it up from the nightstand. Tashi opened his eyes slowly and looked around, a little confused as well. The tigress seemed anxious when she picked up the phone and held it against her ear. “Hello?” She said, then just listened. Her facial expression turned from being surprised to a frown. Her mouth opened slowly, she looked at Tashi. The stallion realized quite quickly what the call was about. “A-Alright… I’ll come in. I’ll be there… half an hour…”, the tigress said and put the phone down.

Tashi closed his eyes again and put his head back onto the pillow. “Well… just our bad luck…” He whispered and sighed. “Someone called in sick, and I’m the only other waitress available. You know how he i-.” Alex couldn’t finish explaining things, the stallion cut her off by hugging her and kissing her once more. “I understand, dear. It’ll be okay. We can go on the weekend… like you said… it’s not such a special day.” He replied and rubbed her back and her shoulders gently. “Stay here…” the tigress told him as she climbed out of bed to go into the shower, treating her boyfriend to the beautiful view of her body. “… we can still go out for dinner when I come home.” The stallion nodded. “Alright. They can’t take that from us.” He whispered back, even though he was already planning something else, the smile creeping back onto his face as he heard his girlfriend turning on the shower.

When Alex came back out of the bathroom, ready to leave for the day, the stallion had gotten out of bed as well, put on his clothes, and looked about ready to leave. “You’re not going to stay?” she asked him. “I will. Just want to go buy some things. Can you lend me your apartment key for the day? Trust me?” He replied, following up with another question. The tigress just nodded and tossed her key over to him. Tashi caught it and quickly hugged her once more, sniffing her hair that now smelled like the shampoo he loved so much. “Don’t work too hard and try to have a good day.” He whispered. “I will, my horsey.” She replied and then walked out the door to get to her job in time.

With Alex being the only waitress at the diner, it was quite the stressful day. But at least that meant that time passed quite quickly, and her boyfriend was waiting at home for her. She could be sure they would go out to have dinner together, there wouldn’t be any more work or even just chores waiting for her at home. The stallion on the other hand, got busy quite quickly. He made a little plan and went out to go shopping for the things he needed shortly after. He sure wasn’t going to lay around lazily while his girlfriend had to work so hard.

That evening, Alex had to ring her own doorbell to get into her apartment. When Tashi opened the door for her, she was greeted by the smell of fresh cake, and her boyfriend wearing nothing but a cooking apron. The stallion grinned at her when he saw her nose wiggling around a bit when she tried to understand what exactly the smell was. “Happy birthday again, my little tiger…” The stallion whispered. “We aren’t going out for dinner… but that’s as far as the bad news goes… I made something for us.” He could see how exhausted Alex was, and still, the tigress jumped up into his arms to hug him tightly. He scratched her back, all the way down to the base of her tail, and they shared a passionate kiss as the tigress purred happily.

The stallion went out of his way to clean the apartment, and as they walked past the bedroom, Alex could even see that he made the bed. There were some spots that he missed, but he didn’t know her apartment that well just yet, and he didn’t want to go snooping around. He guided her into the kitchen, where the scent of the cake was drowned out by the food he had been cooking. There were some rice noodles on the side, peanut sauce was simmering in a smaller pot, a big pan filled with fried vegetables was still sizzling along, and finally, he even prepared a small pan with sliced chicken breast for Alex.

“I thought it would be nicer if you could get away from people for the evening…” Tashi explained to her and pointed at the table where he had even put up some fancy napkins and lit two candles. “Just the two of us, even if it’s a little crammed in here. But first, maybe you should get a bit more comfortable?” He asked her and pointed to the diner uniform she was still wearing. “And I could get rid of this silly thing? We might as well profit from being alone…” He suggested and chuckled as he took off the apron and hung it up on the wall, letting Alex look at his nude form. “If you wanted to see me naked, you’d just have to ask, silly.” The tigress replied and quickly went to drop off her uniform in the bathroom.

She came back wanting to take a plate to serve herself dinner, but the stallion just gently massaged her shoulders and chuckled. “Nah… I think you’ve served enough meals today. Go sit down. I’ll be your waiter.” He winked at her and waited for her to sit down. Then he picked a plate, put some noodles, vegetables, chicken, and sauce on it and brought it over to the table to her. He even brought her a little cup and poured in some of her favorite green tea. Then he served himself and sat down across from her. “Enjoy…” He whispered and winked at her. The tigress smiled. “Thank you…” She whispered back and reached out to caress Tashi’s cheek before they both went ahead and enjoyed their meal.

The stallion finished his plate a little sooner than Alex and he smiled as he watched her enjoying what he had cooked for her. He was quite worried whether he had gotten the chicken right, too, as he couldn’t taste it and it had been such a long time since he prepared meat for the last time. But it seemed like Alex was thoroughly enjoying it which put the large guy’s mind at ease. Alex picked up a napkin to wipe her mouth. “That peanut sauce was delicious!” she said, making the stallion smile even more. “Was the chicken okay, too?” he asked. “A little dry, but the sauce made it really delicious…” She replied. “Good enough…” the stallion thought to himself as he picked up their plates and got up to clean them right away.

“I did smell cake, though…”, Alex whispered as she looked over to him. The stallion just grinned and walked back over to the table. He grabbed her hand, guided her to stand up and stepped behind her. “Come along…” He said, putting his hands onto her eyes. With a soft chuckle, he led her over to the living room, the scent of that freshly baked cake getting stronger and stronger. Finally, he took his hands off her eyes and kissed her just behind her right ear.

There, on the coffee table, stood Alex’ birthday cake. Two candles stuck in the top, in the shape of the number two and seven. Small red paw prints were on top of the cake as well, white glazing covering it all. “I hope you’ll like it…” the stallion whispered as he walked over to the table, a big knife, a plate, a fork, and a lighter waiting there. “Is that…?” Alex began to ask, but the stallion put a finger to his lips. He lit up the candles. “Make a wish... and then you can go and see.” He said, stepping aside.

The tigress walked over to the table and bent over so that her rear was facing Tashi. That sexy view made the stallion snort excitedly, but still, he quickly went back to watching Alex blowing out the candles. He picked up the plate and held it for her while she cut into the cake, revealing those perfect red layers, separated by some more cream, a red velvet cake. She cooed excitedly. “It is!” The stallion laughed playfully. “Couldn’t be any other than your favorite, could it? I hope you like how I made it…” He whispered as she put a slice on the plate. He handed the plate over to her along with the fork, so she could go have a bite.

He couldn’t look away from her face as she broke off a piece and ate it. She didn’t say a word, she just hugged him, almost poked his back with that fork, and kissed him deeply. He could still taste the glazing on her lips, and he eagerly kissed her, and licked it away. That was all the answer that he needed. “I’ll go fetch your tea…” The stallion whispered and quickly walked back into the kitchen to get the little teapot along with Alex’ cup. When he came back, she already had another piece of the cake on her fork. “Open up…” she said before feeding him that bit of cake. They shared the slice piece by piece until it was all gone, then Alex just put the plate on the armrest of the couch.

Tashi sat down and Alex climbed on his lap. “Almost better than a day at the spa, my tigress?” The stallion asked. “No, definitely better than a day at the spa, my horsey.” Alex replied and leaned against him. Tashi put his arms around her, Alex put her hand on his cheek. “I love you, Alex…” The stallion whispered, rubbing his muzzle against her shoulder. They shared a long, passionate kiss, both exhausted from the work and chores of the day, but also so endlessly happy they could share that moment together. 


Art by Vallhund 

Tashi by TashiGibson ! :D



Miles (Cryx)

Nice pic for the birthday