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Alex could smell them from her bed. 

The aroma filled the air and spread around throughout the apartment. It started from the kitchen, slowly made its way into the living room, and then slipped through the small gaps between Alex’s bedroom door and its doorframe. 

It was intoxicating; a very sweet scent with just the just pinch of saltiness. The tigress’ nose wiggled and danced as she took it in, a smile forming on her lips before she had even opened up her eyes. She rolled over in her bed, purring and smiling, “Mhhnm, pancakes,” she said, her eyes still closed. 

It was 7 AM, way too early for Alex to be up on a weekend. Alex was far from an early bird morning type of person. She loved sleeping in and waking up in the late mornings. She was a feline after all and boy did felines love their sleep. 

Had it been any smell other smell that reached Alex’s senses this early in the morning, she would have gone back to sleep; however, this particular scent (along with maybe a few others) was one that she could not ignore. 

Fresh homemade pancakes. 

Alex licked her lips before she finally opened her eyes, taking a few seconds to let her eyes adjust to the light of the room. The room was still pretty dark due to the blackout curtains she had installed, but little light was still more than no light at all. After staring blankly at the ceiling for a few seconds, Alex tossed and turned to get herself free of the blankets that kept her warm throughout the night and swung her legs off of the bed. 

Standing up at the side of her bed, the nude tigress stretched. Arms up above her head, one foot out in front of the other, and toes spread out and wiggling. 

The smell of pancakes was only getting stronger, so there was no reason for Alex to stay in her room and ignore it. She needed to find those pancakes, she needed to find them and eat them. 

With soft purrs rumbling out from her chest, Alex made her way to her door and slipped out into the hallway that led to the living room and kitchen. She followed the scent through the spacious apartment. 

When she arrived in the kitchen, all she saw was a large plate with a stack of pancakes settled nicely on the kitchen counter. Large and fluffy with strawberries and maple syrup on top, just how Alex liked them.

Her nose couldn’t stop wiggling as it took in the now stronger scent of the pancakes. She licked her lips and stepped closer and closer to the kitchen counter, putting her hands on the cold marble surface of it and staring right at the stack of fluffy golden-brown delicious goodness. 

Despite there being no one around as far as Alex could tell, she knew the pancakes did not just magically appear, she wasn’t going to complain though, even if her current housemate wasn’t going to come out and take credit for the gorgeous circular sweetness. 

Licking her lips again, Alex pulled open one of the drawers to try and find a fork to start digging into the pancakes with, that’s when she felt someone walk up behind her and press up against her. 

His hands slid over her hips down to her inner thigh and his stomach pressed into her lower back causing her to press against the drawer she had just opened, closing it. 

She frowned a little bit as she hadn’t the chance to get a fork out yet. 

Cryx was the one behind her, the one responsible for the pancakes. He let out a soft and happy noise as he pressed in closer to Alex, his warm and nude body grinding up against hers. Stripes touching stripes. 

“Good morning,” he murmured into Alex’s ear with a smile. 

“Morning, you,” Alex replied, turning her head over her shoulder slightly to look at him. 

“Looks like you found my pancakes, huh?” the hybrid chuckled, slowly rubbing his pelvis into Alex’s rear, breathing softly onto the nape of her neck. 

“Oh, these are yours?” Alex tilted her head, “I thought they were mine because they just magically appeared in my apartment.” She teased. 

Cryx let out a soft chuckle. “I made them,” he pressed his muzzle into her neck, then slid it up to her cheek to give her a smooch. “For you, of course, I know how you love pancakes with strawberries.”

Alex purred, her tail lifting up to the left and curling around and over his waist to drape over the hybrid’s tail. “And you remembered that I like strawberries on them,” Alex smiled at him before turning to face the pancakes again, admiring them. 

“Well,” he put on a rather proud tone, “You told me you liked them, am I supposed to not remember stuff you tell me?” He teased with a soft chuckle. 

Alex rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No, no, this is good…” She purred. 

Hearing her purr was already worth spending the hour that it took to make the pancakes and seeing her smile, too. Cryx kept himself pressed up against her, arms around her waist and head just above her shoulder. 

The warmth of their naked bodies pressing together was nice, it was intimate and close. 

With his sheath and balls exposed and Alex’s rear too, they were rubbing up against each other in a rather suggestive manner. Not that either of them minded; Alex was smiling and purring, and Cryx was smiling and getting a little bit excited. 

“Does anyone ever tell you how beautiful you are with bed hair?” Cryx grinned, his cock peeking slightly from his sheath, like black lipstick. It slowly started to inch out further, eventually hovering just under Alex’s ass and radiating its warmth to her. 

“Hah, no, just you… Because most people don’t stick around and make me breakfast,” Alex cooed, turning her gaze away from the pancakes to look at him. She could feel him growing underneath her and she pressed her rear up against him teasingly to help it grow a little more. 

Cryx bit his lower lip when his cock touched Alex, his tapered tip gliding underneath Alex’s cheeks and just over her warm and welcoming wet pussy, still slightly wet from the night prior. 

Alex cleared her throat, “Ahem, I’m going to need to grab a fork from the drawer... If you plan on letting me eat these.” 

Cryx blinked when she cleared her throat, at first thinking that he had done something wrong, but then chuckling once he heard her complaint. 

“Well, I came prepared,” he smiled, pushing up against her even more. He then raised his right hand up along Alex’s side, revealing a fork in his hand. 

His hard, black, and knotted cock throbbed. His tip gently smacking against her pussy as it did so. 

Alex bit her lower lip, moaning through it and smiling. “Hah, you did come pre-ahhh-pared.” 

Cryx smiled wide, grinding his cock against Alex’s pussy. His tip gently rubbing against her wet lips, spreading them apart and circling around them, daring to enter at any moment.

Alex closed her eyes for a moment as Cryx toyed around and rubbed his cock against her. Her purrs only got louder. 

Hearing her purrs as a sign that he could continue, Cryx gripped Alex’s right leg with one hand while still holding the fork in the other. He then slowly pulled his hips back to align his cock properly with her dripping cunt. He then pushed his hips forward in a swift and steady move, pressing his shiny black dick against her entrance and slipping his tip inside. 

Alex bit her lower lip, her claws struggling to find grip on the marble countertop. Her hands sliding forward a little before stopping as the bottom of her palms get a slight grip of the edge. 

Her pussy spread for his cock and her juices dripped to the floor as his cock pushed in and squeezed some of her wetness out. 

He went slow, letting Alex adjust to his size and form. He pushed his hips all the way in until Alex was around every part of his cock but his knot. He shuddered and bit his lower lip hard. He stayed buried inside her for a bit and smiled at her as she turned her head around to look at him again. 

“Fuck,” he whispered in Alex’s ear, “You’re so goddamn warm.” 

Alex continued to purr and her tail curled around his. “S-So are you…”

Realizing he still was holding the fork in his hand like an idiot, he gripped it tight and stabbed it down into the pancake tower. He stabbed a strawberry too, and raised his fork back up, picking up the maple syrup-soaked pancake and strawberry and raising it up towards Alex’s face. 

As he raised his fork up, he started to pull his hips back, pulling his cock out of her. He then pushed his hips back towards Alex and pushed his cock all the way in her again. He started to pick up the pace a little over time, slapping his balls against Alex’s rear as she was fed both pancakes and his cock.

Alex took bites out of the pancake and purred. “What did you put in these? They’re so good…” 

Slamming his hips against her ass and staying there for a second, he whispered in her ear, “It’s a secret recipe.” 

Alex rolled her eyes and smiled over her shoulder at him. Cryx continued his thrusting, his warm breath blowing at her hair and the fur at her cheek. 

‘Plap, plap, plap.’


Art by F-R95 

Cryx belongs to ZenryuDoC 



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