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“Shots, shots, shots, shots!” Chanting echoed throughout the dorm halls as people danced and rocked to the loud mainstream electro-pop music being blasted through the speakers in the common area. Finals were over, finally. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors were partying like there was no tomorrow. For the seniors, the stress of exams was gone forever, and for the rest, the stress was gone for a few months before they’d be back to studying again for the next semester, but that was enough reason for everyone to celebrate. There was no reason for them to wake up early the next day, so it was time to stay up all night drinking and dancing instead of studying.

Parties like these weren’t usually allowed within the dorms, but the faculty and staff always turned a blind eye after finals, they thought the students deserved to hit it hard every now and then, so the party blasted music and the students piled into the different parties that were happening in the different dorm blocks.

Alex did not partake in the taking of shots that the loudest group of people were doing, she felt that it was way too early to be downing shot after shot of hard liquor. She stood against the kitchen counter with a cold beer in hand and watched the self-proclaimed “pros” stand around the kitchen island and down their shots.

She was still having a good time, the beer was good; imported from Belgium, she was just waiting for a friend to arrive from the other dorm block to hers. She brought the chilled glass bottle to her lips and took sip after sip as she watched the people surrounding the kitchen island slowly lose their fine motor skills and agility. One of the guys, a feminine zebra, started to sway from side to side as if he was losing his balance.

“Hey!” Alex shouted over at the kitchen island, trying to get the attention of anyone there that was still aware enough to turn their head.

“Hey! I think he’s about to-.” None of them turned around.

Alex rolled her eyes, set her beer down on the countertop to her left and walked over to put her hands on the zebra's shoulders. She put her hands on them gently as to not startle the intoxicated equine, once her hands were on those shoulders, she gently turned him around to face her.

“Ash,” Alex raised a brow at her, giving her a look of genuine concern. “I think you’ve had enough for tonight. You’re about to fall.”

The rather feminine male zebra, Ashley, her roommate, let out a series of chuckles, slamming her hand into her knee as she cackled. “Allleeeeeex! You caaaame!” He slurred his words and slowly but firmly reached his arms up and hooked them over Alex’s shoulders to pull her into a hug.

Alex almost tripped over her own feet and stumbled forward into the zebra’s hug. She furrowed her brow, but then let out a soft chuckle and smiled.

“I missed you, I am glad you came…” The zebra’s voice muffled as he buried his snout into Alex’s neck.

Alex chuckled some more, “Of course I came, I’m your roommate, we live in this building… We came to the party together, remember?”

Ashley pulled away from the hug, but still left his arms looped over Alex. “Haha, yesssss, you are my roommate…” He hiccupped and burped right in Alex’s face.

Alex squinted her eyes shut and turned her face away as Ashley burped, but she then turned back to face him and opened her eyes to roll them at him.

“Sor-ry,” Ashley apologized, hiccupping some more before and after his words. He started to sway some more, even with the support from his arms being looped around Alex.

Alex shook her head at the zebra and squeezed his shoulders affectionately. “It’s fine, but you’ve had too much to drink, you should take a break.” She put on a concerned look, tilting her head to the side just slightly and smiling.

Ashley wasn’t only Alex’s roommate, he was also her best friend, so she had to look out for him, especially when he drank or smoked too much.

“Nooooooo, the party has just started!” Ashley whined, twisting and turning a little to try and shake Alex’s hands off him. “I wanna have more driiiiinks!” Ashley managed to twist and turn enough for Alex to lose her grip on his shoulders and turned back to face the others that were surrounding the kitchen island and drinking their insides away. “More shots!” Ashley shouted to the group.

Alex rolled her eyes again and stood behind Ashley as he downed another shot. She waited for him to set his shot glass down before she grabbed his hand, yanked him over towards her, and lead him out of the kitchen and towards their dorm room.

“Heeeey! What the hell are you doing!?” Ashley whined and complained as he stumbled after Alex. Alex unlocked the door to their dorm, pulled Ashley inside with her and closed the door behind them.

She let go of his hand after dropping Ashley on the couch in the living room. “You need to rest, eat something, drink water, I don’t want you passing out in the hall and choking on your own vomit.” Alex put her hands at her hips, completing the look of a concerned and fun-killing mother.

Ashley jerked his hand away the moment Alex’s grip on it loosened. “I was having fun out there! Why do you have to be such a dick about it?” Ashley threw his hands up in the air, huffed, and puffed angrily at her. Although he did it in such a way that it was difficult to take seriously, being drunk and wobbly would do that to you.

Alex chuckled and calmly stepped towards Ashley, sitting down beside him, and pulling him into a hug. “Shut up, drink some water, and eat something, then if you want, you can back out there… but I’m going to be out there, and if you’re still this shitfaced and are trying to do more shots, I will drag you back in here.”

Ashley groaned and Alex pressed her snoot into his cheek for a small smooch.

“I’m only a dick about it because it’s the only way you listen when you’re drunk.” Alex tightened the hug a little and remained in the hug for a few more seconds before she let go.

“Is that a gay joke?” Ashley asked with only the slightest tinge of annoyance in his tone. 

“Yes.” Alex barely stopped herself from snorting, grabbing a blanket that was draped over the armrest and draping it over Ashley.

“I hate you,” Ashley grumbled, crossed his arms over his chest and pulled the blanket tighter around himself.

“Sure, you do, I’m stopping you from drinking yourself into a coma,” she chuckled. “A perfectly valid reason to hate me.”

Ashley rolled his eyes at Alex, causing Alex to chuckle more.

“Alright, enough with the sass, drink some water and go to sleep. I’ll be outside if you need anything, okay? Like, just text me.” Alex smiled at Ashley as she stepped back towards the door.

Ashley shrugged his shoulders and nodded. “Yeah, yeah, sure.” He rubbed his eyes a bit.

Alex turned around to grab the door and swung it open, but right before she left, Ashley called her name.


Alex stopped halfway out the door, with the music from outside leaking in through the partially opened door. “Hm?” Her ears perked up and she turned around.

“Thanks... For caring so much about me.” Ashley said with a smile.

Alex smiled back, leaning on the door and the doorframe, “Love you too. Now there’s bottled water in the fridge, drink from that, so it’s easier.”

Ashley nodded.

Alex paused for a bit, but then slowly closed the door. The loud music slowly muffling as the door closed more and more, almost going away completely when the door was closed all the way.

After closing the door, Alex stood out in front of it in the hallway for a few more seconds. She sighed, pulling her phone out from her bra under her red sweater and checking to see if she had any texts from her friend she was supposed to meet.

The clock on her phone said it was just a few minutes past nine. Moving her eyes down a little to the notification area, she saw a bubble from her messaging app.

New Text Message

Matthew: I’m here, where are you?’

Alex smiled at the sight of the text message and wasted no time to unlock her phone and reply.

Alex: Hey! I’m in front of my room, just had to walk my roommate back, I’m coming down now.

Alex smiled at her phone and watched as the three dots popped up at the bottom of the screen to indicate that Matthew was typing.

Her phone buzzed not long after that.

Matthew: Okay! I’m in the kitchen watching these guys down shots.

Smiling, she put her phone back in her bra and made her way back to the common area.

Matthew was a guy Alex knew from some of her classes, they only had a few classes together, being in different majors and faculties and whatnot, but they became close friends as they hung out outside of those class hours that they shared.

Alex was a journalism student, while Matthew was a music student, they were in very different majors, but some media creation classes overlapped.

Matthew was a wolf, handsome, smooth, and tall. He also hailed all the way from the United Kingdom, so his accent was also very, very nice to listen to. Alex had a thing for accents, especially English/British ones, she always had a thing or two for them in particular.

To say that Alex really liked him would be a gross understatement.

As she made her way down the three flights of stairs and back down into the common areas where the building’s party was at, she peeked around to see if she could spot the wolf she had been expecting to show up.

Alex squeezed herself past and walked around the larger groups of people that formed all over the common area, passing the couch and TV before finally getting to the kitchen area where she was earlier and where Matthew said he was.

Matthew stood with his back facing the kitchen counter and cupboards, with a cold beer in his hands and his eyes locked on the people still taking shots around the kitchen islands.

“Hey, Matthew! There you are.” Alex said with a smile as she walked up to his side, picking up her beer that she left there and leaning back so that her rear was against the counter and cupboards.

“What took you so long?” Alex asked, tilting her head to the side a little as she brought the now room temperature bottle of beer to her lips. She made a disgusted face and set the beer down.

Matthew chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, “Got a bit caught up back at my dorm, my roommate was taking a really long shower,” he chuckled.

To Alex’s left was the common area fridge, and while Matthew was talking, Alex used one hand to open the fridge and grab herself another beer. Once grabbed, she closed the fridge and popped open the bottle of beer with a bottle opener she found right by her side.

“Well, you’re here now! And I’m glad, kind of don’t have many people to hang out with now that a lot of them are shitfaced from those shots.” Alex brought the freshly opened bottle to her lips and tilted it up for a nice swig.

Matthew wore a blue button-up V-neck shirt and black pants, it was a college dorm party, so there wasn’t a reason or incentive to dress overly fancy.

He tapped his claws on the glass bottle and watched the people going crazy with the shots pour more and more rounds for one another.

“Yeah, they really are going crazy with that,” Matthew chuckled, taking his gaze off the folk around the island for a moment and bringing his gaze to Alex.

Alex’s eyes were glued to them for a bit longer, but then they pulled away to meet with the wolf’s and she smiled.

“So, where’s your roommate?” Matthew asked.

Alex gestured her hand upwards. “Oh, he had too much to drink, so I walked him back to the room. Didn’t want to peel him off the floor or find him in the hall in the morning,” she sighed.

“Oh right, right. Yeah, that would suck, good thing he had you to stop him though, before he passed out or something,” Matthew nodded, bringing his beer to his lips and taking a quick swig.

“I know he’d do the same for me, and I really don’t want to have to find a new roommate next semester, he’s a really good roommate,” Alex added and nodded a bit to herself.

Her long feline tail swished left to right at her side, the tip of her tail sweeping across the floor and picking up the dust bunnies that hadn’t been cleaned. The swishing of her tail caused her short skirt to flip and flap about.

Matthew’s eyes were still glued to Alex’s face and her own eyes whenever she wasn’t looking away. The music major had a thing for the feline, a thing that Alex didn’t know about. One of the many contributing factors to why he ditched the party in his own dorm complex to come and attend hers.

The music that was playing on the stereo system cycled around for a bit and it seemed to get louder and louder with each song that was played. They both stood there leaned against the kitchen counter and drinking their beers. Occasionally rocking their heads, singing, or lip-syncing to songs that they knew or liked.

After a few moments in relative silence, Alex spoke up, “So! How were your exams? Think you passed all your courses?” She leaned forward a bit, turned her head to face him and smiled toothily.

Matthew’s ears perked up and flickered when they picked up Alex’s voice out of the loudness of the other party sounds. His tail flickered once or twice before it started to gently wave behind him.

“I sure hope I passed them, I think I did, but you never know,” the wolf chuckled. “What about you? Think you passed all your courses?”

Alex let out a sigh of what seemed like relief mixed in with a pinch of frustration. “I think I passed them. There’s one course that I really hope I don’t fail because the professor is hella creepy, but I think I did what I was required to, so I should pass if there’s no funny business going on,” she let out a soft laugh. “I sure hope there’s no funny business,” she added before taking a quick swig of her beer and letting out a refreshed sigh as she pulled the bottle from her lips.

The wolf nodded to Alex’s words. “Yeah, the only creepy dude you’re allowed to be around is me,” he joked.

Alex raised a brow at him. “You’re not creepy at all, and that’s without comparing you to him, compared to him, you’re like, Keanu Reeves,” she laughed, bringing a hand up to scratch at her own chin and leaving it there as she stared into his face and eyes.

Matthew’s ears perked up again and his tail began to wave behind him faster. “Keanu Reeves, huh?” He smiled wide. “I’ll be your John Wick and scare away all the creepy professors.”

Alex laughed, “Now that would be awesome… Creepy professors are the worst.”

Matthew nodded again, “Agreed. At least exams are over though, and we’re done with those classes for good if we pass.”

“Cheers to passing, then,” Alex raised her beer bottle in Matthew’s direction.

Matthew raised his up and gently knocked it against Alex’s.


The two of them continued to watch the people doing shots, while sipping on their beers, with Alex’s tail waving around along the floor and Matthew’s wagging about behind him. They shared a couple of laughs and talked about classes, movies, and even music. They also had a few more beers each and some fries as they continued their kitchen conversations.

After a while, they ran out of things to talk about and returned to watching the people doing shots stumble around and struggle to maintain their balance. One by one, they started to head off to take a break from the shots, but new people kept coming to replace the ones that left.

Finishing what was her fourth beer, Alex set her empty bottle aside and stretched her arms out a little. Matthew watched her and took his last few sips before setting his bottle aside too. When Alex was done stretching, her hands came back down to rest on the kitchen counter. Her hand landed on top of Matthew’s, which was already resting there.

As their fingers touched, Matthew jumped a little and Alex did too. Alex quickly jerked her hand away, “Sorry,”

Matthew shook his head. “It’s fine, you just startled me a bit, haha. Your hand is cold from the beer.”

“Sorry,” Alex shook her head and put her palm to her cheek to feel how cold her hand was. “You’re right, my hand is very cold.”

Matthew bit his lower lip a little bit and scooted his hand closer to Alex without letting Alex notice. “Well, you know, it didn’t feel bad, I was just startled. If you want, you can hold my hand to warm yours.”

Alex smiled at Matthew, “That’s the cheesiest thing I’ve heard today.” She laughed and slowly reached her hand out and crawled around on her fingers until she found his hand.

Matthew turned his hand over so that his palm faced up, his fingers and claws relaxed and a smile spread across his face. When Alex’s hand found its way to his, he wiggled his fingers in between hers and held her hand firmly but comfortably.

The wolf’s hand was soft and warm since it wasn’t the one he was using to hold his beer. A soft churr left Alex’s throat and her tail swished from left to right at a slightly increased pace.

Matthew looked away for a bit and Alex did the same, after a while they both made eye contact. They held eye contact for a while, with neither of them saying anything.

After a hot minute, Alex spoke up, “So, wanna get out of here?”

Matthew was caught by surprise and froze for a bit, his blue eyes locked with Alex’s as his tail went from its waving to full-on wagging now.

“The music is too loud, it’s a bit hard to talk through all of it.” Alex tilted her head at him, awaiting his answer.

He nodded quickly, “Yeah, yeah.”

Alex squeezed his hand and pushed herself away from the countertop, Matthew followed right after. Alex led him through the party, passed the couch and TV and then towards the hallway where the dorm rooms were, and the stairs that lead upstairs to even more dorm rooms.

Turning the corner, Alex pulled Matthew over to stand with her by the cornered wall. Now they were out of sight and a little away from the loud party music. Alex gently shoved Matthew against the wall, still holding his hand and looking up at him.

Tail wagging, tail waving, cute shy smiles and blushes, the tiger and the wolf stood in silence. Alex giggled here and there and Matthew chuckled and scratched the back of his head shyly. A lot of unspoken feelings filled the air.

The uninterrupted gazing into each other’s eyes went on for a fair bit. Alex enjoyed his blue eyes, and Matthew enjoyed her emeralds.

With the two shyly smiling at each other, one of them had to break the silence. This time, it was Matthew.

“So, we still haven’t technically got out of here yet… We’re still in the party zone..” He chuckled, squeezing Alex’s hand.

Alex snickered and squeezed his hand back, “Well, we could go to several quieter places… But I know one that has a couch and a bed..” She giggled. “We can continue our conversation there if you want to.”

“And where is this quiet place you’re talking about?” Matthew raised a brow, a small but cheeky grin forming across his face.

“Up a few floors, the third door to the left.” Alex cooed as she gave him the directions to her dorm room.

Matthew blinked for a bit and blushed a bright red when he realized what sort of quiet place she was talking about. “You mean-,” he was cut short.

“Yes, my dorm room,” Alex purred, “You don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to, I just want you to come.”

Matthew was unsure of what to say or do and he sort of just froze for a moment there, his eyes open and staring at Alex’s as if he had gotten lost in her gaze.

Alex bounced up and down slightly on her feet, causing the hem of her skirt to jump up and down with her. “You just have to answer yes or no,” she whispered as she bounced up and down.

“Y-Yes,” Matthew replied, “I’d like that very much.”

Smiling up at Matthew, Alex tightened her grip on his hand and pulled him along with her. She excitedly pulled him along up the stairs and when they got to her floor, she turned to face him for a quick look and wink and continued to lead him off to her dorm room.

Matthew followed her along, staying just a few steps behind the tigress on the stairs. His eyes watched her tail as it swayed and her skirt as it bounced up and down to reveal some parts of her rear as she climbed up the stairs. Her butt jiggled and bounced with each step as they climbed it in a slight rush, well, faster than usual at least.

At the top of the stairs, Alex slowed down to let Matthew catch up with her and walk alongside her. They strolled along until they reached the door to Alex’s shared dorm. Alex grabbed her keycard and placed it on the door. The door made a small beep sound as the lock disengaged. She turned her head to Matthew once more and then pushed down on the door handle and pushed the door open to let herself and Matthew inside.

Alex’s dorm was quite large, as were most of the shared ones in the building. Since she was with a male roommate, they had two separate bedrooms, one shared bathroom, a shared living room, and kitchen. The door opened up into the living room area where Alex had left her roommate with a blanket on the couch.

The two entered the dorm and Alex closed the door behind them. She brought a finger to her lips and looked at Matthew. Matthew nodded and made sure to keep as quiet as possible as Alex’s roommate Ashley was sound asleep on the couch with about three bottles of water scattered around the couch and on the adjacent coffee table. He looked peaceful, his stomach and chest rising and falling with his breath. Hopefully, he wasn’t going to wake up with a killer hangover.

Alex still held Matthew’s hand in hers, so she gently pulled on it and gestured towards a dark hallway. Once through the dark hallway, they reached a door and Alex opened it up. Once the door was open, Alex let go of his hand and gestured him inside. 

Matthew stepped inside first this time and Alex stepped in after, closing the door behind her.

Click.’ The door was locked behind them to ensure they weren’t disturbed.

Alex turned around from the door to face Matthew, who was looking around Alex’s dorm room. He looked at her bed, her desk and her dresser. It was very lightly decorated with video game posters and some pictures she took with her family and friends. Her bed wasn’t anything special, it was big enough for her and maybe even another person. The sheets were standard white, not patterned or decorated, it was laundry day earlier in the day, so she had her usual colored sheets washed.

Watching him as he looked around the room, Alex smiled, “So, yeah, this is as quiet as it gets tonight,” she chuckled.

Matthew’s ears flickered and perked up and he turned around to face Alex. “Hm? Oh yeah, it’s nice and quiet here.” He said with a shrug of his shoulders as he slid his hands into his pants pockets.

Alex stepped towards him slowly, one foot in front of the other as if she was on a tightrope. Matthew watched her and stood in his place as the feline got closer and closer.

With very little hesitation, Alex pressed herself up against Matthew and put her hands on his chest.

“What are your plans for the summer?” She asked, tilting her head to the side and watching the expression on his face.

Matthew’s face turned bright red in reaction to the proximity of the tigress. Her chest was pressed lightly up against him, her tail brushed up against his leg, her hands on his toned chest and broad shoulders, she was getting a little handsy.

“Well,” Matthew paused to take in a deep breath. “Probably going to go home to see my parents, friends back there, stuff like that,”

Alex nodded to his words, listening closely, attention fully on him. Or that’s what it looked like to Matthew at least. With how close she was standing to him; he couldn’t see her hands or what they were getting up to.

“But before that, I’ll probably see what there is to see around here first, home isn’t go-ing any-.” His eyes widened and his words came to an abrupt end as he felt Alex’s hands slide down his chest to his crotch where she gently cupped at his bulge.

Alex’s eyes were still locked to his, smiling wide.

“Home isn’t going anywhere,” he cleared his throat after he managed to finish his sentence. “And what about you? What are your plans for the summer, Alex?”

Alex purred her words, “Well, I’m heading home to let my parents know I’m still alive, then I don’t really know…” She paused for a bit before continuing, “I kind of want to visit Knottville.” She bit her lower lip and raised her left brow up at the wolf rather suggestively, but still keeping her words relatively innocent.

Matthew almost gulped audibly when he heard her, “O-Oh really?” He chuckled breathily, “What’s in Knottville that you want to see?”

“Oh, you know… Stuff…” Alex grinned wide. Her hands gently cupped around his crotch area, feeling his pants and the warmth that radiated from it.

Matthew squinted his eyes shut as Alex groped and fondled him through his pants. He paused his breathing for a few seconds and his face turned a bright traffic light red.

“Matthew? Are you alright?” Alex asked, a concerned look on her face and her hands stopping their movements.

Matthew nodded rapidly, “I’m a virgin…” He blurted out.

Suddenly everything went quiet for Matthew, even the dull thud of the music from the party downstairs was gone. He slowly opened his eyes up to see Alex still up against him, smiling.

“Sorry, that was weird,” he turned away from her, disguising it as glancing around her room.

Alex furrowed her brow and brought both of her hands up to cup Matthew’s cheeks. “That’s not something you need to apologize for, Matthew.” She chuckled, “It’s a good thing. Hey, hey, look at me.” She guided his eyes back to hers with those hands at his soft cheeks.

“It is?”

“It is!” Alex reassured him, “It’s cute and very flattering, that you’re willing to let me be your first.” Alex purred even louder.

“I-I don’t know how to really do it… All I know is from porn,” he rubbed the back of his head with his hand shyly.

“Shhh,” Alex brought one of her fingers to his lips. “I’ll guide you; it’ll be fine.”

Matthew nodded, his tail resuming its wagging that it had been doing earlier.

“Now, I’m going to tell you what we’re going to do, alright?” Alex smiled wide.

“I want you to kiss me.”

Matthew nodded again, and he tilted his head to the side slightly and pressed his face forward towards Alex’s. His mouth opened slightly as it came to press against Alex’s. Alex’s overbite sabers pressed against Matthew and added a bit of cool to the kiss.

The wolf closed his eyes and the tigress closed hers.

Alex let the hands cupping his cheeks fall down to loop around the back of his neck and overtop his shoulders. Her hands holding the back of his head and keeping him in the kiss. She pushed in some tongue, and Matthew did the same.

Slowly, Matthew lifted his hands up and out from his pockets, he moved them forward a bit and slid them over Alex’s thighs. His right hand hiked up all the way to Alex’s waist to hold her there, while the other hiked up the side of her thigh and stopped just over her short skirt. His fingers grabbed at her soft and plush rear and hooked in under the hem of her skirt.

He gave her a soft yet firm squeeze with both his hands.

Alex grinned through the kiss, pulling away from the kiss for just a second to speak, “Now that wasn’t from porn, was it?” Her eyes still closed; her ears flickered to Matthew’s response.

“Nope,” Matthew replied.

Alex pressed back into the kiss some more.


Art is by Jailbird 

Matthew (wolf) is owned by Matthew_Woordward 

Ashley (zebra roommate) is owned by AshleyOnce 

