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Alex let out a heavy sigh as she slung her towel over her shoulder and walked over towards the locker rooms. The tiger was covered in sweat that dampened her fur and the clothing she was wearing (as little as it was). Working out was definitely not Alex’s favorite activity, but it had to be done to keep healthy, in shape, and to keep all those eyes on you when you walked down the street. 

Sports bra and absolutely nothing else was her attire of choice for the gym, which on its own, did attract a lot of unwanted attention for the tigress, but it was how she lived. If being from the bottomless district taught Alex anything, it was how to ignore people who stared at you or at least ignore the ones who were staring at you in a creepy way. 

With all those unwanted eyes, came one pair of eyes that were wanted, her trainer’s eyes, Ty. 

Ty was a tall saber-toothed tiger with dark fur, light stripes, and tantalizingly gorgeous eyes. Alex couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. Had she known that getting a personal trainer meant she would also get eye-candy, she would have sought out one long before she knew how to properly run on a treadmill. 

Unbeknownst to Alex, the feeling was somewhat mutual, with the personal trainer unable to keep his eyes off of her. Mainly because she was his client, but also due to the fact that she did not wear bottoms to any of their sessions. 

Ty was right behind Alex, following her as she made her way towards the hallway that led to the mixed locker rooms. 

“Hey, Alex,” Ty said as he jogged a little to catch up with her. 

“Great work today with your squats, you’re really building your muscles up.” He almost purred his words as his lips pursed up into a smile. 

Alex pulled at the towel over her shoulder and buried her face into it, causing her voice to get muffled up slightly. “Thanks,” she paused and pressed her face into the towel more to get some of the sweat absorbed. She pulled away after a few presses and turned to Ty to smile. 

“My legs kinda hurt from the treadmill endurance run you made me do,” she looked down at her feet for a few seconds, then looked back at her trainer. “Are they supposed to be this achy?” She raised a brow. 

Ty nodded as they walked out of the main gym area and into the hallway that led to the lockers. “Yeah, I might have pushed you a little too hard there, I’ll get you an icepack if you want? I should have one still cold in my locker.”

“Please, that would be great…” She replied, exhausted, but she wasn’t limping. 

“It’ll probably ache a little worse tomorrow, but it should go away in a few days, your body isn’t used to running for that long, that fast,” Ty chuckled. 

“Yeah, no shit... I don’t run anywhere… Walking gets me where I need to be too, slower, but not…” She grunted a little as she felt a soft pain as she took her steps. “Painful.”

Taking a left turn and pushing open a double door, Alex and Ty arrived in the locker room. Both of them went straight for their respective lockers, which coincidentally were right next to each other. 

They spun their combination locks, opened up their metal doors, and pulled out their bags. Alex dropped her bag on the floor and kicked the unzipped flap open. Ty was neater and tidier about it, opening his bag in the locker and leaving it open in the locker for easier access and less clutter. 

Ty dug around in his bag for the icepack he told Alex about and when he found them, he partially shut his locker and handed the icepack to Alex. 

Alex pulled her sports bra off and tossed it into her bag before turning around to take the icepack that was handed to her. 

“Thanks,” she smiled and took a seat down on the bench that was right in front of their lockers. 

Ty blinked a few times and turned to his locker to grab his water bottle. Unsure of what he just saw, he turned around from his locker and faced the now seated tigress. 

She was completely nude, no shirt, pants, or underwear. Nothing. She hadn’t taken off her top with him right beside her before. This was new. 

“So uh, you’re a topless tiger too now?” He leaned back against the lockers, his hands fiddling with his water bottle trying to take the cap off. He tried twisting it and it wouldn’t come off. He quickly glanced down at the bottle and saw that it was those pull type bottles and proceeded to pull the cap up and brought the bottle to his lips to get himself rehydrated. 

Alex pressed the icepack against her calves, closing her eyes and letting out soft sighs as she sat there, recovering from that god damn endurance run. Her eyes opened back up when Ty spoke to her. 

“Oh,” Alex looked down at herself. “Yeah, shit, sorry. I can put it back on if you want. Got carried away and just wanted to sit down and rest my legs a bit.” She chuckled, a small red flush appearing at her cheeks as she smiled up at him.

“Ty shook his head, “Oh no, no, no. I don’t mind at all. Here, let me join you,” he said as he pushed himself from the lockers he was leaned on and grabbed the hem of his shirt with both of his hands. In one swift move, he pulled his shirt off and set it on the floor. 

Alex’s eyes went from maintaining eye contact to ogling his torso in record time. He was beefy to say the very least. His shoulders were broad, his arms were sturdy, and his chest looked like something she would really enjoy rubbing her face against. 

After taking off his shirt and causing Alex’s eyes to fall, Ty took a seat on the bench right beside Alex. He quickly went to grab the icepack he had given her and moved it to her knees. “Here, let me help.” 

Alex’s eyes barely had any time to adjust and follow Ty as he moved to sit with her, but when they returned to him, she made sure to keep eye contact with his eyes and not his pecs. “Thanks,” she purred, relaxing a bit more and stretching her legs outward as Ty lifted and pressed the icepack onto different parts of her legs. 

Alex began to purr. 

“Lie down, and put your legs over my lap,” said Ty, patting his lap with a free hand, his tail flickering behind him as he watched the other feline’s chest rise and fall with her breathing. 

Alex nodded and did exactly what he suggested. She laid down, head and on the bench and stretched her legs out over Ty’s lap. She let out a soft grunt, but then let out a nice relaxed sigh once she was all settled in. “Oh yeah... That’s nice.” 

Ty snickered, and pressed the icepack into her legs some more, switching between the two every ten seconds or so. 

He did this for about ten minutes, which was when Alex pushed herself to sit back up on the bench. 

Sitting back up, she stretched her arms out and sighed. 

“Feeling better?” Ty asked with a brow raised. 

“Fuck. Yes.” Alex replied, still stretching her arms out in front of her. “Thank you, my legs don’t really hurt anymore...” She cooed. 

“They’ll hurt more tomorrow,” Ty reassured her, chuckling. 

“Shut up.” 

Ty then began poking and prodding Alex’s legs and feet, which prompted Alex to squint at him and pull her legs off his lap. 

She sighed, tired, and he sighed, tired. They sat there on the bench in silence for maybe two full minutes. Ty’s tail swayed behind him, while Alex’s stayed mostly still, but flickered at the tip.

“I thought you said you’d ‘join me’?” Alex brought up, breaking the silence.


Ty chuckled and raised a brow at Alex again. “I said I would join you in being a topless cat.”

“Mhmm, but that’s not fair, if you’re going to join me, you gotta go all in… Or in this case, all off,” Alex murmured, waggling her eyebrows at Ty in the most suggestive manner possible. 

Ty chuckled even more at the sight of the tigress’ waggling eyebrows, “Alright, alright, fine,” he shrugged his shoulders and hopped to his feet from the bench and slid his gym shorts off. Sliding his shorts off revealed his jockstrap. His jockstrap was white, clean (although with a smidge of sweat here and there), and extremely bulgy. 

Ty turned around to face Alex, with his big bulgy jockstrap now facing Alex too. His hands went to his hips, and he tilted his head to the side slightly, watching Alex as she watched him. 

And watch him she did. Her eyes widened slightly, and her nose wiggled. Her personal trainer’s big bulge had her attention, and the smell of his sweat had her nose. Alex’s cheeks flushed a soft red. 

Ty stepped closer to Alex, bringing his bulge just that much closer to Alex and her wiggling nose. He grinned down at Alex, his big long saber teeth making his grin just the perfect amount of mischievous. 

“Someone’s enjoying themselves,” he said with a soft chuckle. 

Alex managed to take her gaze away from his bulge; however, her nose still wiggled a bit as it took in his musk as he brought the source closer and closer. 

“Mhmm, still not fair though, you’ve got one more thing to take off,” Alex cooed, giving him her own mischievous grin, accompanied by her own saber teeth. 

Ty laughed, “Haha. True.” But he did not make any move to remove his jockstrap, instead, he just stared into Alex’s eyes with that same tantalizing grin on his face. 

After his laugh faded, he raised his brow at Alex as if to suggest something. 

“You’re going to make me take them off?” Alex rolled her eyes at Ty from below and brought her hands up to Ty’s waist. Her fingers touched his sides and danced along his sides gently as she waited to hear or see a reply from him. 

Ty nodded slowly, his grin growing wider. “Go ahead.” 

With his confirmation, Alex dug her fingers and claws into him, slipping them under his jockstrap’s waistband, and curling them to grip them and then pull them down. 

Alex looked up at Ty for a moment, keeping eye contact for that short bit, but then let her eyes dart down to his jockstrap that she was removing. She wanted to see his dick jump out at her. The bulge was too big, his jockstrap must have been super strong to keep such a beast at bay when they were working out. Her nose continued to wiggle, and her hands pulled his jockstrap down further. The fabric that covered his crotch began to slide down, revealing his pubic tuft and then the base of his shaft. 

His shaft was dark, smooth, and veiny. Alex’s green eyes followed the waistband of the jockstrap as it slipped down to reveal more of his shaft. She pulled his jockstrap down until it got stuck on his tip. She stopped pulling and watched his cock pulse and wobble against the jockstrap that was only barely holding it down against his thighs. 

Alex giggled, “He seems excited to get out of there,” she looked up at Ty, smiling almost goofily. 

“Well, he’s been in there all day, and seeing you without your pants on and now without your top is probably pushing him over the edge a little bit,” Ty beamed. 

Alex purred, her tail curling around itself and her smile growing as wide as possible. She then resumed pulling down his jockstrap, pulling the fabric over his tip, and setting his cock free. 

Ty’s cock slung upward, bouncing up to slap against his toned stomach and then flopping back down. It bounced up and down slightly now that it was free from the restrictive jockstrap. 

Alex’s nose picked up on Ty’s scent even more now; a bit of masculine musk, sweat, and arousal. All of this was getting Alex excited, and her tail curling around itself and flickering about was a clear indicator of that. Oh, and her wetness, too. 

Ty was still grinning wide, eyes locked on watching the stripy girl below him admire his junk. His nose was able to pick up Alex’s scent too; a nice mix of feminine musk, sweat, and arousal, just the way Ty liked it. 

Alex let go of the jockstrap completely and let it drop to the floor. She then brought her hands up to Ty’s junk, her left hand going to firmly but gently grope his balls, and her right hand going to lift up his semi-erect shaft. She involuntarily licked her lips and scooted herself closer to Ty, leaving her rear sat right on the edge of the bench. 

She then began to stroke her hand up and down, while the other cupped his balls, rolling them in her hands. Ty bit down on his lower lip through his grin and let out small little huffs of air as Alex toyed with his cock with the goal of getting him fully hard. 

As her hand slid up his shaft, it went over the tip of his cock. His cock was uncut, which meant he had a bit of a turtleneck around his lighter colored tip. Spotting this, Alex grinned wide and rolled her thumb over his tip, tugging gently on his foreskin to pull it back a little before nudging it back up, then repeating. 

His turtleneck pulled back to reveal more of his tip as he got harder. Alex helped him get a lot harder, a lot faster with her fingers fondling his balls and stroking the tip of his cock. 

His foreskin made soft wet sounds as it rolled back, and to Alex, it was almost like music to her ears. Eager to get a little taste of what he had to offer; Alex leaned her head forward a little to press her nose up against his shaft. She then let her tongue slip free from her mouth and dragged it up along his length, all the way to the tip. Her wet and rough tongue spun circles around his tip before she pulled away and pressed her nose down in his balls, right on his tuft of fur. 

She took in a deep breath through her nose and let out a heavy and satisfied sigh. She needed to take in his scent from the source, and now that she had, she was satisfied, for now. 

Ty snickered when he watched Alex do her thing, letting out a curious “hm” when he noticed Alex go for his balls. He nodded, making a mental note of this new thing he learned about his client. He let out another chuckle when he spotted the fur along Alex’s shoulder and back standing up as she took in his musk. 

The sight of such a pretty tigress huffing his musk was enough to get him rock hard, his cock pulsing along with his increasing heart rate and bouncing up and down right above Alex’s head and ears. 

Pulling herself away from his balls took a lot, she wanted more, she needed more, but she had to stop, for now, otherwise, she would never be able to get herself away. When she managed to, she let out another sigh and looked up at Ty, smiling goofily with her slightly messy face fluff. 

“Heh,” she chuckled, bringing her hands from his cock and balls to her face to brush up her fur and then sniffing her fingers. 

With his cock rock hard, Ty let out his own satisfied sigh and stepped around the bench to stand at the far end of it, hands at his hips and his eyes on Alex as his cock bounced slightly as his heart pulsed. 

“Lie down, legs this way,” Ty pointed towards himself with a smile. 

Alex quickly swung her legs over and onto the bench, laid herself down and used her elbows as support. She grinned at Ty; her eyes darted from his cock to his face. 

“Let’s do one more exercise before we clean up,” Ty chuckled, bringing his hand down to the base of his cock and gripping around it firmly to help stop it from wiggling too much from his excitement. He was still grinning, almost ear-to-ear. 

Alex raised a brow at the sabertooth, nodding slowly. “Oh yeah? And what’s this exercise called?” She asked. 

“Oh, this one’s called, endurance rutting…” 

“Oh, that sounds like fun,” Alex cooed and laid down flat on the bench. She gave Ty a good view of her entire nude body, her chest, stomach, and her wet pussy. Alex put her hands on her chest and ran them up and down her figure, feeling herself up as Ty’s eyes did the same.


Alex bit on her lower lip and wiggled her toes as she stretched her legs out. 

Ty waved his cock around, and took a few steps closer to Alex. He held his cock and was just about to line himself up with Alex and get on top of her. He leaned forward, with his cock aimed at Alex’s wet pussy, but was stopped, right before he went further. 

Alex lifted her paws up, and pressed her soft pads against his dick, stopping him just as he was going to press on and stick it in her. 

Ty’s eyes widened in surprise, he looked down at his dick and blinked. 

Alex bit her lower lip, pressing and spreading her toes over his cock tip, and the other at the base of his length. She wiggled her toes and then spoke. “Not so fast, Ty…” She murmured, still running her hands up and down her body. “No sex on the first date,” she teased. 

Ty snorted and brought his right hand to hold onto Alex’s left knee. “So, what did you have in mind, then?” His brow raised again. 

“I think you know what I have in mind,” she said as her purrs rumbled out of her chest and echoed in the empty locker room. Alex continued to curl and smoosh her toes against his tip, she then slowly dragged her other paw along his shaft. 

The personal trainer huffed and nodded. “I can work with that…” He nodded, moving his hand on Alex’s knee along as she moved her leg. He then started to pull and push her leg at his own pace. 

“Hhhuff,” he made his noises as Alex’s soft paw pads slid along his cock and cupped his cock tip, rubbing on it. 

Alex let her hands slide down her form, with her right hand sticking around down below and spreading her lips apart, feeling her wetness, and then prodding a finger in and out of her folds. 

‘Shlck, shlck, shlck.’ The wet sounds of Alex’s fingering filled the room, alongside the sounds of her paws giving Ty a pawjob. 

Alex closed her eyes and moaned.

Ty had his eyes open but was also moaning. 

“I’m gonna….” Ty huffed. 

“Hhhuff….” He huffed again.

“Hnnaah…” Alex moaned, “G-.. Go ahead, let it all out… Cum all over me.”

Ty’s mouth hung open and hot air left his lips. His hand at Alex’s knee gripped tight and he pulled her paw down along his cock, giving himself one last stroke with her paw. His balls tightened and shifted slightly upward against his form. His dick pulsed and he tensed up. 

Alex’s toes gripped his cock tip and held there right as Ty tensed up. The slit at his tip was settled right between Alex’s toes, allowing for the free flow of his jizz when it came out. 

And then he unloaded on her.

White and hot “toof cat” batter shot from his cock in ropes. 

Alex’s mouth was open and her tongue was out, just in time to get his ropes all over her mouth and face.

Ty huffed. 

Alex moaned. 

They were going to need a nice cold shower after, that was for sure.

WS Story 


Art by Jailbird 

Ty belongs to TygerDeNoir 

