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Alex smiled as she watched the tiger dancer work his way around the pole. Karnal was one of the strip club’s main acts and for good reason. Not only was he the best dancer out of all the male strippers, but he also had a rocking body and the biggest bulge in those skimpy outfits they wore. He had a bowtie, too, instantly making him the classiest of strippers. 

He was also very, very handsome. 

Alex wasn’t one to frequent establishments like these; however, Karnal was her type, and each time he was up on-stage dancing, Alex could barely contain herself. Thus, she found herself heading to the strip club every chance she got. 

Karnal enjoyed seeing Alex among the people in the crowd, not only did she tip him big bucks, but she was cute, and extremely enthusiastic and clearly into him. He liked that about her. It was only natural for tigers to be attracted to tigers, biology and something about making sure the species survives and whatnot. 

Today was the day that Alex was going to give the tiger his biggest tip yet. She withdrew a large amount of money from her bank account and headed straight to the strip club. She arrived later than she usually did, only an hour or so before Karnal’s shift would end and the club would shut down for the night. Just enough time to drop by, watch the last few moments of his dancing and stripping and drop by to hand him some tips. 

Karnal danced around the pole, stripped down to very little clothing that left just the color and scent of his bulge to the imagination, and when he was done, he came off the stage and walked over towards Alex, who was waving a handful of green bills up in the air, just like she always did. 

“Hey there, Alex,” said Karnal, as he stepped down the small steps that lead to and from the stage and walked towards Alex, who sat right at the very edge of the stage, as close as she possibly could. 

“You came late today,” he added.

Alex turned in her stool, chin in her hand as her elbow rested on the bar top and smiled at Karnal. Her eyes had a bit of trouble moving up from his bulge to his face, but they did settle on his blue eyes eventually. 

“I got a bit caught up at work,” she cooed. “But, I did bring you a lotttt of tips.” The tigress grinned at him, her tail waving behind her and brushing along the floor like a broom. 

Karnal, intrigued, leaned with his elbows on the bar surface and raised a brow at the big-toothed tiger. “You know you don’t have to tip me as much as you do, right? Hell, I wouldn’t mind if you didn’t tip at all. I like you watching me.” He chuckled and winked at her. 

Alex had a beer sitting in front of her on the bar, and with a swift motion, she grabbed it and brought it to her lips for a big gulping sip. “I know! But I enjoy watching you, and you give a good show, so I have to give you something.” She cooed, waving that handful of green she still had in her hands teasingly at him. 

“Alright, alright, then hand it over, silly cat,” said Karnal, rolling his eyes at her antics and reaching one of his hands out to grab at the air near that handful of cash. 

Noticing his hand grabbing at her cash, she pulled her hand away quickly and wiggled a finger in front of the tiger stripper. “Ah-ah-ah! Not just yet!” Alex grinned. “I didn’t get to see a full show today.”

“You came late,” Karnal raised a brow at her again.

“I still didn’t get a full show,” she raised a brow back at him before finishing off what remained in her pint, letting out a refreshed sigh as she brought the pint down to the bar’s wooden surface with a small thud. 

Karnal, increasingly intrigued by the tigress’ vague motivations, decided to play along. “So, what do you want me to do about it?” He asked. 

Alex let out a soft burp, covering up her mouth and turning away slightly as she did so, then turning back to face Karnal with an extremely wide and wicked grin spread across her face. “Well, I want a full show!” 

“A full show?” Karnal snickered, brow still raised at the fellow feline. He knew what Alex was after, but he wanted to hear the pretty little popstar say it. 

“Mhmm. A full show,” Alex being as stubborn as ever, kept with her vague wording, but added, “And maybe without the whole ‘No Touching’ rule.” A bright red blush highlighted her cheeks. Her eyes bounced from Karnal’s blues to his bulge and his butt, bouncing back and forth quite obviously between the trio. Out of nowhere, Alex licked her lips, making it more obvious what her motives were. 

Karnal noticed all of it and smiled. He pushed himself off the bar and turned to face Alex completely, his tail swaying behind her and flickering at the tip. “Well then, why don’t you come and join me up on stage, Alex?” 

Alex gulped audibly; she was not expecting her words to convince him. She did not hesitate to jump off her stool and trot her way after the stripper tiger towards the steps to the stage.


At the bottom of the steps, Karnal moved to the side and gestured Alex to step up on stage first, she did, taking slow and careful steps up to the stage. Once she was up there, Karnal followed and gestured her to sit down with her back up against the stripper pole, which was up on a slightly elevated platform in the center of the stage. Once the tigress was sat down, Karnal stepped right in front of her, with his tight bulging stripper underwear in her face. 

Alex gulped again. 

“Can I touch it?” She asked, just to make sure. 

Karnal, looking down at her, nodded. 

Slowly, Alex brought the hand that wasn’t holding the money to the black and tight jockstrap. She poked at it first and then moved on to lightly groping it, smiling wide and giggling just a little as she did so. His sheath was firm underneath there as far as she could tell, and enormous, which had her all excited. 

Karnal smirked as he watched her toy with his bulge. It pulsed slightly and grew in response to her touch.

After a few moments of groping his bulge, Alex looked up at Karnal, and with her nose twitching and sniffing at his crotch, said, “I want you to fuck me.”


Karnal grinned. “There we go, I was waiting for you to say that… Now turn around.”

‘Plap, plap, plap.’

Karnal pushed his hips into Alex, his balls slapping at her rear as his cock slid in and out of her cunt. His left hand was on her lower back, while his right hand held her side to keep her steady. 

Alex was face down and ass up by the stripper pole, the slightly elevated level where the pole was located helped with how she was positioned rather well. 

She moaned and panted as Karnal’s cock spread her and filled her with warm, pure pleasure, and joy. Her eyes rolled back into her skull slightly, and her tongue slipped out of her mouth for a short moment before slipping back in to aid with her speech. 

With the green dollar bills still scrunched up in her hand, and some scattered out on the stage surface underneath her, she shouted. “Earn it, big boy!” 

Karnal continued to slap his balls against her ass, giving her exactly what she wanted, a full show. 


Art by GllorVillain 

Karnal belongs to karnaltiger 



Miles (Cryx)

Mmmf...lucky guy! Excellently written as usual!