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Summer, the sunniest and warmest time of the year. It was one of the best times one could travel to the beach and that’s exactly where Alex and Jericho were headed. Alex had been bugging the silver fox about going to the beach for a while now, and now that the two of them had some time off, he was going to take her to the beach. 

The beach was about a three- or four-hour drive away for them, but the drive was well worth the escape from the busy and bustling streets of the city. Jericho had picked what he figured would be the perfect spot for them, a secluded beach that very little people knew about, very far away from the tourist traps. Jericho was sure that Alex was going to love where he was taking her. 

Getting into the car in the early hours of the morning, Jericho had his eyes on the road, while Alex’s eyes watched the road for only a few moments before she drifted off to sleep for a bit. She woke back up when they stopped to get some coffee at a drive-thru, and after she was coffee-fueled Alex stayed awake with Jericho as he drove, acting as the DJ and playing songs that they could sing along to. 

They drove along the highway for a few hours and then along smaller local roads, and the last hour was along a single lane road without any streetlights. With a confused look on her face as she stared out the car window, Alex turned down the music. “Where are we going?” she asked, her eyes watching the landscapes of mostly tall grass and palm trees pass by. 

“To the beach,” replied Jericho, who still had his eyes on the road, but took them off the road for a second or two to glance over at Alex. 

Alex rolled her eyes. “I know, but what beach! This road isn’t the same one that goes to White Sands.” She turned her head around to look at him now, Jericho’s eyes still mostly on the road, but his ears flickered and turned to the side a little, in her general direction. 

“A new one,” he smiled, looking at Alex out of the corner of his eye. “With a lot fewer people, if I’m not mistaken.” He seemed to coo his words, with his tail wagging slightly as it spilled out from behind him onto the center console. 

Alex raised a brow at him and her mouth opened up, only to close when she decided she’d trust him and not say anything about it until they got there. Her head turned back to look out the passenger’s side window again, watching as more grassy lands, palm trees, and coconut trees fly by. 

Jericho lifted his chin slightly to check the rearview mirror, the fingers of his left hand gripping the steering wheel tight, making a slight metallic noise as they did so. 

The car glided along the lonely backroad, with Jericho zigzagging around a few unrepaired potholes and cracks in the road, and came to a stop in a small and empty lot filled with sand. “We’re here,” said Jericho with a smile. He unbuckled his seatbelt, grabbed the waterproof beach bag from the back seat, opened the door on his side, and hopped out. Alex followed suit, and they both closed their doors at the same time. 

The lot was just off the side of the road they were previously driving on, there were no signs, no proper drawn out parking spaces, and no one else in sight. From the empty lot, Alex could see the clear and almost cloudless blue sky, seagulls gliding in the wind and the deep blue ocean just downhill from where they were standing. 

The sound of the wind blowing, the seagull chirping, and the waves crashing on the sands was something straight out of a movie, Alex had no idea that beaches could actually sound like that. Jericho, dressed in a tight tee, and some swim trunks, turned around to face Alex, just to appreciate the look of awe that he expected to be on her face. 

The look on Alex’s face was just that. Dressed in a dark blue bikini swimsuit, covered by an unbuttoned white blouse with sunglasses folded in the shirt pocket, her untied hair blew in the wind and her eyes were just staring at the beauty that was the beach. Her mouth slightly agape, making her look slightly goofy with that big overbite of hers. 

Jericho couldn’t help but crack a smile, he waved at Alex to get her attention. Alex blinked and shook her head before she looked back at Jericho, closing her agape mouth and smiling. 

“What did I tell ya?” He murmured, holding a hand out at his side as he waited for Alex to walk around from the other side of the car. 

“It’s beautiful,” Alex purred, tail swishing softly behind her as she walked around to Jericho’s side and taking his extended metal hand. 

The fox gripped her hand, their fingers intertwining, and they both started to walk to the edge of the empty lot, heading down the little hill that the lot and the road were on. There wasn’t a clear path down the hill, and there were palm trees, coconut trees, and bushes and shrubs. When they got down from the hill, their feet were in much finer sand, and behind them, they were unable to see the road, or the car, making it feel as if they weren’t anywhere near roads. 

Alex tightened her grip on Jericho’s hand as they made their way closer to the beach. They stopped about 10 meters from the water and just stood there, staring out to the open ocean, holding hands. Alex’s tail swished behind her, picking up some sand and throwing it, while Jericho’s tail wagged behind him at a much fast pace. With a soft squeeze to Jericho’s hand again, Alex got him to turn his head, and when he did, Alex quickly tiptoed up a little, almost hopping up and pressed her lips to the foxes. She pulled away after a few seconds and started to squeal with delight. 

“How did you find this place?” She asked, after making a few happy noises to herself. 

“I just kind of scrolled around on Google Maps,” Jericho responded with a shrug of his shoulders. “Then I drove here one day after work, to make sure it was nice.” 

Alex turned to look at him with both brows raised, “Just so you could take me here?” 

“Yeah,” the fox’s cheek started to flush a slight red. 

Alex did her little hop again, and pressed her lips to the foxes, this time, putting her hands on his shoulders and pressing the kiss in for a lot longer. Jericho’s hands went for Alex’s butt for a nice firm grip and a light tease squeeze as they smooched. 

After the kiss broke, Alex loosely let her arms wrap over his shoulders and rested her forehead against his chest. “You’re too good to me.” 

Jericho rubbed his nose into Alex’s head, sniffing her hair as she purred against him and sent those natural cat vibrations that he loved so much to him. 

“And hearing your purrs makes all of it worth it,” he murmured and kissed the top of her head. “Now,” he put his hands on her cheeks and tilted her face up to look at her. “Last one in the water is definitely a loser.” And within seconds, he let go of her cheek, took off his shirt, and started to run to the water. 

Alex stood there, frozen in the position she was in for a few seconds before she was able to process what he said to her. “That’s cheating!” She shouted. She then took off her blouse, laid it on the next to the rest of their belongings and dashed after the fox, her feet kicking up sand as she ran towards the crashing waves. 

Jericho, with his head start, reached the water first and ran as far into the water as he could before he lost his balance and fell down, soaking his entire body in the salt water. Alex was a few feet behind but was able to run further into the water before she tripped and fell too. 

Jericho laughed at Alex’s fall and sighed, “Hah. Guess you’re the loser.” 

Alex’s hair was soaked and was all in her face, so it took a bit for her to recover and flip her hair back in place. 

While Alex was managing her hair, Jericho took the opportunity to pounce on her, lifting her up and placing on top of him, straddling him at the hips. 

Coughing up some salt water, Alex grumbled. “You cheated.” 

“That’s what losers say,” Jericho stuck his tongue out at Alex and Alex pouted, crossing her arms over her chest. 

“But,” Jericho added. 

Alex’s ears perked up and she waited for him to say more. 

“But,” Jericho repeated. 

“But what?” Alex asked, one brow raised and still full on pouty-face. 

“You’re my loser,” Jericho grinned and leaned up to give Alex a kiss on her cheeks, using his hand to help set the hair on her face. 

“I hate you,” Alex groaned. 

Jericho leaned in to smooch her cheek again, this time on the other cheek. Then again, again, and again. 

“Stop making me love you, I’m tryin’ to be mad.” She grumbled and groaned again, but giggled softly at the end. She then returned some of the kisses to his left cheek, right cheek, and then his lips where she held the kiss for a bit longer. 

The two swam in the ocean for a few hours before they returned to shore and set up their beach towels, umbrella, drinks, and snacks. They enjoyed their sandwiches and some water to keep them hydrated, then they laid in the sun to dry off their fur. Once their fur had mostly dried, Jericho turned to his side to look at Alex, who was sporting her sunglasses and still taking in all the sun she could get. 

“Hey Alex,” Jericho prodded her with his elbow. 

“Huh?” Alex opened her eyes, turned her head towards him, and lifted her sunglasses up to her forehead. 

Jericho opened up his mouth to speak and Alex’s ears flickered. Then, a wide grin that could only be described as mischievous spread across Alex’s face and before another wave could crash down on the sand, the two were up from their beach towels, started stripping off their swimsuits and raced each other down towards the other end of the beach, running along the shoreline this time, instead of towards the water. 

They headed towards the bed of rocks at the end of the beach, Jericho’s dick and balls bounced as he ran, and Alex’s breasts did too. When they arrived at the rocks, Alex jumped and wrapped her arms and legs around the fox, and pressed her face to his, tilting her head a little as she did so to make the kissing a little bit easier. Her lips parted and her tongue slipped out. Jericho’s hands went to her rear again, supporting her as they traded saliva. He took a few steps towards this one rock, which was relatively smooth and big enough for him to lay Alex down on it. 

Alex’s rough feline tongue glided over Jericho’s smooth one, and when Jericho decided to plop Alex down on the rock, the kiss broke, leaving the two with a string of saliva connecting their lips together. 

Panting heavily, Alex lays her back down on the rock, with her knees up, and her legs spread. Her pussy lips pink and slightly puffy, maybe a little wet just from the words he Jericho said back on the beach towels. 

“Want to get naked and let me finger you with my metal fingers over on those rocks over there?” 

Those words, how casually they were said, and that tone of voice he had rung in her head. She leaned her head back down on the rock and bit her lower lip, looking up at Jericho as he stepped closer to the rock Alex laid on and brought his metal hand up to hover it just over Alex’s mound. 

With no further words from the both of them, Jericho slowly moved his hand down closer and closer to Alex’s pussy, and within a few seconds, he had his metal digits ribbing over her lips and clit. 

“Hnaaah…” Alex moaned.

“I’m not even doing anything, yet.” Jericho snickered, rubbing his fingers in circles over her fleshy lips, making them drip just a little. After he what he deemed was enough teasing, he stuck out two fingers, his middle and his ring finger, and gently pressed them inside her, slowly inching in until there was no more finger for him to push in. 

Alex grit her teeth and closed her eyes. A soft red flush appeared on her cheeks as she gasped and moaned with pleasure. 

Jericho smiled as he watched the tiger squirm and wiggle under his finger(s). After a few seconds, Alex opened her eyes and watched his fingers move in and out, slowly at first, and then watched as he increased their pace. 

“Hhhhhaaaaahhh~!” Alex howled a loud moan. No one was around to hear, so she could be as loud as she wanted to be. 

The fox’s ears flickered and his grin grew, “That was a loud one… And I haven’t even set these things to vibrate yet.” 

Alex lifted her head up almost immediately, “Wait… aah- they can vibrate?” 

Jericho looked at Alex with the softest, most sincere smiles she had ever seen.


“Yes, they can,”


Jericho belongs to Jericho-Dark 

Art by Muramuri 



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