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“A Tequila Sunrise, please,” Alex said with a smile to the bartender as she leaned on the bar, relying on the support of her elbows. The tigress was dressed in her usual casual attire, a red turtleneck sweater and nothing else from the waist down. It was the bottomless district after all. 

The bar was relatively large and lively, there was music that people were dancing to, but it wasn’t being blasted at unbearably loud volumes like in nightclubs, one of the reasons Alex liked to frequent the place. People were dancing, playing pool, beer pong, darts, and some were grouped together watching a football game on the TV. Alex wasn’t here for any of that, she wanted to have a few drinks and maybe mingle a little with someone that worked there. 

The bartender, a dapperly-dressed deer, nodded and got to work making her cocktail. As the bartender turned around to grab the ingredients from the liquor shelf behind him, Alex’s eyes landed on his backside, that small raindrop tail really took your eyes to that butt. Alex averted her eyes just in time when the deer turned back around with her colorful drink in hand, ready to hand it over to her. “Here you go,” the bartender said with a smile, handing the drink to Alex, although not before placing a coaster down on the bar counter. He set the glass down on the coaster and went back to his business. Alex’s eyes could not help but give his deer butt one last glance before she turned her attention to the fruity drink that she had received. 

Alex grabbed her drink and turned around to face the rest of the establishment, her back against the bar and an elbow propping her up. Her eyes scanned around the place, looking at all the patrons. She sat with her legs slightly spread apart, since it was a stool and that was how you sat on a stool without getting uncomfortable. She sat there watching the people mingle and dance, sipping her drink until there was nothing left but ice in her glass. With her drink downed, she plucked the orange slice from the edge of her glass and took a nice bite out of it before turning around to face the bar and ordering another one. 

She did her ritual of looking at the deer’s ass as he prepped her drink, thanked him for it and turned around to face the rest of the bar again. Watching people dance around and laugh at their overly intoxicated friends was amusing, at least to Alex. She was glad that she wasn’t the one crawling on the floor or sleeping on the curb by the bar entrance. She wanted to take it chill tonight, had she wanted to go crazy she would have opted for a night out with her friends at one of those wild nightclubs. She finished her second drink and did the same with the orange slice. 

She turned back to face the bar again, leaning forward on her elbows a lot more than before now. She waved over the bartender, “Hey, Andrew... I’ll have another, please... With an extra shot of tequila this time,” she winked at him, smiling toothily towards him. Andrew smiled and gave Alex a couple of nods. “Sure thing, Alex. Sunrise with extra tequila, coming right up.” 

Alex admired his behind again, but this time she didn’t bother averting her eyes by the time the deer had turned around. “If you keep staring at my butt like that, I’m going to have to start facing you when I’m making your drinks.” He teased. 

Alex chuckled and brought her eyes up to meet the deer’s as he handed over her third refill. “Still won’t stop me from looking at something,” Alex smirked. Andrew let out a soft laugh, still holding Alex’s drink in front of her. Alex reached a hand to hold the glass and she tugged it lightly to set it down on the bar, but Andrew wasn’t letting go. Alex furrowed her brow and gave him a confused look. 

“Gonna stay until I close up, again?” he raised a brow and tilted his head to the side slightly, his hair flipping a little. Alex’s eyes went to his hair and antlers for a few seconds before she returned her gaze to his. 

“What if I am?” She raised a brow back, gently tugging on her drink again, Andrew still wasn’t letting go of her drink. 

“Oh, I wasn’t going to stop you,” Andrew smirked, letting go of Alex’s drink and leaning over the bar a little to bring his muzzle closer to Alex’s. 

Alex stared at him, unsure of what he was about to do. At first, she thought he was leaning in for a kiss, and she was very ready to leap over that bar and cover him in kisses, but she waited to see what he was going to do before she did anything. 

He stopped just a few inches shy of their noses touching, and whispered, “I could use the company, closing up alone kind of sucks.” 

Alex chuckled and took her drink and brought it to her lips. “Well, if you keep making me these drinks, I might be inclined to stay until you aren’t allowed to make me more.” She cooed, looking up at the deer boy, smiling pretty alluringly.

“Deal,” said Andrew, bopping his nose against Alex’s before he backed away to continue his bartending duties for the rest of the night. Alex blinked a bit from the nose touching, but then smiled to herself as she took another sip from her tropical cocktail. 

A couple of hours went by, Alex had a few more drinks, played a few games on her phone, joined in on a couple games of beer pong with some strangers in the bar, and made a few trips to the bathroom. She was back at the bar, sitting on the same stool, waiting for Andrew to make her the last Tequila Sunrise before he was to start closing up. She sat there, leaning on her elbows on the bar top, watching the deer silently work his magic. Her tail swished left to right behind her, occasionally sweeping along a small area of the floor underneath her stool.

“And here you go, last Tequila Sunrise for the night, Alex.” Andrew smiled, sliding over the drink to her. Alex caught the glass as it slid dangerously close to the edge, “Thank you.” 

Andrew was now done serving drinks and was on duty to close the place up. He wiped down the bar area with a damp cloth before slinging that cloth over his shoulder and walking out from behind the bar towards the front door and the multitude of windows that the establishment had. As he stepped out from behind the bar, Alex slowly turned around on her stool, her gaze following him and her body turning all the way until her back was leaning against the bar top and her elbow perched on it. 

Andrew went for the front door first, sliding the steel rod locks into place to keep the doors from being opened, he then went for the windows, doing the same for the three windows that adorned each side of the place. 

Alex watched as he locked the place up and slowly started to spread her legs apart. Seeing that deer butt trot around the bar, locking up the doors and the windows was definitely getting something going. As her legs spread apart, her pussy came more into view, her pink folds were already glistening a little to the dim lights that surrounded her. Her flesh was wet, and it had started to seep and flow off of her and onto the wooden stool. Hopefully, it wouldn’t leave any sort of wood stain! 

With her drink in one hand and the other hand free, she slipped her free hand down in between her legs, and using two fingers, she spread apart her pussy lips. She bit her lower lip for a second or two to stop herself from giving her little surprise away with a moan. Her tail swished left to right as she eagerly awaited Andrew to finish locking up and turn back around to see what sort of “company” Alex was going to provide him with. 

Locking the last of the windows, Andrew turned around and started to walk back towards the bar, however; he stopped in his tracks once he spotted Alex with her legs spread and her fingers spreading her pussy. 

With a slight tilt to her head, Alex spoke, “What’s the matter? I thought said you could use some company?”

Andrew seemed to be frozen in place at first, but after a few short seconds, he was able to shake off his initial freeze and continued taking steps towards the bar, and Alex.

”I was hoping we could at least close the shutters first,” Andrew snickered, waving a remote in his hand. He licked his lips as his eyes ogled Alex all over like she had been doing to him as he prepped her drinks. Without any further hesitation, he pressed the big red button on the remote, and the electronic metal shutters around the doors and windows started to close down. Andrew walked up to Alex and knelt down right in front of her stool. 

More cleanup was going to be needed before they could truly close up shop, that was for sure. 


Art by chewycuticle 



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