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Edit: everyone should be able to see this now. Sorry for the wait.

Hey, dubbers.

‘here’s a comic about a fella. It’s about mentally ill type stuff.(tw?)

mostly finished, maybe too wordy. I could redo it.. a little.

singers, you’ll be able to see it in 4 days.

thanks for still supporting me, even tho updates are pretty durn slow for the next few months. I wish it wasn’t that way.

thanks. Have a good day, if you can.




these are great! :D

Richard Awesome

The whole "step outside yourself like a movie" is the weirdest feeling. It's like an acute self awareness.


I feel your pain, your confusion especially. I think reality is being bent amidst this intense global drive to modernize. Over here in America, we are in this horrible middle ground of transition where we are moving too fast to slow down and examine just what technology is doing to us. I think a lot of mental issues stem from this massive digitization; the guilt and shame of porn use, the physical and emotional distance of internet socializing, the constant barrage of media insinuating that you are not good enough and don't work hard enough...it's simply too much shit for most of us to flipping handle!


So how do we juggle reality and the internet properly to keep us from over work and insanity? Im in the process of understanding this situation. A lot of therapy sessions, dismantling of learned behaviors, and rebuilding of the right ones...I hope I can come closer to the truth. Hang in there Mr. Eff, hang in there.