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Hi everyone,

Elincia got joined by Tadame who is a Nakomori too, now the two ladies are facing the one who tried to hurt their familly!

And you can find all others of Pics of Cyrusia's Adventures in the Archive File here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/cyrusias-archive-73162621



Mike G. M.

There's so many pokemon Doujins that start with this exact scenario I swear


Another text I loved! Elincia is very dark but that's totally understandable given that someone tried to blow up her sister! I really like Tadame's design and personality, she also shows just how close-knit the Nakomori family is, I can't wait to see the rest of the family now! I also found the little reference to Cyrusia wanting to change the world very amusing, she very often has to make denunciatory speeches during family meeting to the point where everyone ends up finding it amusing ^^ But I don't think they were ready to learn that Cyrusia had actually started her plans for real! I wonder how things will develop now that these two know what Cyrusia is doing. Also I'm just hyped by this foreshadow about wantai region that could join the pokemon league federation. I've been dreaming of seeing a region created by your skills ever since you mentioned Plerios region for your omanyte variant!