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Hey folx!
I haven't been able to finish this yet, but so that you already have a little bit of teaser, you get the beginning of the story. If you want, you can write down some suggestions for what you'd like to see, and maaaaybe there's a chance that it'll influence the story a bit! For now, planned is "egglaying, erotic labor, belly worship".  And of course you'll get Part II without another poll!

A Past for a Future - Part I

C: Original, impregnation, CNC, oviposition (?), monster/creatures, middle-aged woman, not explicit

The way the creatures loomed in the shadows reminded Fleur-Anny of demons; Though if they were, they didn’t resemble any of the species she had met and studied about. From what the little beams of light here and there revealed, they looked more like oily, gray ghuls with tails. Or maybe humanoid dragons without scales and wings? It was like nothing the archaeologist had ever seen before. What a groundbreaking discovery
! Ethnology wasn’t Fleur-Anny’s focus, but she found herself just as excited as with the discovery of the underground temple she was just standing in. Excited - and terrified, both. Because there were fifty, if not hundred pairs of those eyes watching her.

How to behave, now?

She knew basics about first contacts with previously unknown tribes, but she didn’t even know if these creatures were even related to one of the recognized big races, let alone an intelligent species.

Before she could think of a specific plan on how to proceed, a thought resounded in her head; no
 a voice without sound and language, spoken by many at the same time.

“We’ve seen you before, human,” it echoed in her mind, like cold water washing through her.

 can you understand me?” she responded.

None of the creatures seemed to react, but another thought formed in her head: “Yes, we can.”

Fleur-Anny bit her teeth together, trying hard not to scream from excitement. There wasn’t much the 42 year old human woman was faced with, but when it was about discoveries from the olden world, especially when they were such a revolution, she could barely keep it together and was close to losing her usually unimpressed demeanor, the bane of many people who tried to socialize with her.

Instead of giving into her child-like emotions, she forced herself to stay calm and focused.

“Where have you seen me before?”, she asked, her voice echoing through the ancient ruined hall, touching every single creature looking at her.

“In our cities, our homes. You have been wandering them for many years.”

Fleur-Anny’s thoughts somersaulted each other, as she was trying to grasp the meaning of their words. This was the first time she set a foot in this temple - even the first time she explored an old structure in this country. They must mistake her for another human, or maybe an elf or dwarf - that was, if she wasn’t sure that she was the first humanoid to enter this structure in hundreds of years.

But then their words set images in motion: Broken depictions of creatures on walls, all sharing similarity in their simple form, the archeologist had found all around the world. Memories of the “anchient ones”, who roamed the world ten thousand years ago.

Could it be that 

“Yes. We are the ones you call ancient ones.”

Fleur-Anny gasped. Thousands of questions stacked up, but one rather unarticulated one escaped her mouth: “How
 how is this possible?”

The shapeless voice didn’t answer right away - instead, the creatures seemed to mumble to each other or think for themselves.

“How did I - nor anyone else I know of - ever see you? I’ve been exploring ruins since over 30 years now, but -”

“Silence, child,” the hivevoice of the ancient ones interrupted her, “we are not sure about you yet.”

The woman turned silent, not at least because of how she was called a child for the first time since a long while, but also because she didn’t want to agitate the creatures. And because she understood that she was, in actuality, far from understanding.

“We’ve decided to show ourselves to you, because we suspect your nature aligns with our needs. We can see your intentions, and they honor us. You do not care about other people, but you care about our culture and knowledge. It is of utmost value to you.”

“That’s true,” Fleur-Anny answered silently and a little ruefully. It was a bit uncomfortable knowing that the creatures could dig that deep into her mind, and to be called out on her lack of care for others like that.

“We are thinking about: alliance.”

“I do not understand
 I’m just one person, I do not represent a country or race -”

“Stop speaking. We do not seek alliance with several. We seek alliance with you. We want you to prove your worth for our trust. With each drop of trust you gain, we will reward you with more knowledge. With each drop of knowledge you gain, you will reward us with service.”

Fleur-Anny couldn’t respond in words; Her body, though, trembled, her heart pounded, and everything inside her tensioned. This was everything she could dream of.

“If you agree to our alliance, we will also protect you, for you will become a valued treasure to us. We are skeptical, though. The human mind is fragile; it shatters easily like a crock. Will she be able to take us in without breaking, we wonder.”

Fleur-Anny took a deep breath. Even though she had been through rough things, she wasn’t as naive to think that she could face anything without even knowing what it was. But if there was something that was worth dying to try, it was this.

“There’s only one way to find out, I assume - and I am willing to prove myself to you.” she answered, and as she spoke, she felt it was the truth. If these creatures really were the ancient ones - and she had no doubt about this, from the way they looked and how uniquely they communicated with her - she would do anything to find out more about them.

There it was again, this weird sound that reminded the woman of mumbling. It resonated a bit more outside her head now, making her realize that the creatures were now physically audible on top of their telepathic communication.

“Good child. In case you perish, we will honor your dedication and bravery in our name. For now, open up to us. Prepare.”

By no means did Fleur-Anny have something close to an idea what she would’ve prepared for, nor the time to even be afraid of what they said before a surreal wave of black ooze came over her like a flood, consistent with hundreds of shapeless bodies. As she engulfed completely, at first she felt as if she was both drowning and being smothered; But soon she was able to differentiate the sensation. They were all around her, dozens of hands or more touching her in curiosity and need, as if she herself was a rare treasure that they have been searching for their whole lives. They touched her, probed her, ripped the clothes off of her, stroked her. Then they got bolder, and probably in an effort to get a better grasp of Fleur-Anny as a living creature, started to pinch her, cut her, scratch her, bite her. The archeologist tried her best to stay calm and let them explore and test her - after all, she could understand them rather well and probably would have had a similar approach if she was them - but then their touches started to burn. Not like fire, but like ice. A nasty burn, that forced an instinctive scream out her throat; Though it only lasted for a mere heartbeat, before it was asphyxiated as the blackness entered her mouth. In surprise, the woman tried to grab whatever forced itself in there, but her arms were held down, an just a moment later more ancient mass entered her: Through her nose, her ears, and between her legs, burning her up with frostbites from the inside.

Her excitement and obsession overshadowed her fear, and in response to the ancient ones overtaking every fiber of her being, her whole body tensed up into a perfect, tight bow as she reached climax.


She didn’t know if she had been unconscious for minutes, hours or even days when she woke up.

The creatures were gone. She was fully dressed. No cuts or bruises on her skin.

It clearly had been a hallucination. Most likely caused by the gasses in these depths and flora.

Fleur-Anny sat up - and paused. Sitting up was unusually difficult, even for her weakened state. It took her a moment to realize that it wasn’t because of lack of strength, but because of movement confinement.

Her insides churned upon this exhausting act, creating somewhat unnatural noises, drawing her attention further towards the reason of limitation: Her middle.

Straining against her belt and several layers of fabric, right in her middle, something bulged out.

It was her abdomen.

Pollwinner Guideline:

A Past for a Future (Original, oviposition, egglaying, erotic labor, belly worship)
A reclusive species and a famous archaeologist make a deal: if she will lay their eggs for them, they will give her information about themselves. (Rose note: We actually have a very similar story with an OC, Fleur-Anny - if this wins, I'd write about her.)



Can't wait for part 2!

Scrumbus Pamplemousse

Fleur-Anny is a great character, looking forward to part 2 ^~^