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Pollwinner Guideline:

Purah’s consequences for experimenting with several Spirit Orbs to power her anti-aging rune. She finds out that absorbing Orb energy doesn’t extend her own life, but instead, new life is created through her...
Start with no belly, end with water breaking. Multiple spirits in belly, but not a litter. Kicking, clothes bursting, stomach noises. Erotic sensations as the pregnancy progresses.


C: Zelda TotK (Purah), rapid pregnancy, involuntary arousal/climax, intestinal noises, clothing malfunction, water break


She had found them when researching and dismantling the shrines: powerful little objects, which, as she later found out, were called spirit orbs. Purah quickly deduced that they were the actual core of the complex structures and probably the reason the hero had visited them in the first place, considering how most of the shrines didn’t have any left. So initially, Purah had kept them to hand them over to Linky. But with the calamity defeated, he had no interest in the orbs, so Purah did what a good Shiekah researcher was supposed to do: She researched the ancient Shiekah technology and looked for ways to utilize them.

It was clear that the orbs were full of efficient, powerful energy. If combined with her anti-aging rune, she might be able to not only rejuvenate hylian soldiers, but magnify their strength and health. It also could be an efficent way to treat morbus gloom or other gloom related ailments.

Maybe this hope had been the reason for quick and rather carelessly acting. After all, she had done it before; When the calamity was threatening to devour the rest of Hyrule, Purah had recklessly used herself as a test subject, therefore turning the, back then, 124-year old woman into a 6-year old.

She should’ve known better before experimenting on herself again. But she didn’t. And now, after just 30 seconds of exposure to her spirit orb powered life-enhancing, formally anti-aging, rune, she experiences unbearable feelings of nausea and fatigue.

She tried to write down the results on her report, but she could barely hold the pen, and her eyes couldn’t focus properly. It was no use. She had to lie down and continue once she felt better. After all, she had experienced this before: When she had used the anti-aging rune for the first time, her body had reacted similarly to the foreign influence.

When she got up, though, her legs immediately gave in. She fell on her knees, close to fainting.

 m-maybe I’ve overdone it
 just a smidge
”, she said to herself, feeling drops of sweat form on her forehead while she braced herself on the table next to her.

A sharp sensation streaked through her, deep within her abdomen, accompanied by a guttural gurgling noise, and her body reacted toward the feeling in the most outlandish way: it climaxed. It took Purah a good moment to even realize that it was, in fact, a sexual apex, because it came so out of the blue, so absolutely unprovided-for and was overshadowed by so many other symptoms, but there was no doubt about it: Her vaginal canal contracted in spasmic rhythms, almost as if it was trying to suck something in.

Even though Purah thought of everything sexuality related as nothing but a waste of time - she was 130 years after all and had done her fair share of experiments in her youth - she might’ve been able to enjoy the sensation; If it wasn’t for the accompanied nausea and abdominalgia. Maybe - no, most likely - the orgasm was forcefully triggered by the strong belly ache related contractions within her abdomen. Yes, that made sense.

She took a deep breath and got up again. When she tried to straighten her back, she moaned: A pressure within her middle prevented her from bending further upright. She clutched her belly, feeling the reason of this sensation. Her belly was bloated and taut, almost as if she had eaten something really bad. It was so bloated, in fact, that the seams of her garment, which weren’t as elastic as the fabric, slightly cut into her skin.

She hurried to the restroom, trying to relieve herself, but to no avail. Whatever caused this bloat, it wasn’t something she would get out this way. At least not now.

So she sat there, leaned back, catching her breath, clutching her aching, taut and uncomfortably noisy midsection, hoping something would change soon, and regaining her strength.

After a couple of more minutes, though, it all stopped. The pain, the nausea, the noises, the contractions; Only the bloat stayed—and the fatigue. Albeit more of an exhaustion now than sickness related tiredness.

Purah got up and decided to go to bed early nonetheless. Tomorrow things would be better, and surely her abdomen wouldn’t be as swollen anymore. Sometimes bloats take a bit of time to regulate, anyway.

She didn’t even bother to undress or tuck herself in. She just sunk into the made bed, laying her warm hands onto the bloated curve in hopes to alleviate whatever was affecting her, and fell asleep in mere seconds.

The rest didn’t last for long, though.

A noise woke her up. It took her a groggy moment to realize that it had been her own moaning, but the reason for why she was doing it was immediately clear: Her middle was even more bloated now. She still had her hands on her belly, though they now layed much higher and were clutching the stretched dome. Which didn’t feel like a usual inflated bloat at all anymore - instead it felt heavy and massive, as if she had been overeating for days. It was reminiscent of that of a pregnant woman in her 5th or maybe 6th moon, and Purah could even see her navel slightly protruding, which also usually differentiated a pregnant body from a simply bloated one.

 what in the goddesses name
” Purah mumbled with short breath while trying to get up. This deed was cut short by the weight of her midsection; Plus the feelings overwhelming her. Her body reacted almost as if it was angry for this sudden movement, by groaning loudly, shifting the organs inside her, and then on top mocking her by sending waves of lust through her loins.

Purah fell back onto the matrass and moaned again, clutching her belly harder.

She felt something shifting inside her, like unnatural bowel movements, accompanied by more wet stomach growls and increasing pressure: She could feel her middle expanding further against her restraining clothing, directly into her hands.

Purah wanted to scream for help, but instead another climax washed over her unexpectedly and turned her pleading into more moans.

Her body reacted completely on its own toward the overwhelming arousal. Before she even noticed it, she had spread her legs and started to needily rock her hips, seeking more friction and stimulation, while clutching her belly even harder.

The pressure within her got so strong that she could feel her entrance squirting with every orgasmic spasm, wetting her underwear and tights.

Another gurgle, another growth spurt. This time, her clothing wouldn’t allow further growth, and brutally compressed her expanding belly. Purah screamed and threw back her head, creating a convulsed arch with her back, still clutching her belly and frantically trying to get off her clothes.

Too late.

The seams ripped. They were violently forced open; even the fabric ripped, revealing an enormous belly, its skin shiny due to the sudden stretching, its belly button pushed outside in an almost lewd way.

Once the curve had been released from its prison Purah could breathe freely again; Or better, at least, because the weight of the expanded midsection squeezed her lungs.

Panting, Purah stared at the curve, which was now closer to the belly of a 7th moon pregnancy than anything else. And if that hadn’t been enough info to draw accurate conclusions, one last clear sign exposed what was going on within Purah: She felt something shifting within, and saw the movements from the outside, too.

There was something growing inside her, and kicking.

The creature - or creatures - within twitched and moved, pressing hard against her cervix. Before Purah could plan, calculate, analyze, and conclude further, her genitals contracted again, downright throbbing, pushing her closer to yet another climax.

It wasn’t something that Purah would ever be able to admit, but
 she didn’t hate this.

Fear probably would’ve been a more appropriate reaction. Or horror. But Purah felt something different; She felt excited and proud. The new rune she had developed wasn’t just mere life-enhancing: It was a life-creating! Something that was way more powerful. Something that could change so much for future generations and Hyrule in general. She couldn’t even begin to grasp the enormity.

This was groundbreaking. She had to take notes immediately.

But when she tried to get up again, another growth spurt came over her, and she arched back into the bed, moaning and writhing.

Okay, the notes would have to wait. First, she had to go through this.

When the sudden expansion was over, Purah’s breathing now was heavily impaired. She was drenched in sweat, her hair sticking in wild strands on her forehead and blushing cheeks, her belly now so big and heavy that it was impossible to do anything other than shallow breathing. She now looked full term.

Her breasts were aching, too; And upon a closer look, she saw that they had been expanding, too, and were now even soaking the fabric. She was lactating.

 the ancient ones
 my gosh
.” Purah whispered breathlessly while witnessing her body being changed so drastically.

The kicking- had slowed down and wasn’t as strong anymore, probably due to the lack of space within her womb. She could feel that there was a lot of mass and just very little amoniac fluid, as opposed to before, when her belly was a bit less dense.

Despite being rather unhappy about the restriction and hassle that unnfolded, she couldn’t help but find this sight overwhelming. These newfound curves, this gigantic dome, the lactation, the embryonal movements, the sheer weight: All of it was proof of the incredible discovery she had made. Her success. It was, in an unfamiliar way,  beautiful. And
 yes. Sexy.

She absent-mindedly noticed how her body had started to gently rock its hips again. She didn’t fight it. Instead, she wished somebody would witness this whole spectacle; Would witness her success, her body. Would admire her mind-blowing girth, her heavy belly that she had grown all by herself
 maybe acknowledge her throbbing, wet entrance and kiss it, while she continued to grow even bigger and stronger life

An overwhelmed gasp escaped her lips.

That really wasn’t like her. She hadn’t had thoughts like this in decades. But, on the other hand, she also hasn’t been in such a situation before.

 so huge
” she whispered to herself. Saying those words out loud had an unexpectedly arousing effect on her, it almost made her dizzy with lust that was dripping of pride.

She felt the life within her shift ruthlessly, and with it, Purah writhed and squirmed, too. It was just so intense. One of the beings forced itself into her pelvis, making the Shiekah woman spread her legs even further by instinct. She hastily tried to open up the neck of her top, but the knurling clasps that held everything in place were so violently stretched because of her swollen chest, that she could only rip it apart. Following another instinct, she released her pouring breasts, which were now dripping milk out of her hardened nipples, and while rubbing her hard, past-due looking belly almost obsessively with one hand, she squeezed one of her aching breasts with the other. Immediately, it released pressure through fine strands of milk.

Purah’s rational self was too far gone by now. She wasn’t even surprised. Instead, she fully gave into those sensatons. She let her body take control and guide her: Breathing in a way her impressive belly would allow, massaging her aching breasts, spreading her legs further the deeper she could feel something shifting into her pelvis.

The pressure in her abdomen became as unbearable as it was arousing, and her vagina started to contract almost by itself. She let go of her middle and started to stimulate herself clitorally through her tights in hopes of easing some of the pain; or, maybe, enhance it.

Her breathing accerlated, the pressure inside seemed to push her pelvis apart as one of the beings seemed to expand even further within it, her vulva seemed to somehow convex more and simultaneously contracting so hard, that Purah came again - but not without feeling a popping ripple through her midsection, followed by a gush of fluid soaking her tight clothing.

Not even a moment later another contraction pushed the newfound life inside her so deep into her birthing canal that it was already crowning slightly; Only held back by the restricting undergarment that had been firmly locked into place because of the sudden and massive expansion.

Purah screamed, though more in arousal and panic, than in pain.

Her fingers nervously tried to release her from the tights, but to no avail. The contractions forced her to stop and do nothing but push, therefore resetting all of her efforts again and again. 

And maybe, there might have been also a small, very tiny part of her that didn’t want this to end just now, too.



Really liked the story! Especially fond of the characterisation and versatile use of gut/belly-related terms! There were some in there I hadn’t heard of before!

Tired Pro

i finally had the time to read this and whoa 😳 so intense... in various good and specific ways 💚 and like said above, i now have some new vocabulary i can use in the future 😌🙏 always love reading your works, rose!!