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The Doctor is a Plague
Commissioned by Anonymous

Contents: Darkest Dungeon, pregnancy (fpreg), big baby, painful kicks, aural, “doctor play”

Story written by RoseVirage


“You’ll excuse me, doctor, but I really don’t see the need for you to further - ah!”

The former aristocrat gasped and displayed a painful expression on her face. The source of her distress was both visible and audible: the child inside of Audrey relocated itself so violently that the skin of her already massive middle bulged outward, reshaping itself like it was its own living creature, while her innards sloshed, gurgled and groaned in protest of the uncomfortably big occupant.

“Interesting, highly interesting!” Paracelsus mumbled more to herself than to anybody else while watching the spectacle, before lowering her pinard stethoscope again to analyze the sounds further. “And you’re sure it’s human?”

Audrey grimaced. “If you don’t stop asking me such rude and aggravating questions, I’ll make you regret it,” was all she commented on the doctor’s question.

Paracelsus seemed unfazed by her comment, but she didn’t pursue her questioning any further. Instead she shifted her tool over Audrey’s belly, eager to get a better understanding of what’s happening inside of her.

“The fetus really is unusually big, absolutely fascinating
 I can hear your Intestinum tenue and crassum being obstructed
 your gastric functions also seem to be extremely increased, a sign that it’s extremely squeezed due to the sheer size of the fetus

Audrey’s face flushed upon the intimacy of the situation; the doctor listening so closely to all of her bodily functions and being so passionate about it
 It was disconcerting and exposing.

Then another kick, another loud groan, another gasp. The grave robber clutched her belly that suddenly felt very tight.

“Braxton hicks!” the plague doctor proclaimed with zeal, feeling Audrey’s belly like she was testing a fruit at a market booth for its ripeness.

Audrey sighed. This would take a while


Corvus Ravenwood

Oh Corvus would definitely react the same way to such a gravid patient


another amazing story I do hope that there will be more