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Here are some of your prompts that made it in this poll!

You can choose more than one option!

The whole text for option 4: Purah starts to experiment on ways to increase bodies for the Hylian Army. But similar to her anti-aging technology, it had some mishaps when she used herself as a test subject (Zelda TotK)

The whole text for option 6: Jadzia finds just how interesting a part-Klingon pregnancy can be. Her energy has skyrocketed and her mood tends to swing aggressive. Thus, she spends a lot of time on the holodeck in simulated combat. Though sometimes she has to pause things to let a bout of Grethor-strength heartburn pass. (Star Trek: DS9)

Additional info:

• Most voted requests will show up in future posts, there won't be an extra "winner" post! So keep your eyes open!



Bruh Chun-Li never stood a chance with half the options being TotK related 😭


Not sure if that really makes a difference when people can chose multiple things?


True but 80% of the votes have already gone to the zelda topics. which is just the nature of voting but im hoping the same topics do not dominate the polls every months.


In our experience, Zelda gets voted for most of the time, even when there's just one prompt, so it probably wouldn't have made a difference. What we usually do is leaving out some Zelda prompts from the polls now and then for that reason, but this time there were many and we're also in TotK fever, so for the first time we allowed multiple prompts for one fandom.