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Hey guys, Schpog is writing today again!
Another comic, yaaayy!! 🎉
Sadly these take waaay to long and it doesn't even look that flashy. 😭 But they're fun and I feel like I contribute something more unique here.
Got inspired by Lewdlemage's amazing Dark Magician Girl fanart here. ❤

🌿Schpog (Main Artist)


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omg this is hilarious


This is soooo cute lol. I love Blue Eyes White Dragon's face in the last panel, and super good facal expressions all arouns


Ok, her last reaction was incredible lmao


I wish this was how all buffs worked



Bill Friday

I hope we can get more of these comics, this was cute!


Based. I love her reaction in the last panel 😂

Amelia Redfern

What can I say that hasnt already been said! I love this comic strip. The way way dark magician girl goes though the stages and flip off Yami (the pharaoh) is cute and funny. And the every so often panel of blue eyes just being confuse *chiefs kiss* perfect!


And at the end of nine turns, you summon Dark Magician Baby in Attack Mode.


this is wonderful every panel is a treat and I hope there will be a part two sometime soon. were she goes through two more rounds then she gives birth to Dark Magician Baby. After the duel she returns to the monster relam to hand over the child to Dark Magician as she sleeps it off. if you think about she also very lucky the max amount of duplicates you can have in your deck is three.

