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Before we start, please let us remind you for future requests that they also should be within Schpog's DOs & DONTs. 

You don't have to read the following part, but if you're interested in our thoughts, let us share them with you:

This time, out of ~25 pregnancy requests, there were ~10 minor characters aged 14-16, and that's a bit much for our comfort.

We don't have absolutely crystal clear guidelines regarding the whole age issue except "no characters that look very immature and young", and we might draw characters that are technically underage but nobody would have ever guessed it at all (sometimes accidentally because we had no clue that a character would be younger than 25 or even 30, like Azula is supposed to be 14, wtf?!), or when their age is not really confirmed but guessed, or when they are almost 18 and very mature, aging up a lot so they look 25 or something is okay, and so on; All of this mostly only when Schpog really likes the characters, knows them well and knows about their maturity.

Some stuff lies within a(n uncomfortable) gray zone, like Katara wearing a fake belly. Just a normal depiction feels borderline okay to Schpog, because it has happened in the show - but when it's combined with too fetish-y feeling stuff, like her liking to wear that belly, it just feels way too sexual for a 14 year old. 

In general, when character is 14 for the majority of their appearance and we don't know them at all, things are just difficult. 

We know it sucks and we're so annoyed, too. Games and shows are absolutely unnecessarily full of underage characters. There are so many that don't behave like minors at all and it wouldn't have hurt the makers to just turn them into legal adults, nobody would've ever been able to tell the difference. But we've seen too many artists being canceled because they drew a very adult feeling character like Azula within ns4w terms, we've seen call-out sheets and artists who never did anything bad prior to that just vanish due to all that stress. It has also happened to us that mutuals blocked us and one time we even got kicked off a server and got hate message because people thought Applejack from MLP was a teen (she's a grown ass 25-year old woman, owning a farm). It's just a very, very touchy subject to some.

We're prepared to explain our decisions to draw pregnant characters who are underage at one point, and who we know well and have put much thought into our decision to share work of them, in case we're asked or confronted; but not so much for characters we don't even know. We can't vouch for them, if that makes sense. 

And overall, it's just so much nicer for Schpog to draw what's close to her heart, and that's mature characters. And general stuff that's inside her comfort zone.

We know you guys all know that Schpog always has respectful approaches to her portrayed characters, that they always feel mature and adult and safe/confident enough to be pregnant. That you never look at her art and think, "oh, they look so underage!" (at least we hope lol). And we're pretty sure that all of you enjoy characters being adult and mature, and that it simply just sucks that some characters technically aren't.

That's why we don't really want to forbid anything in this regard; (we also have never gotten a request that felt dangerously loli or something like that, so we don't really feel like we have to forbid anything.)
However, we just wanted to share these thoughts (that are truly a little burdensome for us, too) also out of fairness, because if you're going to request a Azula, Cammy, Katara or Bea, you now know that there's a big chance that this won't be chosen, and you have the chance to put a second request out there. Rather than, you know, trying again and again and wondering why your requests are not picked.

We sure some of you have seen one or another artwork of Schpog that's within that gray zone - and maybe you probably even think "that's unfair, why is X okay but not Y", but many of these works were requests and as stated earlier; It would be nice if Schpog could stay within her comfort zone in general and only get out of it a little for characters she loves and can explain her decisions. 

We hope this transparency is in your interest and that you understand where we're coming from... We wish we wouldn't have to think about it at all, because we know you are good guys and also for us, none of our intentions are of any disrespectful nature towards minors (especially as survivors), but we wanted to give you a chance to adjust your requests and expectations. 

Thank you for reading; This was lying heavily on our chest and we're genuinely sorry that things have to be this complicated. We're so tired of all this, too 😔

As for the usual post:

Here are some of your prompts that made it in this poll. You can choose more than one option

Don't forget: These are all PREG/BELLY prompts.

Additional info:

• Most voted requests will show up in future posts, there won't be an extra "winner" post! So keep your eyes open!



*banging on table* EDA! EDA! EDA! (And thank you for the thoughts on age depictions. Entirely understandable. You’ve got to follow your gut.)

Tired Pro

i really appreciate being able to read your feelings on this subject, thank you for taking the time to write it up

Heliodor (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 03:20:43 Really respect that y'all look out for & protect younger characters 💜
2023-04-14 22:21:19 Really respect that y'all look out for & protect younger characters 💜

Really respect that y'all look out for & protect younger characters 💜


I take every word you're saying in your message very, very seriously. 100% informative and understandable. We should always be careful with what we are requesting. Thank you! I appreciate it.