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Hello, little Niblings and an extra welcome to everyone new!

Rose here. Thank you for all of your good wishes. I'm slowly feeling better again and working off the huge mountain of work that built up in the last days.

I have to confess something; Some of you might already know, but my physical and mental health have been declining more and more, and we have to fight nasty money issues and debt. We still love doing Patreon and don't plan stopping it, but we thought we'd destress things a little for ourselves by not having a tight schedule and tight plans anymore. We will still be posting one tier 3+ and one tier 2+ post a week, and story/polls/poll requests in most weeks as per usual, but won't necessarily post them on fixed days (just more as a rough rule of thumb). Hopefully that'll get a bit of the weight and guilt off our shoulders! Hope you understand.

While we're at it: Thank you so much for being here and making it possible for us to still be creative in art, writing, and more!! Life has been so tough in the last few years, and without your financial support, we would have to work so much harder & more outside Patreon and have no time for anything like this in the first place. We're so grateful. ❤️😭 Especially to those who go the extra mile and leave comments or pledge something extra on top of their tier. Even though we're often overwhelmed with communication, we notice these things, and it brings us joy to feel how much our content is worth to you!!! In fact, this probably counts for all artists and content creators. Your support means the world. We hope you know this!

About today's pics:

  • 1) Overview
  • 2) female presenting Yami Marik from Yu-Gi-Oh
  • 3) Thank you sketch for a special support patron
  • 4) 7th Doctor commission for RMH (Doctor Who)
  • 5) Lusje!Mel - probably 👀

Please take care of yourselves! Life is tough as it is, you deserve to be kind to yourself.

🌹 Rose (Management & Partner) & 🌿Schpog (Main Artist)


⚠️Please do not share our Patreon content, unless it’s your commission or when you see it on our social media. Doing so will hurt our livelihood and may result in a closure.
💜 Are you happy with what we do? Then please consider recommending us to your mutuals, we’re very grateful for your support!




I'm so sorry it's so hard for you right now! Sending hugs 💚


I hope times get easier soon. And yeah, I think not worrying as much about a really tight schedule is totally fine.


Sorry to hear things aren't going so well. Please do not force yourself to stick to a regular schedule if it causes extra stress on top of everything else. If anything, the posts can now be a surprise ^_^ Hope circumstances improve for you two soon!

Tired Pro

i love everything the both of you do, regardless of schedule or not! subscribing is the least i could do, because the beautiful artworks, the passionate writing yall make deserves unconditional support imo


Im sorry to hear that D: Dont stress yourself over posting on an exact schedule. I am subscribed to support you, not to turn you into a machine.


Sorry you two have been going through that :( You’ve been posting above and beyond, so don’t worry about your schedule being exact! Your health always comes first!