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The Beloved Parasite
C: Metroid, non-con alien parasitic pregnancy, slightly NS4W towards the end


A loud moan escaped Samus’ mouth, as the pressure in her lower abdomen became almost unbearable. This wasn’t just mere indigestion or menstruation cramps, this was something else.

She looked at the mushy remains of the creatures she just killed, her mind racing.

“Adam,” she addressed her AI with a shaky voice, “tissual analysis. Check the database for more information. Was there anything toxic about the creature?”

The AI didn’t answer right away, but Samus knew it had listened and was processing. Though even if the creature emitted toxic fumes, her suit was built to protect her from even the deadliest fluids and gasses.

Another wave of pressure rippled through her pelvis, so strong that it forced her onto one of her knees, with her hand supporting her against the ground, pressing an ever louder moan out of her. Her body tingled, she started to feel both warm and sick, and something began to change: Something that had never happened before. Her power suit - basically her second skin, an almost organic feeling construct that hugged her close as an actual part of her - started to feel foreign. Even almost threatening.

At first, she didn’t understand why. But as the pressure within her became more and more painful, it clicked: The suit didn’t fit her anymore. It was becoming too tight.

“Analysis completed,” Adam finally said, “results negative. All components of the lifeform are non-toxic. Biohazard possible anyway; please proceed with caution. Congratulations on your pregnancy.”

The ground under Samus tilted. It felt like she was falling into zero gravity.

“Please repeat the last part,” she said, her voice nothing more than a whiff by now.

“Congratulations on your pregnancy.”


No, no. No, this couldn’t be. She was
 inactive, in that regard. It must be a mistake. The AI probably just had issues with this new creature.

“Adam, check my body for - AH!”

Samus couldn’t finish her sentence, the pressure was now so tight that she felt like her abdomen would burst open.

“Warning. Power Suit malfunction. Deactivate middle plate for safety protocol to protect host and fetus.”

Samus followed the instructions blindly. The middle part of her suit unlocked, and withdrew the protection plates into the chest protector, making a swollen belly appear instantly.

She moaned again, but this time out of pure relief.

Immediately, the painful sensations stopped and instead turned into a rush of pleasure
 almost like a reward. Samus was familiar with performance enhancing drugs and manipulation, she could identify artificial dopamine and serotonin when it was pumped into her.

Her mind raced as she looked down, seeing her belly bulging forward. Without the crushing force of an armor she could now feel something moving within her, curling up in contentment about the newfound space.

A parasite.

”Full Power Suit deactivation recommended.”

What a sickening sentence. It was like asking to deactivate an arm. But Adam was right. Even though her middle now was free, the suit was starting to get painfully uncomfortable in other places, too.

“Suit adjustment is needed. Please consult Chozo engineer.”

“You jokester,” Samus mumbled while deactivating her whole suit, leaving her in her blue, skintight secondary suit, “Please be more useful and tell me how long I have to remove the parasite.”

As she opened up her chest plate her breasts bulged out, clearly bigger and heavier than before. The parasite was changing her body, and 
 and it felt good.


It didn’t. It just wanted Samus to think that it felt good. It was all biochemical warfare to stay alive.

“Based on the current gestation and size of the hybrid, fetus will most likely be fully formed in 15 minutes.”

Samus froze. “That’s
 that’s not enough time to get back to my ship.”

 did it say hybrid?

“Layout of this location suggests medical station within an approximate 8 minute reach. Approach through vents recommended, enemies incoming from the south.”

“You’re saying this now!?”

In an almost human reaction Adam went silent.

“Hope you feel bad. Show me the vent,”

The AI navigated her to the vents, which she entered, now only dressed in her Zero Suit, that thankfully adjusted perfectly to her changing body.

Not only half a minute later there were indeed voices echoing through the vent from where she had been before. Space pirates, most likely. A small part in Samus couldn’t help but to impishly hope that they would be contaminated the same way as her.

“Please accelerate. Based on the growth rate, vent will be impassable in 3 minutes.”

“I know, Captain Obvious, please shut up for a minute or two,” Samus responded, sweat drops forming on her forehead. The vent was already small to begin with, but her growing
 mass made it insanely cumbersome. She couldn’t just shimmy forward, lying on her belly, but instead had to pull herself sideways, which was awkwardly slow and uncomfortable. Her belly was so bloated by now, that it brushed over the smooth metallic plates of the sides. If she would’ve been pregnant with a humanoid child, she would look about 6 or 7 months along now.

The lifeform within her squirmed upon the soft stroking motions.

She noticed how it gave her some sort of euphoria: it made her feel excited and even proud; But she managed to fight off these feelings. They were nothing but deception, pumped into her veins by the parasite as a survival method.

She finally reached the shutter of the infirmary and pushed it open, sliding out of it.

But upon inspecting the abandoned room, it was clear that it was by now means equipped for a surgical procedure.

 there’s nothing here,” Samus noted, feeling panic creeping over her body like an actual physical being, winding around her neck, ready to choke.

“Adenosine triphosphate blocker and benzodiazepines detected in stock. ATP blocker can slow down the metabolism and nutrient output of the placenta. Benzodiazepines can calm the fetus. This will most likely prolong the growth until ship is reached.”

“Tell me where.”

The AI guided Samus to the storage and utensils, but her hands trembled while she put in the right dose into the dispenser.

. ATP blockers really bad for the body?”

“They are not lethal,” Adam answered cryptically, not answering her question directly. That was rather unusual. Was the AI actually trying to calm her?

She then got on the medical device, operating it from the inside. With a humming motion the chair activated, tilting Samus slightly backwards into a halfway lying position, while she pulled up the suit on her arm for the needle to enter freely.

The device scanned her skin, then punctured it and transferred the high doses of ATM blockers and bezos directly into her artery.

Meanwhile, Samus focused and fought a silent battle against both panic and euphoria, two extremely contradictory states that weren’t helpful at all.

Not even a minute later, the drugs started to work. Time seemed to slow down, the air around Samus started to feel puffy, like cotton, gently hugging her. The humming and beeping of the medical device sounded now comfortably and faint, as did the events from before. They were nothing but a dreamy memory now.

“Procedure successful. Growth stopped completely,” Samus heard Adam say as if the AI was far away. In another room, maybe. Or another life.

 dose might’ve been 
 a little high
” Samus managed to slur. At least she hoped she did. Maybe she only spoke inside her head.

“Dose was non-lethal,” Adam repeated, “please remain calm until body has adjusted.”

Calm, huh? Samus had no choice but to follow. She was unable to stand up. But even if she could, she didn’t know why she would. There was no reason to. No panic anymore, no sense of emergency. Only the peaceful motions inside her womb

She opened her eyes, looking down on her. Her middle was very protruding, but she could feel that the tightness based on the chronic expansion has stopped and was now instead replaced with a warm feeling.

It looked
 It looked nice. It looked right.

She slowly lifted her hands to touch the softly throbbing bulge for the first time.

A gasp of pleasure escaped her lips. It felt good. So good
 Like she was meant to be like this.

Carefully, she started to rub her belly, feeling the mass, the roundness, how her body has changed. She could even feel her belly button protruding a little under her suit.

The creature inside of her seemed to react towards the attention. It trembled softly, shifted within her, almost as if it was purring.

 it felt so nice. Samus smiled.

The trained, calculating soldier yelled at her from the corners of her mind, trying to remind her. But she didn’t understand what she was saying. And frankly, she didn’t care. Who cared if these feelings were artificial? Who cared if the creature inside her was bad? She couldn’t do anything about it right in this moment, so she might as well enjoy these intense feelings she had never felt before.

She gently stroked over her belly, up to her breasts, feeling their new form and weight. They, too, felt so good
 so motherly. So ripe. Even through the tight fabric of her suit she could feel her nipples harden. She wondered how they would look naked right now.

Her entrance twitched upon the thought, making her moan softly. Right
 her vulva has changed. too. She could feel that it was swollen, and it was definitely more than wet, too.

She guided one of her hands back over her swollen, beautiful belly, and right between her legs, applying a little bit of pressure while massaging one of her full, heavy breasts with the other.

Only that was enough to send her right into a slight climax, making the fetus inside her squirm happily.

. ohhh
” Samus gently moaned, while giving into all of these sensations.

What was Adam thinking? Was he watching? Did he know that the drugs would make her act like this as a side effect?

None of it mattered. All that mattered were these sensations. Whether she wanted it or not, she was becoming a mother, and she loved it. Just as she loved her baby.

Then she dozed off.

(Find Part II here)


Hope you enjoyed this first poll winner story!
UsernameRedacted, whose prompt this was from, was so kind to send me a rough guide/idea for what I could write (see the attached file), since I have no idea about Metroid. I did some additional researched and asked friends about Metroid, and this is what I came up with. Please let me know what you think! I'm curious what I'll write next.



Top tier work. Top tier work. This was a fantastic read,


Great work it was very stimulating, I was hook on reading it from start to end. it was different then what I wrote which is probably what made it better, but I could see the moments in my draft in it as well. I do hope this is not the end of the story and more chapters are to come of Samus in her pregnant journey. I was so good I do hope we get some drawings from you schpog to visualize some of the key moments from this story. I can't wait to read the next story you will write and thanks for everything.