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Hey Guys! Rose here. FYI - I'm done with the Samus story, it will be posted on Tuesday! It was fun to write, though I had to do A LOT of research even for the most basic things due to my personal aspiration (what relationship does she have with the AI, is there an AI in the first place, can she pull off the Power Suit, how does it look when she deactivates it, does she even talk, etc.) and I most likely won't do any more stuff from fandoms I have absolutely no idea about, because this heavy basic research just takes me 5x the time of actually writing a short story. Though I think I might be okay with Metroid now, lmao

Until the story is posted, you can leave here new requests!

Please format it this way:

Title: in less than 140 symbols, feat. fandom & (N)S4W
More: Optional summary, focus or other additional info

Some Examples:

Title: Subpreg: Demon queen impregnates submissive servant (NS4W)
More: Focus on the growth, first perspective (servant), belly sounds, uberpreg, wardrobe malfunction, belly worship but also degradation, corruption, servant loves it and gets obsessed
Title: Zelda taking a bath with pregnant Midna in the Moonlight (Zelda, NS4W)
More: Zelda is experiencing sexual attraction for the first time, and itā€™s Midna. She just canā€™t take her eyes off herā€¦
Title: Bowsette with an egg potion (SĆ¼per Mariƶ, SFW)
More: Starting at no belly, ending with water break. Please focus on the discomfort, sheā€™s not happy about whatā€™s happening to her.
More: I donā€™t care just make it as big as you are comfortable with and include latex and please write it as diary entries

You can find my preferences & favorite fandoms here.

The winning story can be short or long, depending on how inspired I am. I might even do snippets of several ones, if I like them a lot. You can post up to 3 requests.

Iā€™m curious what you come up with and how this will go!



Additional Info: Iā€™ll choose prompts from situations without fandoms or fandoms I know much more likely! You can try other fandoms, but since I like to write as in-lore and in-character as possible, Iā€™ll probably only choose those when thereā€™s a lot of demand (by liking the comment).

If youā€™re unsure itā€™s totally fine to make an overall prompt, like ā€œAnything with Bowsetteā€ without any additional info.



Title: More than just full: Zelda takes the time to make a luxurious meal for Link so that its not only his womb that's round and full (Zelda, NS4W) More: Focus on the belly sounds both from the stuffing and additional aural as the baby moves and kicks against Link's full stomach, belly worship from Zelda after, then perhaps vaginal botezuri for Zelda before fingering or pegging Link? Title: Heir to the throne: Fem Atem is hit with a curse that causes her to rapidly go through pregnancy while still holding court or attend other duties(S4W) More: Focus on the growth spurts, belly sounds, wardrobe malfunction, anything else you'd like to throw in


TITLE: Michiru has Gotten Beeeg! (SFW with NS4W undertones) MORE: Michiru Kagemori from Brand New Animal is well into her pregnancy and is embarrassed of how big she's gotten. Her girlfriend Nazuna however loves it. Just any scenario you can think of with Nazuna teasing Michiru about her bump while also giving it lots of attention. Michiru is very flustered and might complain a little but doesn't stop her. Big focus on the size and feel of Michiru's belly, the soft fur on it, and how Nazuna rubbing it feels good despite how embarrassed Michiru is. Bonus points if you include kicking and mention of Michiru's clothes not fitting very well anymore. (I hope this isnt too much its my first time doing one of thesešŸ’¦)


Title: Daisy flaunts her near term baby bump to Peach during what should be a perfectly run-of-the-mill round of golf (Super Mario, SFW)


(hopefully these are decent suggestions, first time doing these) Title: Honey slime's trouble making mimicry finds them a new home inside a lovely lass (NS4W) More: a Mimic Honey slime disguises itself as honey within a bee hive or in a jar and is swallowed by slim figured woman, she soon finds herself with a bloated stomach that looks like a 4 month along pregnancy, the slime is having a lot of fun inside and it's got an interesting pleasure affect, and will stick a pseudopod out of the woman to pleasure when she wants to be pleasured more intimately? focuses on movement would be fun. Title: hyrule has a slimy out of this world visitor (Zelda, NS4W) More: a meteorite crashes down on the edges of the woodland near Hyrule castle, Zelda is nearby and investigates, the meteor cracks and the slime emerges hoping into Zelda's stomach rather akin to a xenomorph facehugger mixed with the movie the Blob, absolutely zero death or gore, just leaning a little on the more tense side of things as Zelda tries to figure out what's happening to her stomach and why does it feel so pleasureable?

Riddle August

Title: Iosefka's different - she's been Chosen (Bloodborne, NS4W) More: As the Blood Moon ritual passes, Iosefka's (she/her) experiments have finally succeeded and she's become host to the child of an Old One. She struggles to retain her sanity while her womb grows rapidly full and her mind is corrupted. (CW she usually is killed by the player character at the end of her questline but this is not part of the story request) Darkpreg themes include rapidpreg, parasite, scipreg, yanpreg, struggles including outgrown clothing. Her final voice lines in the game give the impression she feels physically ill but her obsession and pride paying off make her feel "rapturous".


Iā€™ll Serve you But Iā€™ll Never Love You! (Original,SFW) After Humans attacked and destroy the elven kingdom the princess was capture. As she hanged by chains in the dungeon her belly began to grow she could feel her womb enlarge with fluids as it protrudes outward. And the weight of her swollen body made the chains that held her in the air painful. Finally she was release as he fell to the floor the royals that stood outside told her as the last of the female elf she will never know what it is to have a child and no chance to rebuild her people as she was curse with her new body. Her curse will only grow every year making her belly larger the only way to break her curse is for her to fall in love but with only humans left in this world she feel she will died before she loves a human. As she slowly stood up and walk out of the prison, castle and the city to the wilds as years go by she did any jobs she could but was quickly let go due to her personality. With her belly so large and tired she collapsed in the back alley in the rain, that is when a man walking by notices the girl. When she awoke she was clean dress and had a large assortment of food in front of her. As she ate with no dignity and crumbs litter the top her belly a young man came into the room with some more refreshments. He explains he is a lord but with little power as his domain is small. He plans to help his people by studying magic but his studies take much of his time and this house and work as a lord can get forgotten. So he wishes to hire her as his maid/secretary to ensure he continue to work as efficient as possible. If she does take the job she will have a room, food and all she could need. As she hates all humans and the thought of serving one to better human lives, she looks down at her body and realizes she will never have a better opportunity. As she accepts her new job and life she puts on her maid outfit and begins to serve this man but swears she will never love him. Sorry for it being very long I tried to condense it but this is as small as I could make it.


Title: Ivy's Personal Harley Pocket is a Privilege, not a Right (Harley Quinn, S4W) More: Harley never considered how useful Giant!Ivy could be. Superhuman strength, intimidation, she even comes with her own cockpit/personnel carrier built in! And if Harley wants to screw around with her girlfriend while she's inside, there's nothing Ivy can do about it! (Or so she thinks.) Vore and stuffing/chugging. Title: Yaz needs a Doctor (Doctor Who, S4W) More: After an adventure, Yaz becomes the host of several eggs. The Doctor then declares herself Yaz's ob/gyn/nurse/helper/study-er and promptly sticks to her like glue. Oviposition, progression and lightpreg (lightovi?) with sapphic belly obsession. Egglaying if you like. Title: Heavy Lies the Crown (OC, S4W) More: The king of a den of thieves has a busy life. Arranging money laundering operations, disciplining cheeky cutpurses, keeping ahead of the town guards, it all adds up. Not to mention the fact that it's a very hot summer and he's far too pregnant to be comfortable. TMPreg, overdue crudepreg.


Title: NB preg: Draconian date night! NSF4! More: Human hooks up with a NB pregnant dragon in a human visage form in a modern day setting. After having a wonderful date at a local festival they go back to the dragon's place to help them work off some of the tension with those pregnancy hormones