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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w(?) or overall queerness, asexuality/demisexuality, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, nausea, gender ambiguity, mtf, mtb, birth, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & suicidal thoughts, parental conflicts, use of alcohol and other drugs, demons, religions & mythology (diverse), cursing, belly focus

▶ Read all from the start
Part I
Acts: 1-3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 l 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Part II Acts: 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 28œ | 29 | 30 | 30œ | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 41œ | 42 | 43
Part III Acts: 44 | 45 


T H E  â˜†  M A G I C I A N


Act 46


Sadly, the ride only lasted for about half an hour, though Rosemary consoled Mel by reminding her that this was just the beginning of their date and by promising that they would ride another vintage locomotive later in the day. It happened to be a heritage railway, featuring different historic trains that departed about once every hour, so they could always return.

It ended in Alresford, where they got off.

Confident, as if she already knew the area well, Rosemary led them both through the small, charming town, decorated with red-brick houses, flower pots, and old-fashioned stores, all while adorably holding Mel’s hand. She really gave them a sense of soothing normality. The whole adventure was still very exciting, of course, but the way the little American girl stayed close to them wasn‘t really comparable to anything Mel had ever experienced. Mel struggled to put a name to the feeling– calm, perhaps? A calmness that suggested safety, in the most beautiful way. Rosemary was here, with them. She would stay by their side. She didn’t wait for a good moment to ask for an autograph nor to summon up the courage to ask Mel for a photograph together. There were no expectations, only enjoyment for the present moment. Mel was allowed to just exist, like a normal human, and still be appreciated.

What a wonderful feeling. Mel couldn’t remember the last time they felt this way with another human being.

They strolled into a little market, packed with booths of locals selling vegetables, self-made knickknacks, clothes, and freshly baked treats. They sauntered for a while, delighting more in the hurly-burly than the actual products, until Rosemary came to a halt. As Mel looked up, they saw the lettering ‘THE HORSE & GROOM’: another pub with white-painted walls, dark blue doors, and matching frames, fit with many potted plants.

“Our next destination. This time I made sure it’s open. It’s really cozy inside,” their little dove noted.

She hasn’t exaggerated. Upon entering Mel was greeted with a warm, comfortable atmosphere, enriched by the scents of delectable food. Rustic woodwork and exposed bricks composed the antiquated yet charismatic interior that welcomed them in even further. Her pick was more than tasteful. The present guests, relaxed and diverse in nature, created a lively yet comfy ambience.

“Absolutely beautiful, it’s so very 
 gezellig,” Mel couldn’t refrain from commenting.

By Satan’s anus this really is gezellig as fuck, Melchior.

“Hesellick?” Rosemary repeated the subjectively foreign word in her adorable accent.

Every time Dutch words flowed from Rosemary’s mouth Mel’s heart took a leap, overwhelmingly charmed by the syntax.

“It means something like
 very cozy and pleasurable. It’s hard to explain, but it encompasses the heart of Dutch culture, if you will.”

This made the delightful girl’s eyes twinkle with joy.

“So I chose something that speaks right to your heart?”

“Indeed you did, love. You’re fairly good at this, if I may be so blunt. Everything you do has spoken right to my heart thus far.”

Her cheeks grew even rosier, her whole presence feeling like it might’ve bloomed.

Delighting Rosemary became more and more one of Mel’s favorite pastimes.

A waitress approached. Before they could ask anything, their companion spoke, “Hello, I have a reservation. Clarke.”

The waitress, a tall, middle-aged woman who reminded Mel of a motherly valkyrie, gave them a welcoming smile.

“Ah yes, Clarke. You’re a bit early, but that’s no problem, dearie. It’s right over here.”

The waitress led the two to a table close by in a little alcove, right next to a fireplace. Rosemary took the spot on the bench while Mel took the chair.

“Here’s the menu; call me when you know what you want, alright?” the waitress instructed before vanishing behind the bar.

Just one peak at the card made Mel’s mouth water.

“Wow. This all sounds absolutely scrumptious,” they remarked.

Something about what Mel said or how they said it caused Rosemary to laugh. She then pleaded, “I know, right? Please, don’t hold back. Take everything to your heart’s content.”

She chuckled, smiling shyly, unable to withstand Mel’s gaze for long, as if there was more than mere politeness within her request. So Mel took note and decided to eat more than they usually would in front of anyone else, albeit nowhere near as much as they would if they were alone.

As if she already knew, the girl ordered a share on top of the starter, main and sides Mel got themself.

My girl’s onto somethin’ here, Lusje resounded with a snicker. Unless maybe the share’s for herself?

It wasn’t. In fact, she already gave up after finishing only a fraction of the charcuterie board, instead shifting to engage in pleasant small talk, almost as if attempting to distract.

Mel didn’t complain. The dishes were just as tasty as they seemed on paper, and Mel had gone a long time since fueling their need for nutrients with something else than high calorie shakes.

A couple of courses, some cups of tea, and even a dessert later, Mel regretted the choice of their weskit. As the piece wasn’t one of their special fits, with stretchy material on the back and sides to comfortably accommodate a growing middle, the adjustment strap on the back needed to be loosened.

Damn you, off-the-peg clothing.

“Are you alright?”, her date asked with that particularly angelic face.

“Ah, yes, think nothing of it. It just seems that I took your offering a little too much to heart. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll have to step out and readjust my clothing.”

By the end of Mel's answer, the girl's soft blush had blossomed several shades darker.

“Oh, I
 I could help you, maybe?”

Mel pondered the thought. They usually never accept any assistance regarding anything remotely close to their middle, but it was different with Rosemary. They didn’t just trust her or feel close; the girl also seemed to take real pleasure in anything regarding the topic.

It took them a moment to overcome, but eventually Mel nodded and stood up.

Now, Mel had far bigger, well, growth spurts in their life. Compared to those, this amounted to nothing more than a small nuisance; if not for the strained clothing, they probably wouldn’t even have noticed the change.

But Rosemary must’ve experienced the change differently. The growth seemed to be rather obvious to her, because the moment Mel’s middle came into view, directly in Rosemary’s line of sight, her eyes widened, and her fingers covered her closed mouth.

Mel couldn’t help but feel a little shy and worried, not quite the usual dysphoria they typically experienced but enough to throw them off their groove.

“You really don’t have to–”, they began, but Rosemary was quick to get up and interrupt them. “No, it’s okay, don’t worry. I
 I didn’t want to stare. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Mel assured her with all the calmness they could muster. They then added, “If anyone is allowed to stare, it’s you.”

Rosemary vanished behind them, so Mel couldn’t see her face, but they could hear her say a muffled “oh”, and then something that roughly sounded like either, “I’m honored,” or, possibly but rather unlikely, “A hornet.”

“See the belt on my back? Just undo the clinch a little.”, Mel instructed her, with a slight smirk.

Small hands started to fiddle nervously on Mel’s waistcoat.

She’s so tense and shy about it. It’s cute as fuck. Seems to be a pretty intense experience.

Not only for her, Mel thought. Having her so close that they could even smell her sweet scent, letting her do something Mel never thought they would ever allow anybody to do; being taken care of, at least in a way - that wasn’t exactly common for Mel, either.

I know, I know. This is basically somethin’ like pettin’ or whatever for such innocen’ creatures like you two. And I gotta admit, I’m enjoyin’ the show. Like a soap opera written by a buncha chastity vowers or some shit. Man, I really have gotten soft over th’ years.

The backstrap suddenly loosened, the waistcoat’s size grew, and Mel was able to breathe properly again.

“Oh, that’s way better. Thank you, my little dove.”

“Of course,” the girl mumbled behind them. “Should I bind the rest of the strap as it was before?”

“You don’t have to, but if you like, you can try.”

Rosemary’s hands got back to work, still shaky, but a bit more confident this time. They diligently bound the tie into a practical half ribbon.

It does feel nice, doesn’t it? A caring wife, making sure you’re dressed well?

Mel’s cheeks flushed red-hot.

“All done,” Rosemary commented and gave Mel’s back a tiny pat before she went back to her seat to hide behind her menu.

“Thank you very much, Rozemarijn. Much appreciated.”

Neither spoke for a while after that, but the silence wasn’t awkward. It was if they both allowed themselves and each other to sort through their feelings.

It was Rosemary who eventually began talking again.

“If you’re ready, we can head back to the train. The next one comes in about 15 minutes and will take us to our next destination. Or, do you want to stay and relax a little more

She sounded a bit more composed again.

“As much as I adore this place, I really can’t wait for what else you wish to show me, dear. Just let me take care of the payment–”

“It’s all taken care of, don’t worry,” Mary interrupted them softly, “We can go right now if you want.”

Looking at her with a surprised smile, Mel nodded. They hadn’t notice Rosemary paying.

Seems you aren’t the only one with tricks up their sleeve, kiddo. Man, I can’t wait to see where this is going. Makes me wish I’d be an official part of the date, too.



Story written by RoseVirage
Beta Reader: Try!


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Tired Pro

a hornet 😳😳😳😳 this was so nice to read, Rosemary is such a caring lady 😭 i love how she sneakily paid for the meal, when someone does that that's when you know they're a keeper lol


Rose: Awww!! Mary definitely tries her best to make Mel feel taken care of just as it's the other way 'round!