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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w(?) or overall queerness, asexuality/demisexuality, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, nausea, gender ambiguity, mtf, mtb, birth, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & suicidal thoughts, parental conflicts, use of alcohol and other drugs, demons, religions & mythology (diverse), cursing, belly focus

▶ Read all from the start
Part I
Acts: 1-3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 l 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Part II Acts: 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 28½ | 29 | 30 | 30½ | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 41½ | 42 | 43
Part III Acts: 44 


T H E  ☆  M A G I C I A N


Act 45


It was enrapturing to be with Mary inside their Traction Avant again, if not magical.

Actually, they were trapped since the moment Mel laid their eyes on that delicate, beautiful girl moments ago. Seeing her again excited them so much more than they thought possible. Rosemary, sitting in front of that rural old British pub, surrounded by roses and kissed by warm sunbeams that caught in her strawberry blonde strands, illuminated into shining gold; The freckles on her face enticing Mel to gently touch every single one… It was such a beautiful sight to see, nearly too beautiful to take in.

Now, she was next to her once again, on the very seat she sat in months ago, but now officially dating Mel.

What did they do to deserve such luck and bliss?

“You don’t have Google Maps or any other navigation system, right?” the young woman asked with her soothing, warm voice.

“I have a map,” Mel answered. It wasn’t supposed to be a joke, but seeing Rosemary smile made them realize that the comment must be really out of touch with social standards.

“I will guide you then, no problem,” she said while fastening her seatbelt. She then took out her smartphone, typed something in, and continued, “First, exit the parking lot and then turn right.”

Mel gladly followed her instructions, curious to see where she would lead the two. After they turned onto the main road and no longer required much navigation from Rosemary’s side anymore, Mel asked, “Did I intrude on your reading?”


Mel nodded towards the bag, where Rosemary had put her book earlier.

“Oh, no. Not at all. I tried to, but I was way too excited to see you again,” her little dove answered with shy words.

Like always, her unusual straightforwardness hit Mel unprepared, depriving them of their repartee.

“Oh– I… I’m very flattered–” they attempted to form an appropriate response, but Rosemary, maybe because she was flustered herself or because she noticed Mel’s overextension, quickly added, “Do you read?”

“Oh, yes. Well. I rather listen, to be frank. To audiobooks. This way, I can keep my hands and eyes busy on other things. You do read a lot, don’t you, mijn roosje? Do you have a favorite author?”

“That’s hard to say, I like to read many different kinds of things… But I always find myself returning to Agatha Christie.”

A woman of antiquated taste! The world-changing Dame was the best-selling fiction writer of all time, had a formative influence on countless modern works and the way writers and producers approached fiction. Yet, not many people knew about her anymore, let alone have her as a favorite author; though, in all fairness, some of her works simply haven’t aged too kindly. Nevertheless, hearing Rosemary say that immediately made Mel feel even closer.

“What a joy to hear, my little dove. And a little surprising.”

“Aha? Why? Did you think I’d talk about Harry Potter just now?”

Mel would be lying if they hadn’t considered it.

Rosemary, reading Mel’s hesitation correctly, laughed softly and added, “Of course, I have read those books. And I did my fair share of fangirling back then. But fantasy was never too fascinating for me, genre-wise.”

“And yet, you’re dating a wizard,” Mel commented. It was meant as a witticism, but it left both of them blushing. Mel actually voiced the fact that they were indeed dating, a circumstance that was still new and overwhelming to both of them, making the pair act like shy teenagers.

“The, uhm… the Potter books are some of the rare modern pieces I’ve read,” Mel filled in to ease the abashed tension. “Usually I’m drawn to anything archaic. But also works that had a great influence on the world, so they were a must read. I presume you have thought about which house you’d be in?”

“Slytherin,” the cute, rather Hufflepuff-y looking girl answered without any doubt, before adding, “And you?”

Fuck me, Mel, it’s the house with the snakes! Can she get any better?

“Oh, I… Uh,” Mel stuttered, “I’m not sure. I’ve never been asked that. Ravenclaw, perhaps?”

Rosemary gave them a favorable smile. “I can see that. Tho, honestly, I could see you in every house,” she disclosed, curiously, then abruptly pausing the topic by noting, “You have to take the next right turn, then we’ll enter a little town.”

The young woman led Mel to the center of said town, where they parked and entered a railway station. A train came, but though Mel instinctively thought about entering, Rosemary didn’t make a move, indicating that this wasn’t the train they waited for. So, Mel just waited curiously, and only a short while later did a beautiful, charming old steam locomotive approach, one painted in shining black lacquer and huffing out huge clouds of clean, white vapor. It must have been at least 60 years old.

An absolute beauty.

“Our ride is here,” Rosemary nodded to Mel’s absolute bliss as she presented their tickets to the conductor, and they both entered the vintage coach. Its interior was just as antiquated as its outside, built in dark wood and covered in red patterned fabrics.

“I hope you like trains,” she asked shyly when they sat down in a booth with a table, looking at Mel with unsure eyes. “It’s no Orient Express, but…”

“Oh, my dearest Rozemarijntje, I adore it,” Mel quickly answered. They felt foolish that they told their little dove how much they loved old things and Agatha Christie before; obviously the girl had a very attentive perception and likely knew of these kinds of things already. Now wonder she had chosen such a perfect activity for their date.

“Thank you. You chose well. A fantastic train.”

As if this wasn’t enough, her smart companion pulled out a metal lunchbox, opened it, and offered its contents to Mel: Scones and cucumber sandwiches, a very British treat.

“Because we weren’t able to dine at the pub,” she commented while sliding the container to them. “It’s nothing special, just a little something I have prepared just in case. But, don’t worry, we will get ourselves something proper soon, as well.”

Mel, who indeed was rather hungry again, took out one of the sandwitches and disclosed, themselves touched, “You are a true treasure, mijn roosje.”

Their words made the fair girl blush. Mel reached out with their free hand, offering it to her. Timidly, Rosemary layed her own into it, and they both looked out the window, admiring the view and sensation of the old-fashioned train leaving the station.

“Can I offer you some tea in return?” Mel asked.

As an answer, Rosemary gave her a slightly confused look. Instead of questioning, she simply said, “Yes, please.”

She might have been suspecting that Mel was up to something, because when they reached under the table to grab their trusty trunk out of a fresh portal, thus performing the first part of a trick, the girl’s eyes widened in joy and surprise. Rosemary’s feedback wasn’t as verbal, nor loud, nor adorning as that of many fans, but Mel found great pleasure in its silent honesty.

For the next part, they laid the trunk sideways on the table and opened it. Its back was facing Mel’s audience, blocking the view to its contents, and - again, with the help of a portal - poured hot water into two previously prepared cups. To the onlooker, it appeared as if they were pushing their arms impossibly deep into the trunk. Then they lifted the cups, together with saucers and tiny spoons, out of the opening, making it seem as if they waited like that in the suitcase which had previously been flipped.

To top off the bit, they also pulled out a little can of milk and a box of sugar.

For the trick’s closing, they let the portal vanish and artistically rotated the trunk around so that Rosemary could see that it sat completely empty, not hiding a secret thermal jug or anything similar, then closed it and hid it under the table again.

Rosemary made tiny little claps, the kind one might do for oneself when excited rather than performative applause. It looked very cute.

Mel felt good: safe, apprehended, relaxed. Taken cared for. Rosemary didn’t just gift them a nice, interesting activity, but also handed them positive emotions and atmosphere. Even though she was shy and took on  a more passive role, she managed to provide some sort of stability that was otherwise hard to grasp for Mel. They have never felt like this before. Usually they were the one in control, the one with a plan. It was such an exciting change of pace, and Rosemary didn’t seem overwhelmed with this task; on the contrary, she seemed excited to take care of Mel like this.

Looking at the soft, dainty girl like this made Mel feel like she was made for them.

Of course, she was not, and Mel felt bad for even thinking something of such a possessive nature, but it was hard not to do so. She seemed to experience Mel in all of their facets: not just as a mysterious celebrity, as most people did. Even though she chose to refer to Mel as female, she didn’t seem to be against the idea of changing her language as needed, and indeed she did embrace Mel as more than that. Her gentle, attentive aura made Mel feel at ease, taking away their strain to perform and to be perfect. Despite her more silent and withheld demeanor, she had a quick tongue and wasn’t afraid to talk back if needed. She made them feel something Mel hasn’t felt for a long, long time: human.

Of course, there also was the fact that she was one of the few people immune to Lusje’s charm. So, all of her personal interest and affection was pure and not upscaled, which was almost too much to take in. Mel has gotten used to the thought that interpersonal interest must come from an admirable blend of status, fanaticism and enchantment; while such thinking made them feel safe and confident on the surface, on a deeper level, it had the opposite effect. So, feeling Mary’s true fondness was cathartic.

Not to mention that the malfunction of Lusje’s spell resulted in Mary’s ability to see Mel’s body the way it was, which had the same impact. Though, seeing how much she was attracted, excited and fascinated far outweighed the scary part. It even excited Mel themself, to a degree.

Even her mere appearance was a sight for Mel’s sore eyes. Her vintage-inspired dresses fit Mel’s personal tastes and, on top of that, suited Rosemary so well. It was as if she became more beautiful and more, well, ‘herself every time they met again. Mel would’ve never thought that they would find a human so beautiful and attractive. The last time they experienced something like that was years ago, when they met Bastet. Yet Bastet was a goddess of Mel’s profession and passion, so it wasn’t exactly suitable to compare.

Looking closer at their little dove, Mel noticed that she was wearing a little golden snake necklace.

“That is a pretty necklace, Rozemarjin. Did you buy it just for today?”

Rosemary gave Mel a strange look while taking a sip of her cup: she squinted her eyes, lowered the porcelain, pouted her lips to a smile, and remarked, “Interesting that you would think that.”

Immediately, Mel felt themselves blushing and heard Lusje snicker.

I love how clearly she sees thru yer arrogance and calls you out on it. It’s so fuckin’ funny.

“I have owned this for many years. Got it from one of my father’s business partners when I was a kid, if you must know.”

Mel cleared their throat, making her chuckle for some reason.

“But… yes. I’m wearing it for you today.”

Don’t confuse the girl with one of yer snekkies, honey. It’s rather clear by now thatcha haven’ had much contact with people who ain’t just fans.

Lusje was right.

“I’m flattered,” Mel answered, albeit a little fluttered in light of what they had assumed. “In, ehm… in any case, it looks good on you. You look beautiful in general today. But I said that already, didn’t I?”

“Yes,” Rosemary affirmed, smiling.

“Oh, I… Well. It’s true. Blimey, I really am not good with words right now–”

The young woman laughed and squeezed Mel’s hand a little tighter.

“Honestly, I’m thankful to see that you’re nervous, too. Makes me feel more normal and less alone. We’re both new at these things, so let’s explore it together, yes?”

Her words were so warm.

Mel pulled Rosemary’s hand close to kiss it gently.

“Yes. We shall do that, my little dove.”



Story written by RoseVirage
Beta Reader: Try!


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Tired Pro

imagining Rosemary's little clapping 🥺🙏


Ommggg I’ve spent the past day or so reading this from start to update, and I absolutely LOVE everything about this story 💖. Rose, idk how you do it but you make me feel everything the characters feel. From the moment Rosemary saw the magician and was totally captivated down to all the pain Mel has gone through — it’s absolutely stunning 💓!! You write the excitement of new love so sooooo well, I feel giddy along with them. And any mention of Mel’s lil belly 🥺💓💖💓💕 SWOOONNNNN. I cant express enough how much I love this story, it’s beautiful in every way. Thank you for writing it, I can see all the love you put into it in every word! And the fact that Schpog also sketches scenes from each chapter?! If your words aren’t enough to visualize each chapter (which, trust me, they ARE,,,), the art really hammers it home. You both PROVIDE. And I couldn’t be happier to be a patron 💓💓💓


Rose: Aaahhhhhh omg thank you SOOO much!!! Made us tear up when we first read it 😭😭😭😭 This means so so so much to me (to both of us, actually, since Mel is very close to Schpog's heart) and it just FUELS me so much. Thank you for that lovely feedback, I hope you'll enjoy the future chapters, too!!