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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w(?) or overall queerness, asexuality/demisexuality, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, nausea, gender ambiguity, mtf, mtb, birth, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & suicidal thoughts, parental conflicts, use of alcohol and other drugs, demons, religions & mythology (diverse), cursing, belly focus

▶ Read all from the start
Part I
Acts: 1-3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 l 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Part II Acts: 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 28½ | 29 | 30 | 30½ | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 41½ | 42 | 43 


T H E  ☆  M A G I C I A N



Act 44

Mary, Present

Today was the day. Today, Mary would see her again. Her beloved, quaint, beautiful, charming, dignified yet somewhat dorky magician.

They haven’t seen each other for 23 days. Not that Mary actually kept count. She just happened to calculate the days since they’ve last seen each other quickly. And did so on a daily basis.

Okay, she did keep count, in a way.

Though, who could blame her? She had her first crush, and began dating for the first time in her life, and coincidentally, these two were congruent with each other and happened to be the most amazing person on Earth.

Even though she dearly awaited their next meetup, Mary also conceded that the breaks were somewhat a necessity to unwind again. She tended to feel such intense emotions during their get-togethers that she would make good use of their time apart to contemplate, to reevaluate, and in this particular case, to organize.

See, Mary was in charge of the meetup this time. Knowing that her magician was a master planner stressed her out a little, but she caught the feeling that Melodie was happy so long as they were together, with no special circumstances needed. Still, Mary did want to organize something that reflected both herself and her affection for the magician.

So, she did.

Hopefully, Melodie would like it.

She mused over the paragraph of her book for what felt like the fifth time, unable to take in even a single word of the passage. Finally realizing that her anticipation  would make reading impossible, she snapped The City of Dreaming Books shut and laid it on her lap. It was a wondrous charming book, able to take the reader completely in, but even Walter Moers couldn’t distract her from the excitement she felt over meeting Melodie van de Sterren again.

So, Mary decided to just sit there instead, in front of the charming little white pub with the light blue painted windows, not too far from London. On a bench that seemed to shed its white skin like a reptile that was about to be born anew, she sat next to soft pink climbing roses which filled the air with early summer scents. She sat there, enjoying England's early morning sun, when a black and white vintage car turned into the pub’s small parking lot.

Even though Mary previously saw this car only once, she immediately recognized the vehicle as Melodie’s, the one from the very day they met. This was the first time she saw the magician not driving a car not previously seen. Part of Mary had been excited for what unique classic vehicle she’d catch sight of today, but that feeling gave way for even more excitement upon seeing the car that first set everything in motion.

With a heart that pounded with joy and excitement, she got up and slid the book into her old leather messenger bag as she walked toward the vehicle.

The magician got out of her car, and as before, her appearance showered Mary with intense, overwhelming feelings. She didn’t look too unusual; she, again, wore brown dapper clothing as opposed to  her black and purple stage getup, but this time, probably because of the warm weather, only sported a loose blouse and a delicately ornamented vest, along with her bowtie and, of course, her cane. She was simply gorgeous in a way that Mary could never ignore nor get accustomed to. In fact, she seemed even more overwhelmingly stunning every single time that they saw each other.

Her hair was open and perfectly styled as always, though this time, the hair had been tucked behind her ear on one side. For some reason, this detail appeared rather informal and almost suggestive, making her appear a little more feminine.

Something else was different, too; she wore her slim pants over her vest, unlike usual. The waistband was angled downwards, holding her small yet noticeable belly up, akin to that of a pregnant woman who’s 4 months along. This way that she wore her clothes emphasized her fecund curve even more, and Mary couldn’t help but wonder if Melodie had dressed herself like this on purpose.

Rozemarijntje!” she called out, her face a reflection of joy and optimism, while walking up to the awaiting girl.

Sterretje,” Mary answered, hoping that she said it accurately. According to her research, it was the Dutch diminutive of ‘star’.

Melodie’s smile got even wider, signaling that Mary pronounced it right.

“A jolly good morning! It’s so good to see you again, my little dove,” the magician said, hugging Mary with an authentic warmth and showering the girl with her signature smell. It reminded Mary of an old bakery café in a pine tree forest, one furnished with dark, heavy, antique and foreign chairs and tables, sometime in the early morning just after a rainy night: a nostalgic place she might’ve visited often as a child, a place that felt instinctively like home.

Mary felt a little abashed by the presence of these elaborate pictures which Melodie’s scent put in her head, but she couldn’t help it.

Her body felt so nice, too: warm and firm under these wrinkle-free layers of expensive fabric. Had Mary ever hugged Melodie before? If so, she must’ve been too excited to notice how nice it actually felt. Her embrace was downright addictive. Kissing her was out of this world already, but feeling her body so close like this was… Mary didn’t know how to describe the experience. It was something else; both exciting and calming, simultaneously grounding her to the floor and sending her off to the moon. She already longed for more.

“You look absolutely stunning, as always,” the Magician added, bringing Mary’s racing mind back to this moment.

Mary herself wore a light brown, long skirt over an ornated blouse, adorned with her moth pin Melodie had gifted her. Over that rested a self crocheted oversized cardigan, decorated with little crocheted flowers.

She has gained a bit of weight over the last weeks, as her weight constantly fluctuated, but Melodie sounded and appeared so honest in her awe that she immediately forgot about it. Instead, she felt flattered and pretty. She liked being beautiful for Melodie.

Dank u zeer,” Mary gave her thanks in Dutch as they parted, “So do you.”

The beaming look on Melodie’s face was invaluable.

“Before we start, might I get something out of the way, my little dove? May I touch you?”

“Always,” Mary answered, maybe a little too fast, enough to feel ashamed about her answer.

Mercifully ignoring her embarrassment, Melodie took Mary’s hands and laid them onto her small hemisphere.

Mary almost squeaked in blissful surprise.

The magician said nothing at first, only observing her with a touching amount of care in her eyes. Then, after a good while, when Mary finally started to calm down a little, the magician explained, “Pardon my bluntness, my dear, but I thought long about how I could help you to relax around me, and I figured this might help. Forgive my assumption.”

Mary, who had released enough tension to gently caress the still unbelievingly intriguing curve, answered: “Ah– no… it’s okay. It really does help, I think. Th–thank you.”

“You’re quite welcome, dearest. To be frank, I’ve longed for your hands there again, too. A little, at least. I have to make up a dozen years of not being touched there, I suppose.”

Mary took a deep, trembled breath. That comment got her worked up far too intensely. Melodie was craving her touch? She actually wanted Mary to acknowledge her belly? This was almost too good to be true.

She gently shook her head, in hopes to bring her back to reality. She needed to focus. There was a long, beautiful day ahead, and she needed to be of a sound mind for it.

“I … I will make sure to… uhm… try my best to, uh… help you out with that. To make up for it, I mean. Later,” she stuttered nervously and withdrew her hands. To her relief, Melodie let her, flashing her a cute, little smile.

“So, uhm. Okay, for… eh,” Mary started, but as soon as she noticed she still had trouble focusing, she shook her head another time, this time stronger, as if she wanted to shake off some bugs that clung to her hair. Melodie chuckled softly at the motion. Then, much more composed, she continued, “Alright. I meant to invite you to breakfast here today. I heard that they made the most amazing eggs Benedict and British delicacies, but unfortunately, they seem to be on vacation.”

Mary thought she saw a hint of true regret in Melodie’s expression, before she quickly regained her polite getup. It was intriguingly cute.

“Don’t worry though, this was not the only thing I had in mind for today. We can head over to my next item on the agenda for today without problem. Would you mind driving us there? It’s around ten minutes from here.”

“It would be my pleasure, Rozemarijntje.”



Story written by RoseVirage
Beta Reader: Try!


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Tired Pro

I got so teary eyed at the description of how it felt for mary to kiss melodie 😭 idk how you nailed it Rose but omg that describes the feelings of this specific longing and need and love of a person you are infatuated with SO👏DAMN👏PERFECTLY... and the moment when Melodie takes Mary's hands and puts them on ze boly just so she might feel more comfortable??? wow just ahhhhhh this chapter is just chock full of so much love and warmth 💜


Rose: Ahhhh!!!! Thank you so much, Tired 😭 It overjoys me to hear that you feel that way!!!