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Hey everyone! Rose here. I spontaneously found it in me and had the strength to write something. It's a bit lewder than the usual stuff. I hope you like it anyway!


// C: nsfw (no intercourse), wlw, fpreg, domme/sub, maiesiophilia, belly worship, breeding talk, degradation, swearing, demeaning words

Use me - 1

I could feel the gaze of the mysterious stranger even from the other side of the deck.

She was standing in a group with the captain, casually conversing about something probably trade-related, blatantly smoking a foreign looking opium pipe while her piercing eyes watched me, like two pieces of amber in bright sunlight.

My captain let her on board around a month ago. I still didn’t know her name, since it really wasn’t my place as a low-ranking waitstaff to ask, but it was clear that she was a merchant of some sort. And clearly a shady one, or else the captain - a rather infamous pirate - would’ve just foraged her goods instead of helping her on her journey.

I don’t want to lie; I couldn’t help but secretly look at her since the day I first laid eyes on her. Everything about her was just so fascinating. She was unusually tall, for starters. But also very curvy and heavy-chested. Her clothes were dark and tight, and she often hid under a dark purple coat. Her dark clothes and skin brightened her unnaturally yellow eyes even more. Despite her height and weight, she moved gracefully, almost inhumanly. Everything about her reminded me of a cat. One of those very fluffy but elegant ones.

I don’t know if she noticed me watching, or if it was something else - at any rate, she started to do the same. But unlike me, who wasn’t even allowed to look at our guests if not necessary, she did it directly, for a long time, and without any shame.

Her looks did things to me. They felt almost physical. As if she was touching me, undressing me. She did look at my face sometimes, yes, but mostly 
. well. See, before I went on board this ship I
 well. I had fun. A lot of it. With several men. But when my body started to show evidence of his, the tavern owners I worked for threw me out.

The consequence of my actions has been growing relentlessly since then, and it proved to be the stranger’s favorite part of me to watch.

Especially when its heavy weight and the squirming of its inside made my job hard. Then she would stare at me, her plump lips slightly parted, a hint of a sadistic smile in the corner of her mouth.

I craved these moments. I knew she liked them, and it made me like them, too. I wanted to grow even heavier for her, so that my work made me pant and sweat. Turning even more into a reflection of a  self-indulgent whore, so that she wouldn’t be able to avert her gaze anymore eventually.


Later that day, when it was time for supper, she visited the mess for the first time. She usually ate in her cabin or not at all. It made me feel unnaturally excited, because it meant that I was officially allowed to come close to her, to serve her.

I was shaking when I did so.

“What are you serving today?” she simply asked. Her voice was deep and raspy. Like her looks, it almost felt tangible.

“Beef stew, Madam,” I answered, so quickly and obediently that it even surprised myself.

It made her smile that subtle, hungry, self-assured smile.

Almost as if my child - or probably rather children, by the looks and feel of it - reacted to the mysterious woman, the inside of my taut belly started to squirm. Heavily. I clutched onto it, not able to quell a silent moan.

The woman smiled even wider.

“Good. I take a large portion. A very large one, do you understand? Bring it to my room.”

With that, she left.

Use me - 2

When I knocked on her door, I was shaking again. I wasn’t used to being that excited. I wasn’t used to having these feelings towards another woman in general. It was unfamiliar and strange. Back in my hometown, I had been very confident with men, using them like toys whenever I wanted, but this was different. I didn’t want the elegant lady to be my toy - I wanted to be hers.

“Come inside.” her confident voice commanded loudly.

I opened the door with my elbow, holding a small pot of stew with both of my hands over the top of my protruding curve.

“Your dinner, madam.”

“Come inside,” the woman, who sat on a fine padded chair with armrests like on a throne, repeated. Reading a book, she continued: “Put the pot on the desk. Close the door behind you.”

Behind me? With me inside?

My heart pounded so strongly, I could feel it as far as my hands.

I did what she asked of me, then stood there, in front of the door, waiting for my next order. My belly weighted heavily, making it hard to stand erect, but I did my best to endure it.

“How far along are you, wench?”

 I am not sure,” I answered truthfully, resisting the urge to stroke over the seemingly evergrowing middle, to weight and gauge.

“You look overdue. Though I assume that’s not too uncommon with such petite and slim girls like you. Nevertheless, it looks like you might birth any day now.”

Something in her voice and the way she phrased it made my vulva tingle. I started to feel hot.

 is that why you always watch me, Madam?”

She looked at me silently.

Fuck. Fuck! What was I thinking, saying something like that?!

I averted my gaze. I wasn’t even allowed to look at her, how could I even talk to her like that?

“No,” she finally answered, “I did so because you’re a whore.”

I looked back at her, in shock.

She closed her book. Saying nothing at first, almost as if she wanted to give her words a stronger impact. It worked. Her eyes observed me, as if she’d be able to undress me with them.

Usually when people use that word it was meant as a threat, as an insult - but it hasn’t sounded like that at all coming from her lips. Quite the opposite, to be frank.

She stood up, towering before me now, slowly coming closer.

“Because that’s what you are, right? A whoring slut, fucking herself senseless, being bred like an animal.”

I gulped. None of these words sounded like insults, even though they should. They sounded like condescending worship, and they hit very hard. My whole body reacted to them, making my knees weak, my breathing stronger, my entrance wet

What was this woman doing to me?

“And I know you like that, wench. I bet you had the chance to abort, but you didn’t. I can respect a woman doing as she pleases, carrying the fruits of her autonomy proudly as you do. You’re a little whore and you’re proud of it, aren’t you? You liked your body and your every move being watched by me. You enjoyed growing fat and full for me, right? Don’t lie to me, girl.”

By now I was shaking so strongly that it was impossible for the woman not to notice.

 Yes, Madam.”

She now was closer than ever before. I could smell her intoxicating scent - it was both flowery and somewhat musky, reminding me of incense.

She was smiling even brighter now, exposing two slightly pointed canine teeth, making her look even more like a cat.

“Can I touch you?”

“Yes, Madam, please,” my mouth obediently said for me.

Without hesitation, both of her hands reached for my belly, stroking it, weighting it. I haven’t been particularly into my pregnant body, but it was clear as day that she was. Which did evoke new feelings towards it inside me, too.

It wasn’t anything sexual, anything remotely close to my erogenous zones, yet it made me moan.

“Oh, you well bred little slut. You were hungry for this, hm?”

It was hard to catch any clear thoughts. Her hands felt so good on my stretched flesh, my offspring churned and pressed right into that sensitive part of me that could even make me orgasm without warning, and every word of her hit just in the right places.

I couldn’t answer. I could only nod.

“Do you want to hear a secret, my sweet girl? I was, too. But you knew this already, didn’t you? How much I wanted you?”

Her words made me pant even stronger. I slightly pushed my massive bump into her caressing, possessive hands.

She made a pleased humming sound while stroking my belly as if it was all she ever wanted.

“From now on, you belong to me. Do you hear me? As long as I am on this ship, you’ll be my personal servant.”

“M-Madam, I c-can’t -”

“I already made a deal with your captain. She agreed. As long as you do, too. Do you?”

“Yes,” I moaned. The sheer thought of serving no one else but her drove me crazy. I felt my insides throbbing, I knew I was close to an orgasm, caused only by this woman’s presence, words and stroking the swollen proof of my .

“Good girl. You will attend to my needs. You will clean my room. The consequences of your whoring will make you struggle, but I won’t allow any lacking. You will cook for me, wash me, carry things for me, scrub the floors in my room until the moment you give birth. I want your swollen body and restricted movements to remind you of your whoring place at every moment. I want you to suffer. To pant like the bitch that you are. You’re mine now.”

My whole body was pulsating by now. I could barely stand. I could feel my wetness running down my shivering legs.

“And you will grow even bigger from now on. I want you to be fed well. Fill up those tits plump with milk, grow your babies big and strong. I know you’ll make me proud, I can see what an obedient slut you are. As a reward I will breed you again after you give birth, like cattle. Several times a day, as long as your little body starts to swell up again. Do you want that?”

“Yes, yes, please -----”

I had no idea if she was using her words deliberately by now, knowing their impact on me, or if she was actually serious; But I couldn’t hold back anymore. Her narrative showed virtue, and with a loud moan and twitching hips I came. Completely without any intercourse or stimulation.

“That’s my good girl, come for me. Show me how much you’re mine. I knew the biggest treasure on this ship would be you. I’ll make sure to make good use of you. I will humiliate you as much as you want, my dearest maid.”

(Next Part here)



What a fantastic combination of great, lewd writing and really good character designs! Looking forward to read more about them!

Nevander W

Ooooo!!!! I love Rose's stories they're always a treat, I'm obsessed with this new one!

