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⚠ special content warning: involuntary monster birth ⚠

▶ Read all from the start
Part I
Acts: 1-3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 l 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Part II Acts: 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 28Âœ | 29 | 30 | 30Âœ | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 


T H E  â˜†  M A G I C I A N


Act 36 


It was an odd sensation, being without Lusje. It was as though they had been together forever, and Mel had lost a piece of himself. He had trouble focusing. The longer Lusje had been gone his mind blanked out more often. But there were also physical reactions: His bones ached, he had nervous tremors, painful cramps and cold shivers. Additionally, he appeared to be missing a body part or something similar. Like he had three arms before, but one of them had been amputated without warning. To put it mildly, the sensation was peculiar.

All of this was especially stressful considering that only a couple of hours ago he had felt better than ever before - immediately after feeling utterly terrible. This whole rollercoaster of physical and psychological sensations was more than exhausting.

Mel tried to focus on his training to distract himself, but it was getting increasingly hard. The cramps particularly. They were coming in waves by now, every returning one stronger than before. Though Mel didn't decide to stop training until his hands were severely trembling. Not because it was the wise thing to do, but because it was literally impossible to hold still.

So instead he turned on the TV, turned up the volume in an attempt to sort of rule out his mental and physical issues and prepared himself some food.

Slowly, another emotion slowly manifested within Mel’s brain. No, not only there, in his whole body, too; It was hard to point out what it was at first, but after a while he started to understand. He was missing Lusje. Not unusually strongly, but in every little way. He was missing the snake's strange, inaudible voice, its comments, its strength, its body, its whole presence. It felt like homesickness. And frankly, it made Mel angry at both himself and Lusje. Mainly at himself though.

Another cramp traversed his body, this time it was so strong that his belly hardened drastically and visibly withdrew into his body. It came so suddenly that Mel dropped his tea and bit his lip in order to seal off a scream. The taste of blood filled his mouth.

Because of the new hardening and apparent underpressure, when he clutched his belly it revealed a hint of what was underneath the skin; it didn’t feel round anymore, but instead was weirdly bumpy. A bit like a bag of vacuum sealed sardines - just in this case, the fish were still alive and wriggling.

Mel snatched his hand away and his thoughts, too. He didn’t want to think nor deal with this.
So that’s exactly what he did.

A distraction.
Please. Anything.

 he had to clean up. Right? Of course. He stood up and fetched a towel to dry the tea he had spilled, successfully ignoring the following abdominal contractions.

 where was Lusje? What was taking the demon so long? He could use some conversation right now.

After cleaning up he turned the TV even louder and tried paying it more attention. It was a documentary or maybe a movie or something about murder? Or was it the news? It was hard to keep focus, his mind started to blur.

Another cramp. A really big one. This time, Mel couldn’t prevent a loud moan. The pain forced him onto his knees. After his muscles relaxed again he felt something happening within him, as if something sort of shifted.

 it couldn’t be

As simple as that.


Nothing was happening. Nothing would happen. He wasn’t ready to give another thought ro anything else regarding his condition. And that’s what he would do.

His stomach made sounds so loud that not even the TV was able to drown it, and another incredibly hard full body contraction made Mel bent over in pain, now his forehead straight on the ground, sweat dripping down his face.

The motions within him became stronger. He now didn’t feel them in his belly only, but also inside his pelvis.

No. No. No.

Another cramp. This time, it tried to force him to push. He refused with all his might. It hurt badly, making him scream out before he muffled his voice by biting into his forearm.

Another cramp. He fought the natural instinct of his body again. It hurt so much that everything went dark.

Another cramp. He was too weak to resist. With another muffled scream, that would have pierced marrow and bone if it wouldn’t have been dampened by his arm, his body pushed on its own, and felt something pressing against the inside of his jeans.

His jeans
!! Thank god. In his panic he grappled the waistband with both of his hand and pulled the pants upwards, to seal him shut.

Whatever had just tried to escape his body was pushed back again.

The pain made Mel almost blackout, but somehow he managed to hold onto the fabric like it was the edge of a cliff.

“What in Jesus' motherfucking son-of-a-bitch Christ do you think you’re doing!?” a familiar voice exclaimed.

Mel wasn’t able to answer. His mind was completely dark, only controlled by sheer horror and panic.

“I swear to fucking satan’s pussy, you’re the fucking dumbest kid ever to existed. I leave you alone for only half a day and you’re already trying to kill yourself again. Are you - what the fuck, are you pulling your pants up?!”

Instead of answering, Mel’s body pushed, while he actively clinged on his jeans even harder, counteracting the instinctive action.

“Oh my fucking shit, you dumb little -” Lusje slid right behind him.

“No!” was everything Mel was able to communicate, but it was too late. The demon did something behind him, and Mel felt the fabric tear open right at the seams in his crotch, rendering his desperate attempt to keep whatever his body tried to eject inside useless.

Finally, Mel let go and bit in his arm again, moaning loudly.

“Just let go! You stupid twit! They are very small, it will be over in just a few minutes, fucking shit. Why are you holding it back?!”

“I - I don’t know -” Mel sobbed.

“Okay kid, don’t think, just let go. You’re making this a torture while it’s actually not that big of a deal.”

Mel barely felt it when Lusje was touching him down there. Again he had no idea what the demon did, but only a moment later he heard - and felt - a snap, and then a splash of fluid emitting. Then his body tried to push again. With all his strength he held back.

“I’m going to fucking kill you if you don’t stop doing this. I am here, okay? Just. Let. Go.”

And so Mel did. Not because of Lusje’s threats. Also not necessarily because his body commanded him to. But because of something that changed within him the moment he heard the demon say ‘I am here’.

For some reason it felt like a hatch had opened.

Mel didn’t want to birth whatever had been growing inside of him; but at least he wasn’t in this alone, as he was for the last three years in Vegas. Or actually his whole life. He wanted to trust Lusje. He wanted to feel taken care of. At least a little, at least in this moment.

The moment he stopped fighting his abdominal muscles worked on their own. They contracted to their tightest possible state, and with one loud cry Mel pressed out everything that had been growing inside him at once.

He felt semi-soft, slick packages of horror press through his entrance, roughly the size of a soda can, and heard them falling on the soaked carpet, creating a nauseating sound; Like rotten food being dropped. A sick smell similar to gasoline filled the room.

“Holy shit, there was a whole den of them inside you.”

A den
? Of what 
? Mel was too afraid to ask or look around.

“No wonder you were growing so fast. Never seen so many before. I was kinda going overboard there, sorry. Need to be more careful next time. But hey, you’ve done it kid. For what it’s worth, I’m proud of you.”

The stress that had built up inside of Mel finally released and disgorged into loud sobbing and tears.

“There, there,” Lusje said awkwardly, “It’s over, okay? There won’t even be an afterbirth or something like that. I’ll patch you up. Your body will be as good as new. Better, even. With a six pack and a squeaky fresh little virgin pussy.”

 being gross 
.,” Mel begged in between his sobs.

“Good to know you’re able to squawk again. Wanna see them before they vanish?”


 I don’t think 

“Your call. Tho you made some damn cute little babies there, gotta say.”

Oh god, how he hated the sound of that. They weren’t his - they 
 they couldn’t be human, they can’t be anything like - 
 no. He just wanted these things gone, whatever they were.

“Stop sobbing, human. Sheesh, you guys can never take a good joke.”

Something small brushed against Mel’s knee. It clearly wasn’t Lusje. His whole body winced and he fell to the side, away from whatever that was; closing his legs and bending his knees in an attempt to protect his sore open wound, as if he feared that it might consider going back in there.

“Fuck, you look like a traumatized rabbit baby. Calm down, man, they won’t do anything to you. Let me take care of that.”

Mel felt the familiar energy of a portal opening and closing again.

“There. All gone. No need to wait till they go away on their own or eat them. You can relax now,” the demon said and was now curling up around him. “Listen, kid. I promise it won’t always be that bad. I’ll make sure to only put a small bunch inside you in the future, and we will find food that doesn’t stuff you. And next time when you decide to give birth all of a sudden, I’ll be there, and I’ll guide you through it, so that you won’t suffer. Now take a deep breath, I’ll fix your body.”

Only when Lusje was done healing Mel’s body his sobbing slowly dwindled, until it was just a weak wheezing. From the corner of his eye he could see that the spot where they landed was pitch black. He pressed his eyes shut; Exhaustion did the rest and put him to sleep.

▶ NEXT CHAPTER (not yet online) 


Story written by RoseVirage
Proofreader: xtrachubbybunny


Personal commentary: Phew, that was a wild one. I know this is nothing we usually do (birth, especially with this much angst and detail), so please let us know your thoughts!



Oh damn. Poor guy..


I have been so freaking curious to know what was going on inside Mel this whole time! Finally saw the answer. Great chapter. I love this story!