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4 - Denial (+ mirror)

// OC Mary (AU), weight mention, fpreg suggestion, slightly NSFW

The blouse didn’t fit. No matter how Mary tried to drape it.

With naturally fluctuating weight, Mary was used to clothing being too tight every now and then, but not with this blouse. It had always been hanging in loose, big folds over her chubby middle. But now the buttonless thin fabric hugged her body tight, making her soft belly look thick and firm.

Overall, she looked... well, thick and firm. Her cheeks were a little plumper, her small breasts seemed to overfill her A-cups, her thighs seemed less marshmallow-y and more, uh, dense, maybe?

Almost as if

Mary’s face instantly turned into an almost alarming shade of red.

No, that couldn’t be. She didn’t have any intercourse that would have made this outcome possible. And besides, she only had her period around a week ago.

She took another look in the full body mirror, which turned the shade of her cheeks even more saturated.

It was a trick of the eye, clearly. Her belly was still soft, only the tight binding made it seem firm. She simply just gained weight.

She really looked like a ripening fruit, though. Healthy, juicy, motherly.

After having undergone so many countless weight gains and losses, she had managed to take these things unfaced, usually; But this time, it was different. It did something to her. Almost as if the sight activated something not only within her brain, but within her whole essence.

Something that had begun to take over. Literally. She only noticed her hand caressing her tight middle and the sounds she was making when a soft moan escaped her lips.

In shock, she turned away, pressing her little cold hands onto her burning cheeks in disbelief.

What was going on with her? Was she becoming sick? It had to be. There was no other explanation.

She needed to distract herself, now. When she quickly put on a skirt to hide the bump and walked out the door, she managed to deflect her bodily sensations so much that she didn't even notice her soaked underwear.

7 - Feeling Sick (+ Comfort)

// OC Mary (AU), wlw, weight mention, weight gain, fpreg suggestion, slightly NSFW

“Are ya gonna be alright? Do ya need a bucket?” Andy asked, anxious to not sound as panic-ish as she felt.

Mary didn’t answer in an attempt to figure it out for herself. She had been puking the whole morning and surely must’ve been completely empty by now, so nothing more should be able to come out.

“Ya know what, babe, don’t answer. I’m just gonna fetch one for ya,” her tomboy-ish friend said, and vanished into the bathroom.

Andrea wasn’t Mary’s best friend, but she was her most stubborn one. Where others just wished her well, Andy was actually tackling things. And as soon as she found out that Mary wasn’t feeling well lately, she came over to take care of her.

Mary leaned back on the sofa, both of her hands on her stomach, which was still very bloated, even after she had thrown up everything inside of her by now.

There really wasn’t any softness to it anymore. She gently rubbed over it, using “feeling nauseous” as a good excuse to herself to do so.

“Here’s the bucket,” Andy said while returning to the living room and then added: “Damn girl, ya gained some weight, huh?”

Immediately, Mary withdrew her hands and sat in a position that hid more of her middle.

Andrea made an admonitory sound with her tongue. “No, sit back again. Ya gonna be sick again if ya squeeze your insides like that,” she said while putting the bucket to Mary’s left and sitting to her right.

Mary didn’t move. It had been a bad idea to involve somebody else.

“C’mon, babe. I didn’t want to shame ya. Ya know I like chubby women.”

Mary looked at the absolutely ripped young woman, whose favorite hobby was working out. And singing karaoke, but mostly working out. “It’s
 it’s hard to believe, to be honest.”

Andy rolled her eyes. “Don’t come at me with that superficial bull. Ya seen my lovers. Lean back again, now.”

Her tone was indomitable, in a way that reached Mary on levels she was unwilling to admit. The part of herself that reacted weakly to imperious behavior forced her back into the previous position.

“There ya go. Damn. Look at that belly,” Andy noted; But this time, Mary could clearly hear that there wasn’t any shaming in her voice, nor any other negative emotion. On the contrary - the woman sounded baffled, in a very positive way.

Without asking, she laid one of her large hands on Mary’s belly, slowly stroking it clockwise.

Even though it came out of nowhere and shocked Mary at first, it felt nice. Really nice.

It eased the cramps greatly. But there was something else, too. It also felt amazing on a different level.

“So... hard,” Andy commented in a broken voice, almost whispering.

Mary looked at her. She was completely focused on caressing her bloated middle, with her beautiful lips slightly apart and her almond-shaped eyes sparkling. She looked really... well... sexy like this.

Mary felt her cheeks getting hot. She had never seen her friend in this light before.

“I know 
 it's been like this for a couple of days,” she interjected some casual talk, in an attempt to defuse the situation a little with some more normal small talk.

Andy didn’t look up. “Babe 
 Ya look - and behave - pregnant.”

“I know,” Mary repeated breathlessly. Where the word would’ve caused panic within other people, and even within Mary a while ago, it now excited her in a strange way. “But it can’t be, I swear.”

“No boyfriend? Or any kind of partner with a dick?”


“No one night stands?”



“Two weeks ago.”

“Yeah, I see. But fuck, ya really look super pregnant,” Andy repeated, and Mary had to hold back a moan, “almost like... I dunno, 6 months along? 7? To be honest, it really suits ya.”

Mary was slightly panting by now, even pushing her firm bump into Andy’s hand, who didn’t seem to mind at all.

“Ya seem to be better now,” Andy commented, with a gleam in her eyes.

Mary nodded, wordlessly. Hoping that Andy wouldn’t stop anyways.

To her regret, she did. Only for a moment, though. Then she looked for eye contact and silent consent, before slowly starting again - this time stroking more firmly over the fabric, as if she wanted to really enjoy it for herself, too.

It was strange. And hot. Confusing. Endearing. As if something was speaking right to both of their primal urges. Mary couldn’t help but think of reproduction and protection, a combination she herself found absolutely deep and intense.

She had never lost control over herself like this, and couldn’t remember Andy doing that with her either. But right now, she didn’t care. She liked - no, loved - what she saw. What she felt. She loved feeling so full, she loved that caressing and admiring hand on her belly, she loved imagining that she was growing life inside of her. She wanted to become bigger, her child, no, children to grow strong. To turn her body that really hasn’t seen much sexual relations yet into an idol of a fertile mother. And she wanted Andy to witness it. To worship her like a goddess, or to use her like a breeding slut.

Mary screamed out, startled by her own thoughts.

Andy stared at her, worried. “Mary?”

“I... I have to go, sorry, please leave me alone,” Mary begged her and escaped into her bedroom, locking it, leaving her baffled friend behind. But she couldn’t hide from the feelings that now had latched onto her heart, mind, and sexual desire.


Nevander W

I am in LOVE with these two stories!!! Have we seen Andrea before in patron? Both stories are so GOOD AAAAAA