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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w(?), asexuality/demisexuality, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, nausea, gender ambiguity, birth, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & suicidal thoughts, parental conflicts, use of alcohol and other drugs, demons, religions & mythology (diverse), cursing, belly focus

▶ Read all from the start
Part I
Acts: 1-3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 l 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Part II Acts: 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 28½ | 29 | 30 | 30½ | 31 | 32 | 33


T H E  ☆  M A G I C I A N


Act 34


“Finally,” Lucifer grunted, desperate for some action to distract them from thinking too hard.

“What … have you … done …” the human said, his voice coming off as expectedly unnatural, as he no longer relied on his vocal chords for speech. He understandably didn’t know how to properly control that kind of voice yet, so he came off as a series of dark, dangerous screeches mimicking a voice.

“I’ve told you exactly what I’ve done,” Lucifer answered.

Melchior opened his eyes and stared at the snake. They were completely black, except for his irises, which glowed red. His face, though typical for a demon, was now unfitting in Lucifer’s eyes….unsettling, even.. That’s new, Lucifer thought.

The human’s fingers, now sprouting some impressive claws, bore into Lucifer's scales. Since the kid now weilded full demonic features, he quickly tore the demon’s skin wide open.

It hurt. It hurt good.

“I…. want …. human flesh …,”

The human tried to escape the snake's tight grip with his now-inhuman strength. Impressive, but he didn’t know how to use that body yet, so he had no chance of escape against an ancient demon like Lucifer.

“Yes, I know you want that now. But you can’t have it.”

The strangled human made a sound that resembled an animalisticgrowl.

“Why …..”

Lucifer squeezed the body even tighter. “Because you’re not yourself now. You can’t make any decisions in this state.”

“I … Am…. myself …….. more than ever …,” the demonic human said in a dangerous, threatening tone. “Give me … human flesh…”


Melchior growled even louder.

“You …. worthless creature!” he yelled, “You worm! Fine! Then fuck me, now.”

“Wow, okay. No,” Lucifer repeated.


“For the same reasons.”

Without a warning, the human let out a blood-curdling scream. Lucifer encircled their body even closer around the furious captive, who, in turn, bit back.

Scales pushed apart, skin ripped open, newly acquired teeth dug deep into Lucifer's flesh, fat black drops of ichor formed. Then, only the sound of sucking remained.

Good. Better the kid was feasting on Lucifer than hating himself again later on, when all of this finished. Knowing his gentle nature, he might even attempt another suicide, out of guilt.

“Awww, it’s almost like I’m nursing my own child,” Lucifer chuckled, while watching Melchior drink more and more of its blood without comment.

While the human drank, he started to touch his belly. At first curiously, then more passionately, until it looked almost obsessively. It looked hot, but, much to Lucifer's regret, also kind of wrong. He knew it was because all the major sins were overwhelming the tiny human - lust and gluttony and wrath and all that jazz - but it still was against everything Melchior proved to represent.

The human’s eyes remained fixated on Lucifer without blinking once. When he had enough of his first course, he finally broke loose from the snake’s skin, taking in deep breaths. His middle was visibly swollen bigger.

“I can see … that you enjoy this …,” he said.

Not changing her grip, Lucifer answered, “Can’t say that I don’t. Did you feed your spawn well, hm?”

The former human moaned, full of lust, and grabbed his now very pregnant looking belly with one hand, while the other stroked between his legs. “I … can feel them grow …”

“You like that, huh, kid?”

“Yes …. They make me stronger … my power is becoming endless… I will be the most powerful being on earth and destroy everyone in my way,” the corrupted version of Melchior said, while his hand disappeared further into his pants.

Lucifer cleared their throat. “Sheesh. Let’s hope you won’t remember any of this.”

The human moaned. “Just fuck me already, you worthless representation of hell! You coward! Let me go!”

The snake demon made herself a little more comfortable while watching her human doing its adorable routine of curses, threats, bites and masturbation. After a while, it said, “I think we have some ice cream left, do you want that?”

Melchior moaned and cursed even more, before replying with a brief, “Yes, please.”

Lucifer had to laugh. Even when overtaken by the ichor, the politeness of the kid was shining through, kind of.

Using the end of its tail, the serpent opened the freezer compartment of the little fridge and pulled out the ice cream sandwich. It handed the treat to the human, who took it eagerly.

“Look, kiddo. I’d love to go hunting and do the bow chicka wow wow with you, and watch you destroy everyone in your way. And frankly, you look pretty hot as a demon. But, I made a deal with human Melchior, not demon Melchior, so I need his approval first. Then, we can do all those naughty things the next time you have to take your hell medicine.”

“Let’s skip that stupid game and just do it.”


The human growled again. “I will agree once I turn back, you’ll see.”

“Sure I will.”

Melchior ate the rest of his ice cream aggressively. Lucifer couldn’t help but find his actions adorable.

“You can eat some more of me, if you want, though. Make those little bastards grow and fill you up to the brim. Though, I’m pretty sure you’ll regret that later. Beats better than killing and eating other humans, I guess. And while you do so, we could watch a movie or something. I’ve seen that the hotel offers the newly released Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy in their library. Would really like to see that one, heard it’s really good.”

The human moaned and scratched some more of Lucifer's white skin open.

“I take this as a yes,” Lucifer said, turning on the TV and selecting the movie while letting the tiny power-drunken human feed on its flesh some more. From the corner of its eye, the snake could see that, even though Melchior was eagerly taking in the black blood, he was also watching the blockbuster, too. Cute.



Story written by RoseVirage
Proofreaders: Try!, xtrachubbybunny | Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW  | Emotional Support Reader: xtrachubbybunny


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Well THAT got spicy 😂