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Sorry for the belated upload! Please enjoy â€ïžđŸŽ©

Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w, asexuality/demisexuality, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, nausea, gender ambiguity, birth, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & suicidal thoughts, parental conflicts, use of alcohol and other drugs, demons, religions & mythology (diverse)

▶ Read all from the start
Part I
Acts: 1-3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 l 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Part II Acts: 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 


T H E  â˜†  M A G I C I A N


Act 23œ - Intermission


After less than two hours of work, Mel was able to let small things vanish into portals without Lucifer’s help.

It took you a bit longer than expected, but now you’ve got it! Aw man, my baby’s first steps. I’m so proud of you, the serpent’s demonic voice resounded in his head, while the tattoo depiction of it turned its little head towards Mel’s face.

Mel, who still sat on the floor and wasn’t not only dirty and full of dried blood but now sweaty too, panted. The task hadn’t been easy. It had felt like lifting heavy weights.

“Don’t call me your baby, please.”

The demon snickered.

Alright, alright. That’s what you kinda are now, though. My little baby, soon to be drunk with power.

Mel’s stomach had slowly started to ache in hunger again, now it made itself audible.

 I just ate like 8 pounds of food, I can’t be hungry again

Sorry, human. The hunger won’t go away with your kind of food. Take a shower and get yourself dressed, then I will show you the next steps.

Mel followed the demon's suggestions, finally took a good hot shower and washed off all of the remaining blood. His belly was still more protruding than ever before and really heavy, which made him feel rather uncomfortable in his naked body, but he managed to ignore it.

After he haid dried and styled his hair (a maintenance he takes great care in), he checked the clothes that the demon had bought when he had taken control over his body.

They were rather stylish, actually, and fit perfectly. A nice white shirt, simple black pants, red suspenders, red tie and a tuxedo-like jacket. The demon also purchased new boxers and even a tight white minimizer bustier that made Mel’s chest look very flat and smooth. After he was all dressed up he took a look in the mirror, pleased with what he saw. He looked older, more serious. More professional, too. He usually never wore really lazy clothes like jogging pants or hoodies, but also had almost never worn white shirts with ties before, let alone suspenders. But it fit him surprisingly well.

Look at you, pretty boy. Every father on this planet would hand you his daughter looking like this. Or son.

“Neither. I’m not interested in people like that.”

Suit yourself. So, let’s go huntin’, shall we?

Mel pulled back his sleeve and looked at the tattoo. “Hunting?” he asked.

Yeah. We’re gonna hunt down some humans.


Act 24


“No, wait, that wasn’t part of the deal,” Mel exclaimed.

It’s not. It’s for your own good, Lucifer responded calmly in his mind.

“What do you mean by that?”

You need energy. Fuel. Those demonic parasites? They feed on human energy. So you need to chow down some human flesh. But don’t worry, it’s tastier than you think.

Mel stumbled backwards, panic taking over him. His shock, confusion and adrenaline kick from actually conjuring things had blinded him before, but Lucifer’s demand knocked him out of the skies. He had made an actual deal with the devil.

” he gasped.

The demon went silent. The tattoo staring at him, not moving, as if there was nothing unusual with it, as if it has always been there.

Mel sat down on the bed.

 is this how demons eat? Like 
 like vampires?”

Ew, gross, we’re not some over romanticized Victorian bloodsuckin’ gentlemen, Lucifer answered and interposed: though I can see how that would fit your werid sense of aesthetic. No, we feed on human energy. Usually their anger or lust or greed or, you know, the other deadly sins & company. Sometimes stuff like joy, too, I guess. But since you’re a puny little human - no offense - you can’t obtain that. So you have to go the corporeal route.

Cold drops of sweat began to form on Mels forehead.

 No, I will not kill anybody.”

Well, you could also just slice up some pieces when you make them pass out, without kil -


Or maybe, like the vampire thing you suggest, just sip on their fresh blood -

“NO!” Mel disrupted the snake, “I won’t harm anybody! You didn’t tell me any of this! I was prepared to suffer, there was never any talk about other people suffering.”

The snake sighed.

“I’d rather die, then -”

Yeah, yeah, I got it, sheesh. What have I gotten myself into, Lucifer said, then went silent again.

Mel nervously started to knead his fingers.

After a while, the demon said: I guess you could go without human sacrifice, making him sigh in relief. It won’t be pretty, though, you’ll be able to use only a fraction of my power, only these portals and nothing more really. And you will always be hungry and never satisfied. Probably mostly in pain, too.

“I can live with that.”

I wouldn’t be so sure ‘bout that. To make up for the lack of a proper sacrifice you would have to eat constantly, every two to three hours tops I’d say. You’ll wake up at night, hungry. And if you don’t eat, the demon parasites might start to feed on you instead, or force you to eat human flesh. Like, take over your body. So you’re not able to fast for longer than a couple of hours, never.

“I can live with that,” Mel repeated, even more confident than before. Anything was better than hurting or even sacrificing another person.

And every now and then I would have to give you something that’s essentially turning you into a demon for some hours, to make sure the parasites understand that you’re not food in the first place. It’ll be torture.

“I can live -”

Yeah yeah, I understood, you can live with that. You’re disgustingly kind for a human with such a hunger for fame, you know that?

“I don’t care,” Mel answered, clutching his aching, still plump stomach. The hunger was becoming almost unbearable.

Well then. Let’s go outside and get you some boring human food. You need money first, though.

“No stealing, Lucifer!”

The demon moaned loudly. You’re no fun, fucking hell. Yeah, okay, no stealing. Aggravated conditions, but I’m able to work with that. I'll show you how it’s done.



Story written by RoseVirage | Proof Reader: Doombeez, xtrachubbybunny | Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW | Emotional Support Reader: Serialfiller1, xtrachubbybunny


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I love how different Mel and Lucie are. Very interesting dynamic between these 2.


I must’ve missed an act a while back. When did he get pregnant?


Chapter 22 at the end hints something in this direction


Ooh, hehehe! đŸ„° I was already loving these flashbacks, but I keep loving them more!!đŸ€©đŸ€©đŸ„°


I love the relationship Between Mel And Lucifer here. Both are so different, but I can see how they end up working so well together. Also both are very well written!

Tired Pro

I am so sorry, I finally have the time to catch up on the story now 😭 love the little detail that mel takes extra care with his hair lol