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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, nausea, gender ambiguity, birth, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & suicidal thoughts, parental conflicts, use of alcohol and other drugs, demons, religions & mythology (diverse)

▶ Read all from the start
Part I
Acts: 1-3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 l 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19
Part II Acts: 20 | 21 

(You need Tier 3+ to read most of the chapters)


T H E  â˜†  M A G I C I A N


Act 22



“Yeah. Heard that Vegas is a great place for that.”

“Are you 
 the devil?”

The snake rolled its eyes.

“I’m a part of devil. There is no real devil as an individual. But if it helps you, call me the devil all you want, for all I care. You can call me a djinn, too. Or, let’s say, a well meaning patron. But as for now, let’s go with client and monger.”

“...What’s the payment?”

“Aaaah, now you’re asking the real questions. I’d love to give you a catchy Disney song about it, but I haven’t studied any performance for today, so just imagine some drums and drug-induced colors around me while I explain.

See, kid, I’ve been following you around for a good while now. And I gotta say, you have talent. And skill. Your heart’s at the right place. But you can’t get far in showbiz without selling your soul in one way or another. Usually people sell it by betraying their morals or their partners. Lying about their past, scoring off others, cheating. Fucking with their bosses or playing their mindless puppets.

Which, unfortunately, but interestingly, you did not.

So this is where I come into play.

I will compensate for all of that. You won’t have to do any of these things and still get far in life. Not only that; I will grant you unimaginable power. And I will protect you. All for the price of one, unimportant little soul.”

Mel looked at the snake in disbelief.

“I’m handing you the fire, Prometheus. Or the fruit of Eden’s tree of knowledge, if you’re more on the biblical side. Tho it wasn’t an apple, by the way. More something like a pomegranate. Anyway 
 you know these stories, right? You know that knowledge and power comes with a cost.”

“I don’t have anything more to lose.”

“I like how you’re thinking. But some people might disagree with you. So for legal - and also moral - reasons, I’m obliged to explain it more to you.”

It was strange to hear the devil talk about legalities and morals. Surreal, even.

“So here’s the thing: If you agree, you will die because of that agreement, eventually, sooner or later. You might make it a year, or maybe ten. But not before you’ve reached your goal. Of that, I’ll make sure.

I will give you power, but it will cost you a lot. Imagine it to be like a drug: When you’re on it, you feel like the top of the world, but as soon as you get off, you’ll be miserable. Mentally at first, soon physically. Plus, once you get addicted you will stay addicted. No chance for healing or anything like that. But you’ll only be for some days without power every couple of weeks, so in my opinion, that’s not really important. Basically the same as a period, if you ask me.”

“How will you grant me power
?” Mel asked.

“By inserting parts of myself inside you. These parts will feed through you, and in return, you’ll share their powers.”

“Like a parasite or something?”

“You could say that, yes.”

Mel thought about it. It really didn’t sound too bad. Especially considering his alternative.

“But you have to understand one thing,” Lucifer said and came a little closer, “I will help you, but you will have to do the work. It’s not like I’ll provide you wealth, fame and power with a snap. I will only show you the doors and hand you the keys, while giving you parasites. It won’t be easy, but you’re dedicated. I have no doubt that you’ll rise to the top within only a year.”

 that does sound good.”

“Yeah, it does, right?” the snake said and came even closer, so that they were on eye level.

“I just don’t get what’s in for you.”

“That’s hard to understand for humans, since you don’t actually know the worth of your souls. Do you believe in reincarnation? Or heaven?”


“Let’s say, theoretically, these things and the like exist. If you’re giving me your soul, it’s the end of the line. Finito. Your soul will become a mere currency. If you’re lucky, you might become a demon yourself, though. But you’d have to have some sick strong motives and desires going on for that. Like revenging god or destroying all life or hating immigrants for no reason.”

Mel stared at the snake blankly.

It didn’t clarify if it was a joke or not.

“So, whaddaya say? Seal the deal, here and now? Or need help by being pushed over the edge? I could also eat you whole, if you’re into that kind of shit.”

The snake’s body curled closer around Mel, but it was looking at him patiently.

I don’t really care what happens with my soul when things end
” Mel admitted.

. good alignment. If things don’t work out for you, you can still kill yourself in all the ways you’d like.”

There wasn’t actually much to think about. This either was a dream or mental meltdown, so there were no consequences if he agreed; Or, which was unlikely, this was real, but since he didn’t have anything left to lose it didn’t matter.

He didn’t care about any possible pain anymore, either. And about feeling horrible for a couple of days once in a while. Or being addicted. Or having parasites.

If all of that meant that he could finally be at least a fraction of what he wanted to be, maybe even just making enough money to finally rent his own place and focus on his shows, that would be enough for him. He didn’t even care about being a world famous magician anymore. Just surviving in that profession would be enough for now.

“I agree,” he eventually said.

The snake laughed joyfully. “Good, good, very good!”

 do I have to 
 sign something
? Handshake
? Or

“Let’s do it the old fashioned way, shall we?” Lucifer suggested, though it sounded more like a demand, “Blood.”

Out of nowhere, the demon handed Mel a golden dagger with the tip of its tail.

“Though two more things. If you sign this, we will be stuck together until one of us dies. Which will, in all fairness, probably be you. Considering how I’m technically immortal and all that.

Secondly, I'll give you part of my power right here and now. And it won’t be pretty, at least for somebody like you. In fact, you’ll most likely hate it. But it’ll last only for about ten minutes.”

Mel didn’t exactly know what Lucifer meant by that, but he also didn’t care. Nothing could be worse than the pain that was raging inside him, eating up his mind. He slowly nodded in agreement.

“Sweet. Fantastic. Let’s share our blood and seal the deal.”

It pushed the dagger into Mels hands. He took it and cut the palm of his hand. He usually was rather squeamish with pain and blood, but he almost didn’t feel anything when the cold metal opened up his flesh. Maybe because of the shock, or maybe because he genuinely didn’t care anymore.

The snake offered the tip of its tail again and said “Cut”. Mel obeyed and proceeded to slice through the scales. A dark, thick fluid emerged from the white skin.

When their limbs met and their fluids started to mix, Lucifer began to laugh, loud and wholeheartedly. It felt out of place.

Then the burning began. At first only in Mel’s hand, slowly creeping through the veins in his arm, then spreading like pure acid inside his whole body. It was excruciating, like somebody set his blood on fire.

He barely felt the snake’s body curling around him; only when he was lifted off the ground and couldn’t move anymore. The snake was strangling him, slowly squeezing out air from his lungs, until his breathing was reduced to a shallow pant. Little stars skipped through his field of vision, then it started to turn dark.

“You’ve made the right decision, Melchior,” he heard the snake say, and it sounded strangely reassuring, not fake, “I’m apologizing for the upcoming

The demon opened its mouth, fangs flaring in the colorful neon lights. Then - in the blink of an eye - bit him in the neck. A sharp pain swiped across Mel’s body, even overshadowing the burning sensation under his skin.

He didn’t feel it, but he thought he heard his clothes ripping. Then he understood that the snake was forcing entry to his body in every way possible. He barely felt it anymore, his perception of everything was fading, until he finally fainted.



Story written by RoseVirage | Proof Reader: Doombeez, xtrachubbybunny | Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW | Emotional Support Reader: Serialfiller1, xtrachubbybunny


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Alex Graves

I've always found the idea of Devils being truly lawful, in a way that respects autonomy (even if they have their own motives) much more compelling than cartoonishly evil.

Tired Pro

damn, this chapter was so effing metal đŸ€˜


i’m going insane. just binge read all of this, i love whatever the hell is going on here. ohhh my god đŸ˜­đŸ’›đŸ«‚â€ïžâ€đŸ©č