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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, nausea, gender ambiguity, birth, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & suicidal thoughts, parental conflicts, use of alcohol and other drugs, demons

Quicklinks: Read all from the start | Act 1-3 | Act 4 | Act 5 | Act 6 | Act 7 | Act 8 | Act9 | Act 10 | Act 11 | Act 12 | Act 13 | Act 14 l Act 15 | Act 16 | Act 17 | Act 18 


T H E  ☆ M A G I C I A N


Act 19


When Mel arrived in their room they fell right onto their bed, full frontal, face squished into a pillow,

a deep, happy moan escaping their lips.

“Dear lord, I’m so exhausted, but I’m so … so ….”

“Horny?” the snake asked, while crawling onto the bed in an unnatural fashion, exposing its demonic nature.

“Happy. Stop being vulgar all the time.”

“I can hear that. You’re not only grinning like a crackpot, but even talking Dutch with me.”

“Don’t read into it,” Mel answered disapprovingly, but still in Dutch.

“Are you in looooove? Mel and Mary, sitting in a tree -”

“Shut it,” Mel answered, but couldn’t hold back a chuckle.

“Aww, look at you, my little human is finally growin’ up. You can’t see my face right now, so imagine a single tear of pride rollin’ down my beautiful cheek.”

“Stop fooling around, Lusje,” Mel said while turning onto their back, but their grinning face showed that they weren’t really angry.

“My - heart! You called me by my actual name! That girl is doing wonders on you.”

“You heard me wrong.”

“No takesies backsies! I heard ya loud and clear. Now, you clearly wanna share thoughts. Right??”

“There’s nothing to share.”

“Nothin’ to share!? Are you shitting me? Okay then, let me share, let’s talk about her gifting you actual SNAKE CARDS? Excuse me?? And she even held me two times! One time even because she wanted to! And she called me pretty and that I lie nicely in her cute little hands! She has a crush on me, I swear.”

“She doesn’t even know that you have a soul. Which you actually probably don’t have.”

“Rude! I even have three souls, yours, the one I got in 8th century BC and the other dude’s one who made a deal with me in 1502. Maybe she’s an objectophile, ever thought about that?”

“No, and it’s indecent to assume.”

“In any case, she’s attracted to me.”

Mel gave it some thought. “You might be onto something with this one,” they said, “she did seem to be drawn to you. I wonder why.”

“Ehm, excuse me? Because I’m drop dead gorgeous? A beautiful piece of art? A cane made for kings? Anyway, she was such an adorable little human today, wasn’t she?”

Yes. Yes, she was.

“The fair was a great idea, she really enjoyed herself. And so did ya, too. Haven’t seen you this happy for a long time. Except for when you were in that scare tunnel thing.”

“Don’t remind me. I hate being startled. I was so close to screaming.”

Lusje laughed. “You didn’t though, and her grabbin’ onto you was worth it, wasn’t it?”

Mel silently agreed.

“I can’t wait to see her again,” Lusje continued, “You will visit her in London, right?”

“Of course.”

“You sneaky little bastard. I like it.”

Mel stared at the ceiling, recalling the day. It has been, to be frank, quite overwhelming. Mel had no issues performing and putting on acts. Though it was a whole new experience not to play just a persona, but having actual personal interests and feelings involved. It made everything so much more intense, but also complicated and scary. Nobody could hurt Melody of the Stars. But Mel? They didn’t know. They haven’t had these sort of intimate connections for a long, long time.

After both of them were silently lying in bed for a while, lost in their thoughts, Lusje broke the silence with just two words Mel knew were coming, but still feared it.

“It’s time.”

Mel let out all the air in their lungs. They suddenly felt like going asleep and not waking up for at least a year. Their positive emotions brushed away in a heartbeat.

Lusje must’ve sensed something, because when the demon continued, its words were a little more empathetic: “I’m sorry, man. You know it can’t be helped. I… I wish we wouldn’t have to do this today. Honest.”

While the snake spoke, its body started to grow in size. So much so that its body was filling half of the room.

With the end of its tail it took out a set of neatly folded pajamas out of the wardrobe and put it beside Melodie.

“C’mon. At least get comfy. I’ll take care of you.”


Author's comment:

Hey! First time that I actually write a little comment here. This is the last chapter of the first book, or "part I" - the next ~20 chapters will be very different! I hope you enjoyed it this far. Feel free to leave some feedback, expectations and even theories, if you want! I'm super curious what you guys think.

And that you so much for following Mel's and Mary's story 🌸


Story written by RoseVirage
Proof Reader: Doombeez, Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW, Emotional Support Reader: Serialfiller1, xtrachubbybunny


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Mark The Oni

I have only one expectation: that the next part will be 100% amazing! I don't want to make theories, but I'd like to express my excitement once more. This story has become one of the most precious for me. Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us. Thanks for Mel, Mary, Lusje, Morris... And many others we'll know in future acts! <3

Tired Pro

geeze I didn't expect to like how snarky lusje is, his character has been revealed so well lol


It's almost stupid how much I crush on Lusje ehheehe 💦