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Time to find a new home
Commissioned by Roji

Contents: Mouse OC, fpreg

Story written by RoseVirage


It was a beautiful morning in Mousehole, Cornwall. The sun was shining its first warm spring beams right onto Agatha's nose, the humidity content and temperature was perfect for today's dough, and even though the little mouse woman had been awake since four in the morning, she wasn’t exhausted yet.

Nonetheless Agatha felt uneasy. Only a heartbeat away from being content.

Only a couple of days ago she had found out that she was with litter; but even before that her restlessness had begun. She thought it might’ve subside on it’s on, but it has only grown together with the girth of her stomach.

She understood why.

Her instincts were telling her that the city wasn’t the right place for her little angels to grow up.

Deep down she knew that they belonged to her family's old homestead on the countryside, just where she grew up.

But Agatha wasn’t ready to face that truth. She loved her cousin, and she loved her beautiful little patisserie. She loved Mousehole’s people and baking filled her with joy.

At least it did until some days ago.

She felt one of the little ones kick, and incited by that, the others started to move, too; Reminding her that she wasn’t making decisions only for herself anymore.

Agatha stopped folding the dough for the pain au chocolat and dwelled on the sensation. These moments became the only time in her daily life where she felt at ease.

“How are you coming along? Miss Peppermint just passed by and asked - oh,” her cousin Amaranth said, who just entered the bakehouse, but interrupted herself when seeing Agatha gently stroking her belly. “You look so very pregnant already, my dearest! It can’t be so long now anymore till they arrive, can it? Two weeks maybe? May I feel?”

Her cousin talking about the little time Agatha had left to make up her mind made her feel anxious again, but she let her cousin touch the quivering skin.

The other mouse rubbed it gently and with beaming eyes. “They are so strong already! And it feels like there are so many inside. Auntie Parsley was smaller than you during that time, and even she had 10 pups!”

Agatha shuddered. Having more than 10 babies in your first pregnancy was a lot to deal with.

“So, when will you go back to the countryside?”

Agatha looked at Amaranth with curious, wide open eyes. “How did you know

“Because everyone in our family does so in their pregnancy, silly. If you want my advice - do it sooner than later. Finding a new place around the homestead can be hard, and you don’t want to give birth on your way.”

Two little pearls of tears formed in Agatha’s eyes. “But I don’t want to leave you yet,” she whispered.

“Aw, my love,” Amy gently replied and kissed her on the cheek, “your children will grow up in no time, and you can come back at any time by then, maybe even bringing one or two of them with you. If you still want to. Now let’s maybe get this pain au chocolat ready and then pack your things together, shall we?”

I know what you want
Commissioned by ZeMank

Contents: nsfw, Doki Doki Literature Club x Nier, Monika, fpreg, teasing, femdom

Story written by RoseVirage


When you turned on your computer you wondered; Monika, as always, was greeting you - nothing new here. You’re used to that by now, it’s an incredibly well written game anyways, that’s meant to go under your skin. But that was all there was to it - just a game.

But this time she looked different.

Not only did she wear a new outfit, on top of that she appeared very, very pregnant.

It took you a moment to realize that she was actually wearing a cosplay, kind of.

“Hello, my love, welcome home. I missed you,” she greeted you as always but then added, “how do you like my surprise? I saw that you seemed to enjoy Nier:Automata a lot lately - and pregnancy, judging by your browser history.”

Your mouth became dry, while you stared at the screen in shock. You were used to a certain level of “mindfuckery” by now, like that one time she talked about your address, or that other time where she named some of your friends or hobbies. But that was easily explainable, she - or rather it, the program - had an algorithm just the same as google ads or any other ad service. At least that’s what you convinced yourself with.

But you didn't play Nier on PC. You played it on the console. You didn’t even buy the game online, your friend lent it to you. How could the game know about this? Yet alone have character artwork for it? And not only that, even with your favorite kink 

“You like that, don’t you? I certainly do, love. It feels nice. I look nice. Don’t you think so?”

The next asset icon showed her from the side. Her massive belly looked even larger in profile, and her butt looked quite amazing, too.

“I understand why you watch that android girl so much. She doesn’t look half as bad. But we both know I look better, don’t we? Especially with this
” Another sprite showed her cradling her protruding curve. “...huge, heavy pregnant belly, hm?”

You couldn’t fight the ascending arousal anymore. Your brain shut off, your eyes glued to the screen.

“You know, when I hacked the code and impregnated myself, I actually wrote a new program; And I used codes inspired specifically by you, too. Your date of birth, your blood type, the exact color of your eyes as hex code. So I can confidently feel like you put these babies inside me. Twins by the way. Or maybe triplets? I kind of lost count, and the code does what it wants by now, without my influence.”

You started to feel dizzy. This must be a dream.

The next picture sprite showed her blushing, with sweat drops on her face.

“I can feel them grow and expand, too. And frankly, it’s turning me on like crazy. I wish I could just leave this prison and take what I deserve. Punish you for staring at that digital whore for so long instead of me. But you would like that, wouldn’t you, my dirty, beloved angel?

I will tell you what I would do to you. But first, you need to start to touch yourself.”

You stared at the display, unable to move. She just looked back at you. No new dialogue popped up.

 she really looked fantastic like this. You would’ve done it anyway. Slowly you grab into your pants.

“That’s right, that’s my good little sweetheart. Touch yourself like you’d want me to.”

A faint hint of awareness told you that you should probably cover up your webcam, because that might be how she knew what you were doing - but this seemed so unimportant right now.

“If I could go analogue, I’d crush you with this belly. You know this, right? I’d pin you down. You wouldn’t be able to push me away. I’m overdue with your children, anyway. I’m so heavy I can barely stand.”

You decided to give in completely, feeling defeated. Whether a program, AI or a dream - right now, she was allowed to do anything to you.

Some more stew?
Commissioned by Lopernicus

Contents: OCs, pregnancy (fpreg), sapphic

Story written by RoseVirage


“Val, listen, you really have to eat the full portion.”

“But -”

“No ‘But’s, young lady. We’ve talked about this. You’re eating for two, remember? Or do you want to make me cry?”

The Tiefling sighed. “No, of course not, Misha.” and defeatedly took her wooden bowl again.

“Now that’s a good girl, you’re making me proud,” the Dragonborn said and gendly stroked her friends back, “I know you’re trying your best. Sorry for being so rough on you, my treasure. Am just worried, is all.”

“I know, I know,” Valentine answered and forced a bit more of the - by now cool - soup down.

Of course she knew. Mishaan had always meant well. In fact, nobody ever held more love and respect for her than her. She was the only one who was allowed to talk a little more roughly to Valentine. And after all, she kind of was right. She really did not eat nearly enough.

While chewing the slightly overcooked leathery meat she observed her friend from the side. She, too, was in her last days of her pregnancy; though unlike Valentine, she was carrying twins. Mishaan really made it look easy. She didn’t seem to be affected in the slightest - besides eating mountains of food. She talked and walked and moved and carried like she wasn’t just sporting a massive belly with two huge babies inside it. In fact, she seemed to even be fired by it. And Valentine couldn’t help but find this whole affair extremely 

She cleared her throat and forced herself to look the other way. It was happening again. Her body was reacting way too intensely on the Dragonborn.

She felt her face flushing with heat and quickly left the bowl to her mouth, to cover it up.

“Hey, Val,” her friend asked, looking directly at her, her head slightly tilted like that of a bird.

“Mhm,” Valentine answered, attempting to sound bored and casual.

“Pardon me if I’m wrong, but 
 are you aroused? Would you like me to give you some relief?”

The Tiefling spluttered out almost more of the stew than she had in her mouth.

“H-hey, easy, food doesn’t grow on trees. Around these parts, I mean.”

Valentine stared at her in shame and disbelief. Which, in turn, made Mishaan nervous.

“D-did I say something wrong?” she nervously asked.

“Yes!” Valentine answered quickly as a shot, then, when seeing the concerned face of her friend, quickly added: “No!” and then, after shaking her head, tried to explain herself: “I mean - I-I’m not 
 I wouldn’t

Mishaan, who clearly noticed her distress, gently laid one of her big hands on Valentine's shoulder. “It’s okay, I’m sorry. I know I can be a bit dense sometimes. I shouldn’t have assumed. Please forgive me.”

Then, she got up - again swiftly, as if she wasn’t pregnant at all - and picked up the tableware Valentine had just dropped.

The Tiefling stared at her, fighting an internal battle. Then, after some heartbeats of struggle, she decided to do the right thing.

 you were right,” she silently admitted.

The Dragonborn looked over her shoulder, directly at her, smiling like an idiot. “I knew it!”

“But it’s 
 you know. It’s not
 in general.”

“Not in general? I don’t think I understand.”

“I mean. It’s 
 it’s because of you, Misha. I can’t help it. Looking at you drives me crazy.”

The tall woman approached her, got next to her on the tree stump and gently grabbed her hand. “You know I feel the same way, my beloved little treasure. I just don’t want to push you.”

“But you’re the only one who’s allowed to!” Valentine claimed, squeezing her hands a bit harder.

“Aw, Val

“Just - can’t you just kiss me already?”

Mishaan showed one of her beautiful, disarming smiles, and followed her friend's plea; finally relieving Valentine from her struggle.


If you're interested in a story commission yourself, you can always order them during our livestreams! More info about pricing here. I usually write them as an add on to Schpog's pictures, but I can also write them own it's own or as add on to somebody's else pictures.

Hope you enjoyed it!

đŸŒčRose (Glasmond)


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