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Your own fault
Commissioned by Bak

Contents: Zelda, Link, monster pregnancy (nbpreg), birth

Story written by RoseVirage


Even though the change came quickly, it took Link an embarrassing long time to notice what was going on. And when he did, it was too late.

He had heard about this. No, he even had been warned about this. Lady Riju herself had said during a get-together where he had been invited. “People with wombs have to be careful,” she had said, with a look on her face as if she was suspecting that Link wasn’t born with the usual equipment. “You won’t hear them coming, now will you wake up.”

She even named a shop where chuchu repellents could be bought.

Link had been too oblivious to understand that she had been giving him advice.

So ultimately, it was his own fault when he heard a clicking sound and felt his pants getting wet. He couldn’t even pause to check or breathe, he was forced to fight off a horde of bokoblins. They were black ones, too, and tough as nails - certainly showing him no mercy or understanding for his situation.

So only when the last one of them finally fell, Link could take stock of oneself and noticed the cramps that were now coming every minute.

Whatever that chuchu hat put inside him was about to leave his body. Now.

He needed to find shelter. A cave. An abandoned house. A forest. Anything.

The only thing in sight was a small river, and even though he didn’t know how this would help him, he managed to somehow stumble towards it, taking his wet trousers off in the process.

Another contraction hit him, this time so strong that he couldn’t help but to cry out. His swollen abdomen was shaking violently, the foreign creature trying to fight its way out. A deep instinct within him told him to push, and so he did - but to no avail. Most of his belly felt very soft and squishy, but there was something, or maybe even two things, inside him, hard and adamant. One of them got stuck in his pelvis.

The creature was pushing hard to get it through, and so did Link; All while moaning out in pain. It hurt terribly. His body was naturally lean, and it was clear to him that it had no time to prepare itself to push out something of that diameter; whatever it was.

He held onto the rough stone wall next to him with one hand, with the other pushed on top of his belly. He felt another contraction coming, took a deep breath, and then pushed with all of his might. After seconds that felt like hours, that big, round, thing inside him popped free. Just when Link wanted to relax for only a moment, the next sphere forced its way into his entry.

He sobbed. He surely wouldn’t be able to push out another one. He just wanted to sleep.

But the chuchu spawn didn’t grant him any break. It pushed, and stretched, and diluted, forcing his body to act devotedly.

One last push, one last scream, and the second solid element was free. The rest dripped out of him almost on its own, then.

Link fell on his knees, gasping for air and dear life. When he turned around, his hand on his sword, ready to be drawn, he saw the chuchu that apparently just had left his body, looking just as exhausted and confused, with the very reason the process had been so painful: its big, round eyes.

They stared at each other, both in disbelief, regaining strength and processing unavailingly the event that just happened.

It would be easy to kill, as confused and small as it was. It would be routine. He definitely should do it. But it just didn’t feel right.

The chuchu just looked at him and didn’t attack; and neither did Link.

And maybe, just this once, it would be okay to let it live.

I’m pregnant with your child!
Commissioned by ShadowAmelia

Contents: Pokemon, Nessa/Melony, pregnancy (fpreg), sapphic

Story written by RoseVirage


Nessa was vibrating with excitement. Today was the day. Today, her baby bump was visible enough to finally be revealed towards it’s true mother. Today she would tell Melony about this surprise, right after training.

Initially, when she had agreed to carry out that child for her beloved friend, she had been afraid about body dysphoria; For no reason, as it turned out. She was feeling more confident and beautiful than ever. And as it turned out - there was always a big need for pregnant models on the market, so she had plenty of very well paid job offers.

After her friend Melony had been trying to conceive another child for over three years, Doctors had been telling her that her body most likely wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again. Nessa had been thinking about helping her out for a very long time. It wasn’t an easy decision, because she was afraid of ruining her career - the reason why she, despite wanting a baby really badly, had decided against having a family for now.

Turns out her desire for Melony to be able to fulfill her dreams was bigger than fulfilling her own.

It hasn’t been easy though. She had to do a lot of research and ask around, until eventually she came to Professor Magnolia, who revealed her secret research in cloning ovocyte cells. She was a bit strange about it, but agreed to help out Nessa in the end. Though for some reason she already had a DNA sample of Melony at hand.

The process was quick and painless. For a couple of months, Nessa didn’t feel any different, and on most days couldn’t even grasp the thought that she might be pregnant; Only the absence of her period was a silent bringer of proof. Then, she started to feel bloated more often. She usually sucked in her tummy 24/7, as most models do, only relieving it during sleep. Until one day she noticed her belly button sticking out - and when she, for the first time in years - released the tension in her abdominal muscles, a clear baby bump was visible.

That was earlier this morning.

The moment she fully realized that she was absolutely, positively, fruitfully pregnant with Melony’s baby.

Though things should come differently than she expected. When Nessa left the water she say Melony herself approaching her.

“Melony!” she yelled, surprised and excited, “What brings you here, all from Circhester? I wanted to call you in the evening!”

The beautiful, older woman approached her, smiling happily. “I’ve got something to tell you, and I wanted to do it in person.”

Nessa beamed at her. “Same here! I’ve got great news!”

And then, as if it was a rehearsed performance, they both said: “I’m pregnant with your child!”

Just a little more
Commissioned by Roji

Contents: Mouse OC, pregnancy (fpreg), labor postponing

Story written by RoseVirage


Another contraction hit Agatha - this time with such an intensity that she couldn’t help but to squeak, while holding onto a grass stalk.

Of course she understood what her body was trying to tell her for days now; Her babies were ready to be born. More than ready, actually. Walking was almost a hurdling by now. She must be way overdue.

Of course she was eager to meet her pink, little angels. But she wasn’t ready just yet. She hadn't found a loving home for her beloved tiny ones. So she did what every good mother mouse would do and postpone the delivery with all of her strength.

Another contraction rippled through her body, squeezing her poor babies even tighter into that cramped space, making them squirm in desperation.

 sh, my sweet kernels, it will be okay. Just 
 just a little longer.”

Agatha put one foot after another, forcing herself to walk again. She would be able to withstand the birth for one more day, maybe two, tops. She had to find them their new forever-nest soon.

Will you marry me?
Commissioned by Tyrzu1

Contents: OCs, fpreg, wlw, fluff

Story written by RoseVirage


Today was the day.

Today Aileana would ask C’ran to marry her.

Even if it didn’t look like much, she had planned the whole thing for over a year. Well, okay; To be fair, it was mostly nervousness that had stalled things. But at least she had owned the ring for over a year.

At first she wanted to ask C’ran just casually. Then she thought that her favorite person would deserve more. Then she had looked into hundreds of possibilities, from all of their friends helping them out, to a very expensive restaurant. Then both of their pregnancies happened, and things felt a little weird. But Aileana couldn’t help but look at C’ran more and more, the further along her pregnancy went on, the more motherly her body became. It wasn’t so much that Aileana felt like the right time had come - it was more that she hasn’t got the willpower to withstand asking her. To not have her as a wife.

The Viera wasn’t a person for drums beating and trumpets sounding, anyway. She was an uncomplicated soul, cherishing the simple things in life. Like a hug, a nice meal, or a picnic.

For the time both of them were preparing the little relaxing oasis in the park, and even during their brunch, Aileanna thought she wouldn’t have the guts to actually pull out the tiny box and propose. But when C’ran had finished her sandwiches and leaned back, enjoying the sun beams, an apple and Aileana’s presence, she looked so overwhelmingly stunning - so breathtakingly beautiful - so absolutely like the woman of her dreams, that the Miqo'te wasn’t able to withstand the question even one heartbeat longer.

She carefully pulled out the ring box from her bag, hiding it behind her back, waiting for C’ran to finish her joke. She was too nervous to even understand what C’ran was talking about.

“...And then the Lalafell said: ‘Are you talking to me??’ and you know what the Elezen answered?” C’ran asked.

“Will you marry me?” Aileana blurted out.

“No, what? No, he said -”

“C’ran,” Aileana said, this time a bit slower, but still nervous, showing the box with shaking hands. Then repeated:  â€œWill you marry me?” She opened the small casket, presenting the ring.

The Viera’s eyes became big. Then she smiled.

“I thought you’d never ask.”


If you're interested in a story commission yourself, you can always order them during our livestreams! More info about pricing here. I usually write them as an add on to Schpog's pictures, but I can also write them own it's own or as add on to somebody's else pictures.

Hope you enjoyed it!

đŸŒčRose (Glasmond)


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Tired Pro

be strong agatha, you can do it 😭