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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, nausea, gender ambiguity, birth, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & suicidal thoughts, parental conflicts, use of alcohol and other drugs, demons

Quicklinks: Read all from the start | Act 1-3 | Act 4 | Act 5 | Act 6 | Act 7 | Act 8 | Act9 | Act 10 | Act 11 | Act 12 | Act 13 | Act 14 l Act 15 | Act 16 


T H E  â˜† M A G I C I A N


Act 17


The fair presented itself in a very enchanting way. Since it didn’t take place right inside of Paris it wasn’t as big, but also not run over by tourists. It felt a little on the outmoded side, in the best way. The booths weren’t plastered in bright neon lights, and some of the attractions, like the little swing boats, were completely manpowered. There even was an old man playing a barrel organ, filling the whole fair with cheerful tunes. All accompanied by a mix of mouth watering smells: roasted nuts, cotton candy, freshly prepared crĂȘpes, churros, fried sausages

It was beautiful. Why was everything she did with Melodie so unbelievably romantic? No matter if it was in a lounge, nightlife Las Vegas, in pure nature or a charming little fair in the French outskirts.

Mary fetched herself a big cloud of cotton candy, shaped to a colorful flower, while Melodie got a big bag of churros. After they were done they shared a fried sausage in a bun. Mary was full at that point, but not much to her surprise, Melodie still fetched some other goods on her way.

The whole situation - the location, the smell, the joyfulness - made Mary feel like a child again. Like she had nothing to worry about. No appointments, no obligations. But it wasn’t just the fair. It was how Melodie treated her. Her posture, her serenity. She made Mary feel like everything was under control, like she could protect her from everything; Allowing her to slip into such a carefree mind.

Mary’s heart slopped over with bliss. She ran from one booth to another, checking out the goods and games, then back again to Melodie, happily holding onto her. She couldn’t remember a time when she was this relaxed and joyful..

The first big attraction they saw was a tunnel of horror. It was obviously nothing compared to examples from big carnivals, but Mary wanted to try it nevertheless. It was short and the scares were more amusing than anything, but it was dark and she got to sit close to Melodie, feeling her warm body and even her peculiar curve, breathing in her beguiling scent of pine forest and freshly baked bread. She wasn’t scared, even in the slightest, but she enjoyed snuggling into Melodie's arm when somebody in a cheap costume was screaming at her; Feeling her date holding her closer in a protective manner was sweet as honey, too.

It finally occurred to Mary that this probably was the reason why so many dating people like to ride attractions like these.

Later, Melodie won her prize at the throwing stand. It was such a cheesy cliche, and the tiny white bear plushie was probably of less worth than even a single throw, but it was Mary’s very first experience in this regard. So the little toy was of priceless worth.

At one point, they even got recognized. Well, Melodie did, to be frank. A group of young boys, probably around the age of ten, approached her and asked for an autograph in broken English. Melodie answered in perfect French. Because of course she could speak perfect French. Nothing with her surprised Mary anymore.

“Can you show us a magic trick, monsieur?” they asked shyly, and Mary was impressed at their respectful behavior. Kids around that age usually frightened her, but these boys were polite and sweet.

“My word! A magic trick, you ask?” Melodie answered, pondering. She then gave Mary her cane, grabbed into her pockets and turned them inside out, showing that she had nothing on hand (where had she put the cards she'd gotten earlier??). “I’m sorry, young one, but I’m out of tricks.”

When the boys’ faces turned into frowning little reflections of tragedy she got on her knees and said: “Why! Let me borrow some of yours, if that’s alright? Can I check your pockets?”

“But I don’t have any either,” the boy she addressed said.

“Let me see,” Melodie said and carefully, with only the tip of her index finger and thumb, reached into the end of the boy's jeans pocket. “Ah, who are you trying to fool, my dear? You have plenty of stuff in there, I daresay! Let’s see.”

She started to pull, and a colored handkerchief left the pocket, tied to a different colored handkerchief, which was tied to another one. She pulled and pulled, revealing one after another, much to the delight of her young audience. When the long chain of cloth finally ended, she handed it to the boy.

“And what’s in your pockets?” she asked the other boys, and then proceeded to pull out various items from all of their pockets. At first reasonable ones, like some cards or small bouncy balls. Then stuff that she couldn’t possibly hide behind her hand or something, like a magic wand and even a folded top hat that sprang open after it was pulled from the smallest boy’s jacket. A cheap costume top hat, but a top hat nevertheless.

How on earth was she doing that?

“Here are your tricks, you can keep them. Only thing left to do is to learn them. Adieu!” And with that, she offered Mary her arm again, leaving the boys behind with smiling faces and twinkling eyes.

Never before had Mary even thought about having kids, considering how much she’s usually overwhelmed by at least the young teen ones; But now that she had seen Melodie handling them so lovingly and gracefully, she had the sneaking suspicion that this might change one day.

“That was amazing,” Mary stated, still looking back at the boys who were babbling ecstatically while analyzing their obtained treasures

“Thank you, little dove. I must admit, I enjoy spontaneous shows like these a lot. Even more than stage shows. Brings you closer to the audience.”

“Your French is fantastic, too. I’m very impressed.”

“What can I say? I’ve always loved France, especially Paris. My favorite city, next to Las Vegas. So I decided to learn both English and French when I was a kid. What about you? I assume you speak French, too, seeing how you’re able to determine accents?”

“Yes. Languages and cultures are a big hobby of mine and I speak a couple, but not as fluently as you can speak French and English.”

“Oh? What else can you speak?”

Mary gave it a thought. “Well
 That’s hard to say. I always do little crash courses in the countries I am in, so I know many on a surface level. But counting those I can actually have longer conversations with, it’s
 English, obviously. Then there’s French
 a little Spanish and Italian, since they are all really similar - and an okay amount of Russian, Mandarin and Japanese.”

Melodie came to a halt, looking at her in wonder.

“And you’re acting as if you’re not special, love? That is really, really impressive. I barely know any people who can speak so many languages.”

“It’s nothing, really,” Mary responded flustered, her cheeks turning red. “I've been traveling since I can remember, mostly to the countries where you speak the languages I just told you about - you learn a lot by watching TV and talking with the locals. And it’s not like I can speak them very well, like a proper second language. Besides, I often had nothing to do, so I could focus on daily studying, and my father often got me very good teachers.”

“Wow. You’re truly formidable,” Melodie said, and her impressed face made her words seem even more genuine.

thank you
” Mary responded shyly, her face burning by now. She wasn’t used to such praise and thus a little uncomfortable, so she quickly changed the subject. “Would you swing in one of those boats with me?”

Melodie suddenly looked a little flustered herself. “I’m not a big fan of these things, I’m afraid. I get nauseated quickly. But please, enjoy yourself. I wanted to grab some of those roasted chestnuts anyway, and I enjoyed watching you.”

Mary blushed, then nodded and gave her back the cane she was holding the whole time. She then proceeded to enter one of the empty swings, while watching Melodie buy some roasted goods from the little stand, absentmindedly playing with her moth brooch on her collar.

Like so often, everything felt slightly surreal. These things weren’t supposed to feel that good in real life, only in dreams. It did, in fact, feel like a lucid dream, to some degree. Like
 when you just know that something is too good to be real and that you’ll wake up at one point. Like dreams in which you’re able to fly.

These unbelievably intense feelings within her, this surreal excitement. An actual person like Melodie wanting to spend her time with Mary. It was just so new and unbelievable.

In fact, Mary was almost certain that this must be a dream. At least she wouldn’t be surprised to wake up one day and be in her old life again, with her emotions, hopes and wishes all bottled up.

Another thing that came to her mind was that it almost felt as if she switched places with another human. Not physically, but somehow
 emotionally, if that made sense. She still had the same old life, but now there was this other side within her, way more spirited, curious, rebellious and sensual than her usual self.

Whatever it was - she intended to enjoy every second of it while it lasted.



Story written by RoseVirageProof Reader: Doombeez, Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW, Emotional Support Reader: Serialfiller1, xtrachubbybunny


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