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In Space, 1 + 1 + 1 makes 5
Commissioned by Roji

Contents: Mass Effect (Liara, Garrus, Female Shepard), polyamory, alien pregnancy (fpreg)


Aiko Shepard nestled in between her two lovers. Liara, her smart and strong Asari girlfriend to her right, and Garrus, her soft and handsome Turian boyfriend to her left.

This was one of the very - very - rare occasions where Aiko could enjoy not only one, but both of their presence. Their jobs, different working schedules and single missions often made it hard for even just a two-person relationship, so she treasured moments like this.

Aiko felt her hoodie being lifted up. The surprisingly soft fingers of her boyfriend started to caress her bare belly, which he did more often lately, now that a fruit of their love was growing inside it. Being an involuntary experiment of Mordin, it hasn’t exactly been planned, like Liara their baby with Liara. Even though it was rather overwhelming for Aiko, she still managed to focus on the butterflies and excitement about that whole state of affairs, rather than the panic.

Feeling both the Turian and Asari being more affectionate than ever before also made up for everything.

“I love going through this with you together,” Liara whispered, while caressing her own and Aikos curves. “I wouldn’t want this to be any other way by now.”

“Neither would I,” Garrus added. And somehow, Aiko had no issues believing them

Show them how it’s done
Commissioned by ZeMank

Contents: ARMS, Min Min, pregnancy (fpreg)


You need to get the fans engaged,” Min Min repeated mockingly to herself, “Show them your soft, gentle and innocent side,” she continued.

Her PR team tampered with her private life more than her own family by now. She knew she had to provide a little bit of social media service for her fans, but demanding her to portray a soft, weak, little pregnant girl just for clout was too much. She was a fighter, not a picture perfect housewife.

Min Min took a deep breath and started to spread her legs, slowly, all the way into a forward split. She was surprised to see how well it still worked, despite her being overly full with a very bulky little human.

When she looked in the mirror like this, she smiled. It actually looked really cool and strong.

Rummaging around in her pocket, she took out her phone, angling the camera towards her reflection.

Min Min would give them their social media content, alright. But on her own terms.

A day on the Beach
Commissioned by Tyrzu & Bak

Contents: OC, pregnancy (fpreg)


“Some more sun cream, Amber?” Tirah asked while spreading the protective lotion over her imposing seven month twin belly.

“Nah, I’m good, gurl,” Amber answered, sipping on her mosquito. Since she was pregnant, too, only a virgin mojito alternative would do. But the mocktail tasted great nevertheless. “Wanna get burned real good.”

“Says the lady with literal burn scars. You gonna get your child cooked in there, you know that, right?”

“Good. I like my children medium rare,” Amber answered and sipped up the rest of her drink, noisily sucking air at the end.

“Sheesh, you really are a witch. Like one of those parents warn against,” Tirah commented on Amber's behavior, but the tone in her voice and smile on her face showed that she was jesting.

“Aw, shucks. Thanks, I’m trying my best.”

Tirah laughed and put on some sunscreen on the other woman’s belly anyway, who in turn rolled her eyes.

“You’re way too caring when you’re not on your job, lassie,” Amber scolded her.

“With you it’s the other way around. It’s a good thing that I decided to come with you. You’d probably end up as a beef jerky otherways.”

“Sure, keep telling yourself that. It also has absolutely nothing to do with you liking my belly a little too much, right?”

Tirah blushed ever so slightly and tried to cover it up with a cough, as if it would actually help. “I’m just concerned, you’re over your due date, that’s all.”

Amber laughed. “It’s okay, Tirah baby, I’m teasing you. I’m really glad we’re doing this together.”

And - a little surprisingly for herself - she actually meant it.


If you're interested in a story commission yourself, you can always order them during our livestreams! More info about pricing here. I usually write them as an add on to Schpog's pictures, but I can also write them own it's own or as add on to somebody's else pictures.

Hope you enjoyed it!

🌹Rose (Glasmond)


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Tired Pro

medium rare 🤣 All three are cute, I love the bonding and intimacy in the first one especially, liara and garrus were my homies in ME1 😤🙏