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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, later: feeling sick, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & su*cidal thoughts

Quicklinks: Read all from the start | Act 1-3 | Act 4 | Act 5 | Act 6 | Act 7 


T H E  â˜† M A G I C I A N




When she came back to the now-empty theater, Melodie was sitting completely motionless in her chair.

She didn’t just look asleep anymore - but unconscious.

“Melodie? Melodie!” Mary yelled and got right next to her, grasping her limp hand. It was cold.

“Oh, God, no
! What is going on
?" she called out in panic while fumbling for her smartphone to call an ambulance.

Then, in a frighteningly quick move, Melodie stood up.

“Ooooof, damn, I feel like SHIT,” she exclaimed, clutching her head.

She then noticed Mary and added: “Ah, um. Excuse me. I mean: Woe is me, I feel like excrement. Is that for me?”

She took the cold cup of water out of Mary’s hands and took a long sip.

“Aahh. That hits the spot.”

Melodie smiled brightly at Mary, then left the aisle.

Mary stared at her, mouth agape.

The magician still looked kind of sick, but she was moving and talking energetically. Not only a little, but almost more than usual. As if the situation moments ago hadn’t happened. It was convincing, too. So much so that Mary thought that she must’ve dreamed it. But she didn’t. Right?

Was that some sort of act ? What was going on?

She did say she might act weird. But this

Melodie turned around, “I really need to go to bed. Like, two hours ago. But I’ll gladly, uh 
 chaperone you to an Uber or something.”

 yes. I’d appreciate that,” Mary said ruefully.

Melodie nodded and spun on her heel, leaving the theater while happily sipping on her cup.

Mary had to run a little to keep up with her long strides.

 are you sure I shouldn’t call an ambulance

“Paah, they just want my money. Like car repair services.You go in with one broken button and leave with four new tires, a complete overhaul, and missing two grand, am I right? Nah, don’t worry, this is nothing a good night's rest couldn’t solve.”

If this was meant to reassure Mary, it didn’t. It made her feel a little more concerned, even. This way of condescending talk didn’t sound like any version of Melodie Mary had ever seen - both in reality and in interviews - and just two days ago she had been talking fondly about doctors.

And why did she walk so fast? It was so hard to stay close to her. Damn you, tiny legs.

Mary had to run to catch up to Melodie. She took her hand, noticing the tingling sensation again. That made the tall woman finally stop and turn her head slightly. The strange, amused smile was gone – now she looked a little
 Mary couldn’t really describe it. Dangerous, maybe?

It took a bit of strength to sound self-assured. “Can we do it .. the other way ‘round?" she asked.

Melodie raised an eyebrow. In the saturated neon lights of the cinema halls they looked insanely red again.

“I mean
 I’m worried. Can’t I, eh, chaperone you with an uber to your place instead? I 
 I want to make sure you arrive there safely.”

A smile formed on Melodie’s lips again. For some reason it sent shivers down Mary’s spine.

“You’re cute,” she commented, and Mary felt her cheeks instantly flushed once again.

Melodie shrugged, then took another sip from the paper straw. “Sure, I guess. Can’t see why that’s an issue. But you have to call the ride, I don’t own a smartphone.”

I called a mobile number earlier

Melodie grabbed in her trousers pockets and pulled out something Mary hadn’t seen for a long time. A mobile phone that was at least 20 years old, maybe even older than Mary herself. It might even have been a Nokia.

“For some dumb reason that I can’t explain I only own this brick. Not really Uber compatible.”

“I-I understand,” Mary said, despite not understanding anything at all, and set about ordering the ride.


Act 8


When they got in the car, Melodie gave the driver an address and added: “No long hauling, or I puke on your seats” - which would have made Mary laugh, if it hadn’t  been so strange.

Thankfully, the driver didn’t feel offended but chuckled.

Melodie leaned back and sipped on her paper cup, the straw making sounds like radio static. It looked both child-like and intimidating.

Mary reached for her hand again, in an attempt to comfort her. It felt like electricity was flowing through their skin contact.

The static noise froze. Melodie looked at their hands, gave them a little squeeze as acknowledgement, then sipped again.

“I really am worried." Mary stated silently.

“Didn’t I tell you earlier that you shouldn’t be? I remember saying something like that .”

“Yes, but 
 Alright. You.. you don’t have to answer, but do you 
 do you have DID?”

Melodie’s eyes focused on her and sent shivers down Mary’s spine once more. The look on her face reminded Mary of a calm, predatory animal. It was scary. But also strangely exciting.

“Dissociative identity disorder,” Mary clarified.

“I know. Are you studying psychology or something?”

Mary shook her head. “I wanted to, but never got around to it. It’s
 it’s an interest, I guess.”

Those eyes 
 There was a strange glint in them while they were fixed on Mary.

“I will neither confirm nor deny that.”

“I understand. Just.. uh, just know that 
 if that would be the case, I’d be okay with, uh .. whoever is, ehm, fronting now.”

The words had a hard time leaving Mary’s mouth. Not because they weren’t true, but because she didn’t want to ruffle any feathers or be offensive. Also because Melodie’s eyes were still fixated on her.

Though now a surprised look crossed her exhausted (but no less beautiful) face.


Mary nodded.

“You like that side of me?”

Mary gave it a thought. Sure, it was
 different. Very different. Rough around the edges. But it didn’t make her want to leave Melodie’s side. She nodded again.

Melodie laughed in a way that Mary hadn’t heard before. In fact, right now, she wasn’t sure if she had ever heard her laugh out loud. Only chuckling, maybe.

“How very interesting. I knew you were special.”

Special? Her?

The car came to a halt.

“We’re here,” the driver said. And, interestingly enough, Mary found herself feeling somewhat disappointed about the short drive.

“Okay, babe. I need to go now. It was a pleasure and all that jazz. Like I said, forget my behavior from today.”

As Melodie opened the door and was about to leave the car, Mary grabbed her hand again. The tall woman stopped and looked at her.

“I don’t know what’s going on, Melodie, but 
 it kind of feels wrong to just dismiss today. This seems to be a part of you that you are facing sometimes, and I
 I like all of you.”

The sharp and somewhat arrogant look on Melodie’s face softened slightly.

“Damn. You’re even cuter than I thought.”

Mary felt herself blushing again.

“Alright. Do whatever you want. I can’t stop you.”

Following a strong impulse and without giving it another thought - a behavior that started to feel familiar by now - Mary leaned in to give Melodie another kiss. Only when her seat belt held her back in a sudden, harsh fashion, did she realize what she was about to do.

She froze.

 maybe, if she didn’t move at all, the situation was going to resolve itself

Melodie raised an eyebrow again, staring at her.

“Did you just 
. try to kiss me?”

Mary nodded weakly. Time slowed to a crawl as she prayed for another car to slam into her, freeing her from this humiliating situation.

“Even though you think I’m acting differently?”

Another nod. She tried to say something else, but it came out as a high-pitched squeak, akin to a creaky door, or perhaps a tea kettle.

Melodie grinned. It looked bigheaded, slightly crooked, triumphant, dangerous and knowing.

“Want me to kiss you instead?”

Mary paused. Gulped. Tried to think about it. Couldn’t. Nodded again.

The mysterious woman slid back onto the passenger seat, kneeling with one of her legs, and leaned into a kiss.

Her lips were surprisingly cold and sent, once more, an electric tingling through Mary’s body. Unlike last time, it wasn’t just
 skin meetingskin in shock. This time, Melodie leaned into it. And how.

It felt like she knew exactly what she was doing, and exactly what she wanted. Which happened to be Mary. It wasn’t shy nor careful, but instead raw, lustful
 and maybe even possessive.

And it only lasted for three seconds.

When they parted, Mary felt incredibly dizzy.

“Ah, right" Melodie said, as if nothing had happened, “Forgot to give you this.”

And with a flick of her hand, seemingly out of nowhere, she held a red rose, surrounded with fragrant springs dotted with cute little purple flowers.

?" Mary asked automatically, a little out of breath.

“Blooming Rosemary, you dumbo.”, Melodie said with a crooked smile.

Oh. Right.

The tall woman then turned to the driver and slipped a banknote onto her middle console. “Alright, mate, bring her home safely, or I’ll rate you only two stars. And write a realistic looking review.”

“Ouch" the driver said and laughed.

Then, when Melodie was just about to back up, a femininevoice started to yell behind her.

“For FUCK’S SAKE, there you are, you fucking bastard! Weet je hoe bezorgd ik was?! I swear to god, if you fuck things up for us -”

Mary tried to bend forward as much as the seat belt allowed her to and could make out a slim, middle aged white woman with stylish clothing and short, silver hair, wearing sunglasses.

“Hey - calm down -" Melodie answered, while leaving the car.

“I? Rustig? Kut, pleur op, Ik geef je meteen calm, idioot, kloothommel, absolute tyfushond!”


“Nee! Mooi niet! What the fuck is going on with you - wait - are you -”


“En het meisje? Nog in de auto?”


“Godverdomme! Ik krijg nog een beroerte van jullie, Ik zweer

Mary sat dumbstruck as the unintelligible tirade went on. Then the woman walked past Melodie, bent over a little through the still open door, and rudely, without even taking a look at Mary, told the driver to get lost. Then, without another word, she slammed the door shut.

“I guess we better do what that crazy woman said,” said the driver, as she began to accelerate. “Is that the guy's wife, or something? Are you his side chick? You know what, don’t answer that. Not my business. But it does make you wonder.”

In her mind, Mary agreed, and while watching the two still arguing through the rear window until the car turned into another street. And as they vanished into the distance, Mary pulled out her phone, opened up the app store, and downloaded some new language apps.




Story written by RoseVirage
Proof Readers: Rahheemme & Doombeez, Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW, Emotional Support Reader: Serialfiller1

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As someone with DID I appreciate the care both you and Rosemary take with the subject. Anytime it comes up in a form of media my chest gets tight. Even if I feel I know what actually happened. Will have to see if I’m right.


Rose: I understand. DID representation in media is often cruel... That's why it's also important to me, especially since the story is wandering in that kind of area. My heart goes out to you!

Tired Pro

oh lord the ancient brick phone đŸ€Ł