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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, later: feeling sick, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & su*cidal thoughts

Quicklinks: Read all from the start | Act 1-3 | Act 4 | Act 5 | Act 6 |


T H E  â˜† M A G I C I A N


Act 7


An hour later, when she saw Melodie, that feeling immediately dampened.

She looked… different, to say the least. She was still dressed very elegantly, but in a considerably less gaudy way. She was neither wearing a top hat nor a bow tie and had seemingly left the cane at home this time. Her legs were covered in knickers with a brownish tartan pattern, and she was wearing a knitted waistcoat over her shirt. But her clothing wasn’t the reason why Mary felt uneasy; It was her belly. Or moreso: the lack of her belly.

She was completely flat.

And she looked… not good. Unwell, even. She had big bags under her eyes and sunken cheeks. Her hair, tied into a ponytail, looked dull. Even her eyes, that appeared so beautifully warm the other day, now looked like the color of dead leaves.

Though she smiled warmly when she saw Mary, who in return felt a little less uncomfortable. Melodie’s smile was so warm, Mary wouldn’t have been surprised if it could actually melt snow.

“Hello, little dove. Have you been waiting for long?”

Mary walked towards her and out of an impulse of worry, took her hand. It surprised both of them, but concern kept her from thinking about it too much.

“Don’t worry about it - what about you? You look… you look different. Are you okay? I really did call at a bad time, didn’t I?”

Melodie layed her other hand on top of Mary’s. while her touch still felt exciting and strangely warm - especially since she wasn’t wearing gloves again - Mary noticed that the strange tingling sensation was absent this time.

“I am sorry I made you worried. That wasn’t my intention, dear. Please don’t think about it, let me help you enjoy your last hours in this city.”

“But -”

Melodie gently squeezed her hand. “Would you like some popcorn? And have you decided on a movie?”

There it was. Her - by now, well known - deflection technique.

Mary decided not to push her. For now, at least.

“Yes. The next one in ten minutes. And salty popcorn, please.”

“Ah, a woman of taste. I’ll buy the tickets.”

Since there were no lines during that time of day, they got both their tickets and accompanying snacks in no time at all . Good seats, too. Middle row, middle line.

In stark contrast to the last evening, Melodie hadn’t gotten anything for herself except a small cup of water (who in god's name drank water at a cinema?) and held onto Mary's popcorn while she prepared her seat. She had a certain little ritual: Putting the coat on the chair to make it even softer, then pulling off both of her shoes and putting her legs onto the seat.

Melodie watched her curiously with a soft smile on her face, then handed her the warm, incredibly delicious smelling treat.

“Made yourself at home?”, she asked, though not in an ironic but sincere tone.

“Yes.”, Mary answered happily. She had been doing this since she was a kid. That position, the scent of popcorn and the cozy darkness of the theater had always made her irrationally joyful.

“That’s nice.”

After giving Mary her popcorn Melodie leaned back a little and crossed her long legs. She looked exhausted.

When the movie started, Mary caught herself looking at Melodie from the corner of her eye almost more often than at the actual movie. She honestly didn’t really care about it. Hell, she’d probably even watch a weird romantic comedy, as long as she could watch it with Melodie. It definitely was more about the activity than the actual content. The movie was also pretty boring, to be frank. Too many jumpscares and too little actual psychological horror. After Melodie still hadn’t shown any reaction after the third jumpscare, Mary got a little worried and looked at her directly.

The lanky woman was leaning in her chair like a bag of sand, her hands resting in her pockets. Her chest raising and lowering in a slow, deep way, as if… as if she was actually sleeping.

Mary looked closer.

Melodie’s eyes were closed.

She really did fall asleep.

Even though it made her worry again, Mary appreciated that she now could look at her directly. Specifically, her middle.

Her stomach really was completely flat. If she had been pregnant, there should have bee  some sort of… residue tissue or something to make her look a little chubby around the waist. But, as far as Mary could tell, there was nothing. Absolutely nothing.

That was impossible, right? Mary now understood the few theories she read about, in which Melodie was actually performing with a prosthetic.

Or … maybe it was hidden under the thick layers of wool?

Mary acted before thinking again. She reached out and gently touched the flat stomach.

When she noticed what she was doing,  it was already too late. She looked at Melodie’s face, who - to Mary’s shock - was silently watching her.

“I - … I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… I mean, I -”

Another shock followed. Melodie grabbed Mary’s hand and crossed her fingers into hers, guiding it onto the armrest. Then, while still holding Mary’s hand, she closed her eyes again. Without saying another word.

From that moment, Mary had no idea what was going on in the movie. Even when she looked at it; She wouldn’t have been able to tell. Her mind was completely occupied. By Melodie, her presence, her behavior, her appearance, and, most of all, her hand, holding Mary’s so gently, while stroking ever so slightly with her thumb, ornamented with a cute, white snake ring.

All sorts of feelings hit Mary like a train. And didn’t let her off until the movie ended.

While everyone was getting out of their seats, Melodie was still sitting there, not moving.

“Melodie?” Mary whispered, careful to wake her up gently.

“Yes?” Melodie answered, without opening her eyes.

“The movie’s over. I think we have to leave.

Melodie didn’t move.

Had Mary been worried before, now she was truly concerned.

“Rozemarijn,” she finally said after a long pause, and she sounded weaker than ever before, “I have to tell you something that I am embarrassed about.”

Mary sat down again, listening carefully.

“I took some pills, and they can have an intense effect on me.”

Mary frowned. She didn’t notice Melodie taking meds.

“Please don’t be concerned. And please don’t take the things I might say from now on to heart. It’s just gibberish.”

Mary didn’t care about that. She just felt very worried and guilty. Melodie clearly was extremely unwell, to a point where she couldn’t get up.

“Should … should I call an ambulance?”, she asked.

Melodie shook her head. “No, please. It’s okay. Could you maybe just get me another cup of water?”

“Of course”, Mary replied worriedly and hastily left the aisle, without even putting on her shoes, to fetch another beverage.

(Artwork by Serialfiller1 & mood edit & animation by Rose)




Story written by RoseVirage
Proof Readers: Rahheemme & Doombeez, Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW, Emotional Support Reader: Serialfiller1

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Mark The Oni

Oh, I understand a bit Mary's state in such a situation... Hope she will find out what has really happened to Mel

Tired Pro

oof I felt every single awkward bit of that hahaha, but also just hope everything is ok with melodie