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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, later: feeling sick, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & su*cidal thoughts

Quicklinks: Read all from the start | Act 1-3 | Act 4 | Act 5 


T H E  â˜† M A G I C I A N


Act 6


Words couldn’t even begin to describe what Mary was going through. The mixed bag of feelings from two days ago still hadn’t boiled down. If anything, it has gotten worse. Not only that; she was also starting to question herself.

She had been living an emotionally bland life for 26 years now. Her life experience had neither peaks nor valleys. She naturally shyed away from other people, often being described as an introverted loner. Before now, she never felt like she missed anything. She had her books, her movies, her traveling, her museums, and her studies. That was enough. She didn’t really need others. She never even thought about being with another person and, since she had no close friends who had lovers or children or whatever, she wasn’t really confronted with the thought that she might be different. And even if she had been, it probably still wouldn’t bother her.

But now there was this
 new version of herself showing up. Speaking words out of her mouth that she previously would never have been brave enough to say, making her experience emotions she couldn’t even describe. Hoping for things she was afraid to explore. Dredging up fascinations she didn’t want to have. It was as exciting as it was terrifying.

She was happy being just the “shy, good girl”. Thinking about it made her feel like her life was sort of 
 maybe shoved in a big package of cotton balls, until now. It wasn’t really easy to describe. Until this strange, mysterious person stepped into her life, turning everything upside down.

But the worst (or perhaps dumbest) thing was how Mary had left her. She gave herself a cliffhanger. Did Melodie want to meet her again? She also couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss. Or about Melodie’s belly that had touched her own when kissing her. Had it been a real date? Had something been lost in translation and she was reading too much into everything? And if they were to meet again, how would they reach each other? Mary didn’t have any contact information. Not even an email, since the one listed on Melodie’s page had belonged to her agent.

Thankfully, the problem  solved itself, as if by magic. When Mary came back after a stroll on the next day there had been a card on her desk, stating a phone number and the words “x Mel, in case you feel like calling me” underneath. Though in reality she probably had just called the reception desk  with the info and asked them to place it on Mary’s desk.

But Mary wasn’t ready to call the magician yet.

The dilemma she was facing was that her flight was leaving that evening. So if she wanted to see Melodie one more time - and let’s face it, probably for the last time, after what Mary had done - this was her last chance. Though there wasn’t any guarantee that anything would even come of it. It was on short notice, and even though Melodie hadn’t scheduled any shows that day (Mary had checked), she probably had other appointments.

She took a deep breath, looking down at the smartphone in her shaking hands.

Old Mary would have just let things be and departed , back to her old, unexciting life. It was the safe way. The way her father taught her, and the way that had protected her for her whole life.

What would this new person she was slowly becoming do?

It took her about five seconds. She quickly took out the card and dialed the numbers. While holding it, a faint strange mix of smells, evergreen trees, freshly baked goods and a hint of Armani code reached her nose. She recognized it as Melodie’s scent. It was the card. Before she could think about what that could mean, a voice answered on the phone.


Melodie’s voice.

“Oh, h-hey, It’s
 It’s Mary. Rosemary, I mean”, Mary stuttered.

“Rozemarijn!”, Melodie said and her voice lit up, “How nice of you to call. How are you?”

She sounded a little strange. Weak, maybe. As if she just had been doing an intense workout session. And how did she call her? Rosey Mareen? Strange. But cute, somehow.

“Good”, Mary lied and quickly dropped the topic, “L-listen 
 I don’t want to bother you -”

“You could never bother me, my dear.”

Thank god Melodie couldn’t see her blush.

“I know it’s on short notice, but.. would you, maybe
 like to meet up today?”

The magician didn’t give an answer right away. After some seconds, she said: “I would love to. But I’m a little preoccupied today.”

And she really sounded sorry while saying that.

“I understand.”

“Next week, maybe?”

 I won’t be here, then.”


Another silence. Then, Mary heard a strange sound and muffled voices. It sounded like Melodie was talking to a woman, who seemed a little upset.

A moment later, the line went clear again, and Melodie said: “When will you have to go?”

“Later tonight.”

Melodie went silent again, and Mary immediately thought about canceling the flight. The cost wouldn’t be an issue; but it would be highly unusual and problematic in regards to her father, the initial reason for her travels, whom she always was accompanying. All that for a person she had only met two times, who she wasn't even sure if “Melodie” or “Van de Sterren '' was her real name in the first place? No, she couldn’t possibly do that.

This time, Melodie remained silent for such a long time that Mary thought the connection was interrupted. She almost wanted to say “Hello?” when Melodie replied: “May I invite you to a movie theater, then?”

“Oh - I, uh - of course! Sure!”, Mary answered, surprised and more joyful than she anticipated, and ignoring another muffled sound of the other woman, who now seemed to be really angry.

“I know a place that shows beautiful classic movies. Maybe a performance of Marlene Dietrich? What kind of movies do you like?”

“Horror, to be honest.”

Melodie laughed. “Do you, now? What an interesting surprise. A genre I don’t know much about, I’m afraid. So here’s a deal: We watch a horror movie now, and the next time we meet up, I show you a film with the wonderful Mrs. Dietrich.”

Mary’s cheeks flushed again.

 I’m not sure when I will be able to come back to Vegas.”

“Don’t worry about it, love. It will happen, I promise.”After a short pause, she added, “That is, if you want to, of course.”

Mary suppressed a chuckle. Apparently her last comment about assumptions had gotten to Melodie.

“I would want to, yes.”

“So, which movie?”

“I don’t care. Any horror movie will do.”

“Alright. There’s a posh nostalgic theater only about a five-minute drives from your place, called Brenden. I can be there in an hour.”

When Mary hung up, a warm, fuzzy feeling wrapped around her like a blanket.

(Artwork by Serialfiller1 & Rose)   




Story written by RoseVirage
Proof Readers: Rahheemme & Doombeez, Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW, Emotional Support Reader: Serialfiller1


Tired Pro

yessss, go go mary 👏

Mark The Oni

It's so touching and worrying. Now I really wait for new parts. For the first time for so many years, I feel I've fallen in love with the story... You are so great! *-* P.S. sorry for many excited comments, but for the fist time in my life another people's content makes me so happy. It's like a miracle that I've found this page once


Rose: Ah please don't be sorry!! You don't even know how much this means to me and how much it motivates me!!! I'm actually crying a bit ... thank you so much!! I'm so happy to hear that!