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Content (for the whole story): original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening, stuffing, feeling sick, transphobia, dysphoria, depression & su*cidal thoughts


T H E  ☆ M A G I C I A N


Act 5


They watched the young woman disappear through the expansive halls of the hotel.

Oh SNAP, no she DIDN’T”, the voice hissed excitedly in their head. “I can’t believe she did that! Right on the lips, and then off without another word, like a true player. Dayum!

Mel touched their lips tentatively.

As she was lost in thought, someone approached her from the side.

“Ah, e-excuse me, aren’t you Melody of the Stars?? Can I get an autograph? And a photo with you??”,

It didn’t take them even a second to put on her stage smile, while they turned around to face the person.

“No pictures today, please. But I gladly provide a signature. To whom?”

As this situation usually goes, it didn’t stop with only one fan. Attracted by the conspicuous act of signing something, others soon joined in. Mel found themselves providing one autograph after another, until they somehow managed to get back into their car.

Hey babe, you good?” the snake asked, shifting its  form from metal to living flash, curling into a ring next to them and looking at Mel with its little beady eyes. “You’re acting weird.

Mel didn’t respond. They didn’t know how. And somehow, it didn’t feel important.

They barely felt the snake's tail touching their leg.

Mel. Hey. Are you having a stroke or something? A mental breakdown? C’mon, you’ve been smooched before and didn’t act this strange.

True. The other kisses have never been as big of an issue.

Ding dong! Lusje to Melchior. You missed your exit, your hotel is the other way.

Oh. Right.

Mel couldn’t recall how they ended up in their room, but eventually they sat on their bed, staring at the closed curtains of the window, ignoring the serving trolley full of food that the snake had ordered for them via phone.

Mel. Honey. Human. Babe. Not that I don’t enjoy watching you stare into the abyss like a vegetable, but you know what’ll happen if you don’t eat again, soon. There’s not much ambrosia left, either. So please, be a good kid.

“She ... kissed me.”, Mel announced silently.

Damn, look out, we’ve got ourselves a Sherlock Holmes over here. Finally, you’re talking again, nutcase. Go on, eat something.

Mel grabbed one of the toasts, now cold, automatically.

“She kissed me”, they repeated.

The snake rolled it’s eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I know. I heard you the first time. Why is this such a big deal? You’re acting like you’re completely surprised. You asked her for a date, didn’t you? Doesn’t that, I dunno, kinda imply that you’re interested in her? Send some romantic signals?

“You’re right,”Mel said absentmindedly.

The snake observed them silently for a while, then shook its head.

It’s like coachin’ a teenager with you, sometimes. Get a hold of yourself, you’re a frickin’ adult. Actin’ like the biggest gentleman that ever lived, then optin’ out the moment a girl gives you the most innocent little kiss ever.

Mel took another bite, then gasped and clutched their belly. It produced a deep, gurgling, almost unnatural sloshing sound as it’s contents shifted painfully . Despite feeling like she was going to throw up any second, Mel forced another bite down.

The snake’s eyes peered at it.

It’s time, isn’t it,” it said, not as an actual question but as a statement.

Mel nodded.

By the looks of it, it has been time for a couple of days now.”

Mel nodded again.

You know what? I was wrong. You’re a freaking nutcase already. Just let go.

“I can’t do that, I have one last show tomorrow.”

Who fuckin’ cares. You can cancel shows.

“I can’t. Now shut up, demon.”

The snake rolled its eyes again. “Whatever. You know what  they say. Your body, your choice. Just don’t expect me to magically find a good solution when you’re giving birth on stage. That’s on you, then. I’m gonna go to sleep.




Story written by RoseVirage
Proof Readers: Rahheemme & Doombeez, Dutch Consultant: EN_NSFW, Emotional Support Reader: Serialfiller1



Tuesdays are such a treat! I have been hanging on to every word each update. I'm so excited to find out what is going on with Mel, among other things. Can't wait for the next chapter!


૮ ˙ ﻌ˙ ა N e e d M o r e


You have no idea how absolutely happy that makes me to hear 🥺💜❤️

Mark The Oni (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-11 13:14:38 Only today I had time to read this story and... It's truly amazing. I just wanted to say that the story of Melody is very touching and it inspired me, together with arts. So I feel it important to thank you for this character, for sharing their life with us <3 Waiting for the next chapter!
2022-02-08 21:00:32 Only today I had time to read this story and... It's truly amazing. I just wanted to say that the story of Melody is very touching and it inspired me, together with arts. So I feel it important to thank you for this character, for sharing their life with us <3 Waiting for the next chapter!

Only today I had time to read this story and... It's truly amazing. I just wanted to say that the story of Melody is very touching and it inspired me, together with arts. So I feel it important to thank you for this character, for sharing their life with us <3 Waiting for the next chapter!


Rose: Ahhh! That makes me so incredible happy to hear...!! Thank you so much for this feedback!! There will be many more chapters to come 💜