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Contents: original content, w/w, cryptid (?) pregnancy, nb(?)preg, sexual & kink awakening


T H E  â˜† M A G I C I A N




“Oooh damn, I really like her.” Mel heard the snake comment on the situation in their head, even though they had told it to stay quiet for the evening. “Kinda confirms my suspicion. Got some fire hidden behind those innocent eyes. And you know you need people who show you your place.”

Mel decided to ignore the voice and focused on the street again.

“My apologies, of course we don’t have to meet again if you don’t want to,” she said. “I got carried away by my hopes.”

“Nice save, Casanova.”, the voice commented telepathically in Dutch again, but not without a pinch of its usual sarcasm. “By the way, she’s staring at your flesh orb again.”

“Are you interested in cars?” Mel dropped the topic altogether.

The young, strange woman seemed to genuinely think about the question.

“I am not. But I am interested in you, and you seem to like them.”

The voice hissed appreciatively. “Noice. She’s smooth, too. Can we please keep her?”

Mel smiled and, all of a sudden, felt a little warm.

“Keenly observed, love. And correct. Cars are one of my few pet projects. This one is an original BMW Isetta, also known as a bubble car. It’s made by an Italian company who was focused on refrigerators in the 50s. You can tell the resemblance to a fridge, once you know. They were very popular in Germany, for a time, and even took part in secret rescue missions to smuggle people from east to west Germany, before the fall of the Berlin Wall.”

“Careful, baby. You’re sweating like a priest in a classroom. Your insecurity is showing. She’s not dumb, she might notice.”

Mel wished the snake would finally just shut up.

Thankfully, the girl didn’t seem wary, but rather

“But how is it possible? Wouldn’t the 
 I don’t know, border control or police or something just check the trunk?”

“That’s the trick, you see. This car doesn’t have a trunk. Behind us is the engine and a spare tire , you can’t actually open the top. And because the car was so well known, the border guards knew that too. Other cars would have been searched thoroughly, but for the Isetta, it was enough to take one peek inside to know exactly how many people were present. So they used that to their advantage and modified the car in a fashion that a person would fit in the space with the engine.”

 that’s fascinating”, Rosemary said and took a look at the back of the car.

Mel smiled. “It is, isn’t it? Almost like a magic trick.”

“I can’t believe she’s actually interested in that bullcrap. She doesn’t seem like she’s actin’, either. She’s a perfect pet for you, Mel.”

“A magic trick that saved lives,” the girl said in a quiet tone, as if she was talking to herself, completely unaware of what rude things the snake was saying about her.

“Many magic tricks save lives, I’d argue.”

The curious, big eyes of Rosemary focused on Mel again and their gazes met.


Mel cleared their throat, regaining posture. For some reason the girl’s eyes made her nervous.

“Well, it depends how you look at it. For a start, I think that many doctors are illusionists, too. They can, for example, make a patient heal themselves by tricking them with placebos. Or some young thieves, who can make a rich person's watch disappear so that they can buy food to live another day. But what I’m actually referring to is that, in this day and age, with all the darkness going on in the world, all the battles we are constantly fighting with ourselves, our hopes, our mental health
 it’s important to keep wonder and curiosity to stay alive. Magic can gift that.”

The snake moaned. “Hell, you’re embarrassing yourself, Mel. The girl didn’t hit you up for a lecture.”

But Mary’s warm smile indicated quite clearly that she didn’t mind.


Act 4


When they arrived at the restaurant, Mary was impressed. It was called “Top of the World”, and it wasn’t just any simple, chic place to eat - it was actually in a huge rotating disc on top of a tower, probably around 1000 feet tall, with a jaw-dropping view of the nighttime Las Vegas skyline. The neon lights were sparkling like stars. It dawned on Mary that everything Melodie was doing - from her choice of clothing and language, to her conveyance and the places she ate - it just had to be extravagant.

Speaking of clothing, now that Mary wasn’t sitting dangerously close to her anymore, she was able to take a better, slightly more clear look at her. Even though Melodie wasn’t wearing one of the flashy stage outfits that she was known for - usually a black smoking jacket with purple inner lining and cummerbund, a bow tie, and golden applications in the shape of snakes - she still looked dapper and old-fashioned. She wore another kind of suit, this time more of a tweed style with a vest underneath in nice brown and beige tones, with brown leather gloves, still carrying her cane. It might have been a coincidence, but it actually fit rather well with Mary’s own vintage-ish rural choice of fashion.

Mary was thankful that the table hid most of the magician’s protruding middle. Melodie looked almost 
 well, not normal. But thin.

When she pulled off her gloves, Mary noticed that she had never seen Melodie’s hands bare. Sure, this was the second time they met, but she had seen hundreds of pictures and videos, and in all of them Melodie’s hands were gloved.

It almost felt a little indecent to see her bare fingers. They were long, sleek, and - for some reason - very intriguing to Mary.

“I hope this place is to your liking, my dear?” the Magician asked.

“Very much,” Mary replied, “It’s beautiful. I’m amazed by the view.” As Mary spoke, her gaze lingered on her companion longer than she had intended.  Once Melodie started to smile, she quickly looked outside the window. She could feel her cheeks flush.

“Are you afraid to look at me?”

“A little, yes,” Mary answered, honestly.

“A shame. Your eyes are so captivating.”

Her eyes
 the only thing that people usually noticed or, at least commented about. Complete heterochromia. One blue eye, one brown. Other people found it ‘cool’, but Mary wasn’t a fan. It hurt her that the only interesting thing about her seemed to be a genetic mutation she was born with, something she never asked for. Some men used it as an excuse to get uncomfortably close to her.

But it was somehow different with Melodie. She seemed to like things that were out of the ordinary, but something in her voice made it sound like it wasn’t just about heterochromia.

Mary dared to turn back and meet Melodie’s eyes. Only now did she notice her unusual eyes, too. It might have been the lighting, though, because they were so intensely brown that they almost looked red.

She took a mental note to check her eyes in pictures again once she could get back to the hotel.

Otherwise, the dinner went well. The presence of other people and absence of Melodie’s belly in full view helped Mary to relax a little and not act like a deer in headlights. To her own surprise, she discovered that she could actually be quite witty, or at least it felt like that with Melodie. For some reason, the magician made her say things that she usually was even too shy to think in the first place. By the end of the evening, Mary had come to terms with the fact that talking with Melodie just did things beyond her comprehension and just rolled with it.

Melodie was incredibly charming. For the whole meal, she was courteous, considerate, kind, polite, and made Mary feel like she was the most interesting person on the planet. Nobody had ever made her feel even close to that. Not her father, nor her few friends, not even one of her past teachers. It was overwhelming.

She also didn’t drink any alcohol, as Mary quietly observed. But she couldn’t help but to also notice that she ate a lot. Like
 really, a lot. It guided Mary’s thoughts back to her very pregnant-looking body. From here, her mind couldn’t help but wander to the fact that it would soon be growing even bigger.

This realization did something to Mary that she yet still didn’t properly understand.

Somehow, Mary managed to stay focused despite these alluring thoughts. But as soon as Melodie stood up (with a sense of grace and balanced belied by her swollen form), she went rather silent again.

Now, thirty minutes later, they stood at the same place where their evening had started.

“It was a wonderful dinner, Melodie,” Mary said, a little tipsy. Between this and her own wandering thoughts, it took all of her willpower to concentrate on Melodie’s face. It wasn’t easy, considering that the magician was almost a whole head taller than Mary, which brought her face closer to her middle.

“Likewise, my dear Rosemary. The pleasure is all mine.”

“I heard you call the servers by their name. Just out of curiosity, do you take many women to that place?”

Melodie looked surprised. And then a second later, Mary felt surprised. She was talking before thinking again.

After a moment’s hesitation, Melodie simply said, “None.”

Now it was Mary’s turn to hesitate, as she was briefly stunned by disbelief. “Come on, you can tell me.”

Melodie gently took Mary’s hands. Even though her hands were wrapped in leather again, it felt intense, just like in the bar the other day.

“My little dove, it is my profession to trick people, but I refrain from doing so in my private life. I always went there in private. This was my first date in that place.”

Mary’s head started to spin. The way Melodie was looking into her eyes, calling her ‘her little dove’, her deep, confident voice, saying that it was a date
 Mary couldn’t help herself anymore. Without giving it any other proper thought, she got on her tiptoes and kissed Melodie.

It was very soft and very short, but enough to overwhelm Mary completely. She just simply ceased to exist. What was she doing? She didn’t even know if Melodie was interested in her in such a way. Heck, she didn’t even know if she herself was into women. Or people at all. Who was she? Who took over her mind and body and made her do things that continuously surprised herself?

She was shocked. Overjoyed. Embarrassed. Warm. Angry at herself.

She needed to remove herself from this situation, and especially from Melodie.

Mary released the kiss and, without daring to look at the tall woman one last time, turned around and quickly vanished in the hotel lobby.



Story written by RoseVirage Proof Readers: Rahheemme & Doombeez, Dutch consultant: EN_NSFW


Tired Pro

"little dove" đŸ„ș🙏


I get more invested for every chapter!


I'm, finally getting the time to read through this and I am loving it!!😍