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(CW for this post: semi non-con pregnancy)

A sweet Monday to our bellylovin' supporters! I hope you're doing fine!

This is what I have for you today:

2) Commission for Glas, our OCs Ravis & Fleur-Anny
3) Commission for CobaltScribbler, Cindy from Final Fantasy
4) Commission for ZeMank, (adult) Adora & Glimmer from SheRa
5) Commission, Lambert from Alien
6-13) (CW: semi non-con pregnancy) Some older sketches of mine, Thirteen and Missy. She managed to get the Doctor pregnant and enjoys her work. The Doctor is disturbed, but also moved and secretly turned on the whole time, but refused to show any of those feelings. Missy knows better, though. And likes to remind the Doctor that they now do their part in carrying on the Gallyfreyan race.
14-15) Pregtober pics! 

As a little escort to those pictures, have this (beta) shortstory from Glas:

Contents: Doctor Who, w/w, pregnancy, fpreg / nbpreg, denial, dub noncon pregnancy
Story written by my partner
RoseFatale, uploaded with her consent.


There it was again.

A unambiguous, vertiginous, daunting movement. Clear as day.

The Doctor could tell that Missy felt it, too.

Missy laughed. But this time, there was a hint of true cheer in her voice, staining her usual sneering, almost sadistic tone. The Doctor must have misheard.

“Are you still denying it? Come ON! You’re a brilliant mind, you have seen galaxies being born, and yet you’re still in denial?”

The Doctor averted her face.

Of course she knew. She knew it from the very first day. How could she not? She knew every single cell of her body, even the color of her organs. Her inner eye was watching over that little, innocent creature in both curiosity, protecting love and sheer horror. It was the purest soul in the whole Universe and worthy of everything the Doctor had to give and more; But at the same time carried a burden the Doctor would never want to give anyone, not even her worst enemies. These two extreme feelings levered each other out and resulted in seeming stoicism, making her appear in denial. Or… maybe she really was, kind of. After all, not acknowledging the little one’s existence freed her from most of the feelings.

“Aw… my poor little Doctor. My beloved. My cursed one.”, Missy said, and her snarky words sounded both like a confession of love and hate at the same time, “I know what you feel, even without reading your mind. You’re afraid. You’re oh-so-terribly angry at me. You’re overjoyed. You’re confused. And, like always, full of hate for yourself. For whatever reason... these feelings or what you have done in the past or heck, even that you like steak.”

The Doctor didn’t move, her face still turned away. But no matter how still she stood, the movements in her abdomen were so intense that one would even see them from afar, despite it’s rather small bump size. Though right now, the ripples and kicks were presented straight into Missy’s hands.

She interrupted her monologue to stare with an open smile at the Doctor's belly, appreciating the scene. Her eyes seemed to light up in honest admiration.

But she was quick to find her words again.

“You love this.”, she continued sharply.

The Doctor threw her head back to face Missy and opened her mouth in protest.

“Oh, don’t try to argue with me, honey. There’s no one who knows you as I do. Sure, you hate it, too, blah blah. But this is something you have never experienced before. Which is - as we both know - one of your little addictions. Experiencing stuff, right? So, from a completely selfish point of view: Yes, you love this. I just wonder how much…”

The Doctor felt Missy’s hand slide into her trousers. For an embarrassing moment of temporary dullness she didn’t know what her oldest friend intended to do, but when Missy’s fingers slid under her panties, the Doctor yapped in shock, squirming.

“You know I’m not interested in such -”

Missy raised her eyes to look the Doctor straight in her face. Her expression was full of unhoped-for joy.

“Oh my days! Doctor! You love it this much?”

“No - You don’t understand, it’s -”

Her words were smothered by the fingers Missy slid effortlessly into her surprisingly wet entrance, and replaced by a loud moan.

Completely shocked by her own reaction, the Doctor threw her hands over her mouth in an attempt to silence these rather atypical sounds of hers.

“I can’t believe this. I must be dreaming.”, Missy sputtered in joyful disbelief, “You were hoping for this”

The Doctor shook her head, but it was a weak objection; Because her pelvis, betraying her, moved towards her old friends Fingers, hungry for more.

Missy laughed and moaned and even she had to halt, overwhelmed by the situation.

“You want this”, she said, but this time her words were spoken in honest surprise, without any hint of glee.

The Doctor couldn’t fight it. Right now, in this moment, she didn’t care anymore if she was handing over Missy power and control, if this was out of character for her, how weak she was. How angry she was.

Her growing, hungry body craved attention, her hearts craved contact and pleasure, and after months, she finally gave in. She was allowed to do that once every thousand years, right?

When she kissed Missy and shoved her hip even closer onto her, she could hear her moan, too.


I hope you have a fantastic week!

🌿Schpog (& 🌹Glasmond)


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Gah the phone glitch is happening again


Fffffffff I'm sorry, I can't find out what's causing this!!😭

Scrumbus Pamplemousse

Small correction, the Alien pic is actually Lambert from the first movie


Ah Glas I have to say again that I really enjoyed your story! You discribed their f*cked up dynamic so well and the struggle of denial and fascination. Missy knows how the Doctor ticks ehe .. 💕✨

Tired Pro

ravis!!! wonderful story too 😳 ahh i wish i knew more about dw so i could appreciate it more lol


The Doctor Who short story! My goodness. Schpog patrons are eating well lately lol