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This post features the possibility to vote which of these works will be upgraded!

Which one would you like to see upgraded? You can vote for all of your favorite options. You don't have to vote for those you know, we'd rather like you to vote for those you like the most, regardless if you know the character or not!

Winner will be upgraded in any way (sometimes color, sometimes just outtlines)

1) PB:

2) Urbosa & Link:

3) 🍑&🌼:

4) Archived succubus work

5) Dwarven lady



I'll vote for my own comission 😁 But you chose some really good candidates here! Would've voted for any of them if they were in other polls.


Glad to see that PB is leading the pack—buuuuuut one more vote, just to be safe.


Not gonna lie, the Urbasa and link post got me really invested in the idea of nb Link.


It was you gifting the pic to the people, now the people are about to gift you an upgrade heh