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Hello mateys!

Today's a little special. As you know I love to focus on fpreg, but every now and then I can find myself enjoying nbpreg or even tmpreg, with the right characters. BOTW Link is one of those few characters. He has this wonderful androgynous energy around him and I love to imagine him somewhat trans masc, but without any particular care for gender, neither with himself nor others. Just rollin' with whatever comes, you know? 

So the first 10 pictures will be explained in the following shortstory from Glas, but as an extra bonus I added maaaany archived drawings I did around 3 years ago. But they also fit the story really well. Come to think of it, I think Glas wrote the story based on these archived pictures, which I in turn then illustrated later, haha.

So, if you're not a fan of this, don't worry! Next week will be your usual (probably sapphic) fpreg content. But if you enjoyed this post, please let us know! We might throw in a little nbpreg here and there in the future.

Without any further ado, here's the little short story I quite enjoyed. Have fun reading it!


Contents: Zelda BOTW, pregnancy, pansexual Link, nbpreg / tmpreg, possibly a degrading kink?

Story written by my partner RoseFatale, uploaded with her consent.

Disclaimer: Usually I do care a lot about lore, but for this particular piece Urbosa and (adult) Sidon both exist. Just ignore the plot hole, imagine itā€™s an alternative timeline.


At first he didnā€™t notice.

Sure, there was this ā€¦ whatever it was that he and Sidon had. But it had been so uncommon, so casual and both had absolutely no idea what they were doing - since neither of them had done it before and had even less clue about how the other race reproduced - that it took Link the longest time to connect the dots.

Another reason Link didnā€™t grasp what was happening with his body might have been his slightly anxious excitement over the whole thing with Sidon in the first place. He wouldnā€™t give it any romantic description, he never liked romance, love and anything connected to it in particular. But the prince of Zoras had an almost magical aura that made Link feel both strong and at ease at the same time.

He was a knight. Thatā€™s his only purpose. Everything he ever did was fighting, protecting, and doing as he was told. He traveled because of his quests, he ate to keep his body fighting, he slept to recharge. Thatā€™s what he was born to do, and thatā€™s also what he wanted to do.

But Sidon was able to make him pay less attention to those things temporarily. Something about him made Link justā€¦ exist. Relax. Forget.

Forget that heā€™s a knight. Forget that he was chosen. Forget the burden on his shoulders. Forget that he wasnā€™t born like other male hylians, that he had to fight stronger than most people to achieve his strength.

And not only that; Sidon also made Link actually want to be ā€¦ well, how should he put this? ā€¦ Touched.

Link has never been keen on physical contact. Especially not on private parts. But, well, yes - Sidon made him forget even that.

So Link came to like being called strong, cute, inspirational and pretty by him. And being held or even cuddled. Any physical affection, really.

The thought of Sidons (somewhat intensely respectful) hugs made Link blush and he zoomed back into reality, to the boiling soup he was stirring at the moment, the cold of night, the silent stars.

He looked down at his clearly protruding belly. The whole result of him feeling too comfortable.

Though ā€¦. he didnā€™t care as much as he should. He probably should have been angry. At Sidon for being so charming, at his own body for not being like other male bodies, or at the very least at himself. For being careless. Or simply incredible dumb, as his trainer loved to say when he was younger.

He should have been full of anxiety. But strangely ā€¦ he wasnā€™t. He only felt mildly inconvenienced because he didnā€™t want people to ask about it.

On the contrary, he even felt somewhat ā€¦ excited, maybe? Some emotions he never knew before. He kind of liked that curve. In some strange way it made him feel stronger, even. He couldnā€™t put it into words. But a month ago, before this huge growth spurt when it wasnā€™t that easy to tell, and he was visiting Urbosa in his usual disguise, he ā€¦ really liked how the Gerudos were looking at him. He had studied their culture for a bit, and he knew that child birth was a huge deal for them. A gift directly from the goddesses, as they called it. Something to be cherished, to be proud of. Pregnant Gerudos were fulfilled their every wish, they enjoyed a special status in their community. But that didnā€™t count just for them. Women from other races apparently were just as much appreciated.

So when he showed up for his audience at Urbosaā€™s, they all had a keen eye on his middle. There was this spark in their eyes, this excited suspicion. They knew how flat Link had been before, they could tell that there was a change. And Link ā€¦ well. Yes. He kind of enjoyed it.

Even more so when Urbosa found out. He could tell that she knew it right off the bat.

ā€œMy dear little Vaiā€, she had said, almost teasingly in front of her guards and maidens, ā€œPlease accompany me to my room.ā€

And then there, when both of them were alone, without any hesitation, she laid her graceful blazoned hand boldly onto his belly, without saying anything.

That, too, had made Link feel things he had never felt before.

She didnā€™t speak a word, yet radiated so much: Admiration, surprise, pride, rapture, care. And Link couldnā€™t help but let it get to his head. At least a little.

She made him feel all these things, too.

He carefully laid a hand on the now very clearly pregnant belly, feeling the gentle kicks that were going on inside of him now under his fingers. Stroking the curve. Soon Urbosa will see him again. See how much he has grown. How will she react then? Will she, maybe, tease him again?

He gasped. Partially because of a very strong kick, but also because that thought showered him with an unexpected sudden excitement. A feeling he wasnā€™t familiar with yet, since in the past he never really liked being perceived or touched in that way.

But he couldnā€™t help it. Back then she had told him to return once his body was showing clear signs. To live undercover in peace in Gerudo Town until the child - or children, as she insists - were born. She promised to take care of him. But at the same time she threatened, too. She told Link that she couldnā€™t help but proudly show him around. Let the Gerudos admire ā€œher little pregnant hylian vaiā€. Touch her, shower her with compliments, gifting food to her and other presents.

She had said it with a smiling eye, jesting, but Link found himself thinking about it way too often.

There was no doubt she would be able to do something like that.
But eventually, would she? No, right?

Only one way to find out, Link thought, while silently eating his soup, blushing. In a few days he will reach Gerudo Town again to stay. And maybe, until he would be able to report for duty for the royal family again, he could somehow be of service for the queen of Gerudos. However that will look like. He was a serving knight, after all.


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I didn't know I needed this in my life...


I didn't think I'd like this but man. Drawing and story are just so charming I can't help but love it. So many drawings too, my goodness.


I have been trying to come up with an idea for a good preg Link comm for a while now, so this. I appreciate this

Tired Pro

This was such a good read šŸ˜­šŸ‘


Ahhhh! This was a fantastic read.


I love how sweet and emotional you wrote him, Glas. I really like how relaxed he feels with Sidon and how intense he thinks about Urbosa slightest reactions. Still waters run deep, haha... šŸ’™


Well, if you ever crave for more content, you know who to ask, hehe. Also, don't forget that if you like a sketch a lot you can actually upgrade it!


Oh, yes, I do know indeed. And I might just get the one sketch with the bigger belly upgraded if I so feel the need