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Hello me mateys!

I hope you're doing fine!

Today I want to share something that's a little more private! Sketches of my girlfriend and muse Glasmond. 🌹💖 Some of them are really old, some are newer... I guess it shows that she has always inspired me to draw her. I love her sweet and soft curves and have tons of more pictures of her somewere. 🤭

Some special notes:

The comic is from back when she was showing some boomer folks pictures of her dog, and a really dirty message of me popped up. She later told me that everyone went silent and acted awkwardly without acknowledging anything haha

The ones with the short hair was from when she weighted a little more. I found that very adorable!

And the last 6 sketches are from when she was at the hospital due to a big surgery and was super high 24/7. She flirted with all the nurses and loved talking bs, haha. I had to draw her while I was with her. Click on the images for an translation! 



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Awww these are so cuuute. You two are so sweet together


these are so precious! <3



Tired Pro

You two are such a good team 😤👏 (dammit I looked 👌👀)