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Hello, hello!! It is I, Raphaëlle, also known as Glasmond! Welcome to my very first own official post!

Since I've currently shared some pictures of Gwenbari on my Instagram - and because I know that due to Schpogs art some of you are already fond of her - I decided to share my Instagram pictures in high quality and then some. 

You can click on the pictures to find out the photographer and eventual models! Some of them are even with Schpog!

Here's some in-lore info about her, in case you're interested:
Gwenbari is actually half dwarf, half hobbit. But it's hard to tell for everyone except dwarves though. Since Dwarves have an almost genetic fear of the open sky (there's actually a legend that dwarves once were the prevalent race in Germantica, but one of their gods cursed them and every single dwarf who was under open sky died, which lead to them fleeing into the mountains and forests), this half blood mix actually helps her to travel around fearlessly. As you can imagine, because of that dwarves are a very rare sight, and not much is known about them. So almost everyone thinks that she's a guy at first. But she doesn't complain, since gender really doesn't matter that much to her or her people.

Her mother was an exceptional dwarven gold smith of high blood, her father a hobbit gardener, famous for his roses. They were both killed when she was a child.
Here's where she got her surname from, "Rosenhain" (English: Roseholt). Here also lies the in-lore explanation for her tattoos. Not because her father per se, but because of her daughter, Roselyn (who's named after her father). 

She travels through the land, buys and sells goods (some of which she made herself, especially jewelry), but her actual agenda, known to almost nobody, is to find her daughter, whom she actually thought as deceased around 30 years ago.

She's a money-grabbing, hedonistic little drunkard. And actually proudly wears this reputation, because it opens important doors. But in her heart she really is a member of the "chaotic good" fraction. Somebody once said: "You know, Gwenbari seems to have a heart of gold. Cold, hard, beautiful, shining and surprisingly soft when you scratch it.".

Though... if she'd see one of her friends in a fist fight against a big baddie, she'd rather take wagers from the surrounding crowd than actually helping.

She loves wine, meadow, beer, women, brothels drugs, music, traditions and religions (not only her own, but about the goddesses of all races). She dislikes not much, but isn't too fond of humans, with their "gender fixations" and their "need to steal cultural goods from other races" (as she calls it). You could say that she's rather racist against them, and she doesn't really hide that fact.

She's also fluent in a couple of tougues and can play a couple of instruments (harps, lute, lyre & flute)

Gwen has been through a lot of shit, which made her rather bold and daring.

Some out of lore context:
As you might be able to tell, initially Gwenbari was just me wearing a dwarven costume. Back in the days, around 10 years ago, I cosplayed Leonardo Da Vinci (Assassin's Creed II), and I found myself very beautiful with a beard. Like... really pretty. So I one day decided to buy another beard, but suited to my actual hair color, to see how I'd look naturally with beard (forelast picture). I liked it SO damn much that I decided to make an actual dwarven costume (last picture). And thus Gwenbari was born. Both Schpog and I were immediately very fond of her and made illustrations for her, background stories and so on - but she also helped me a lot with my body dysphoria. Due to meds I gained around 40kg about 5 years ago, and had a hard time to feel myself with that new weight. But not as a dwarven lass. As such, my weight was perfect (maybe even a little too thin). It fit my aesthetic for dwarven ladies perfectly. And through that I started to like my body as a human, too. So... she really means a lot to us, in every kind of way 🌹

Photographers & Models in pictures, quicklinks here:
Eosandy, Cira Meisen, GloomyTalesArt, Haay Photography, Famous_Ralf, Lightning_Cosplay, throughthewoods_fotodesign, Luminous Lux, Hanny Honeymoon, simply_photo_by_miro, Kristallkind, Kittys Cosplay Wardrobe

For my next post I was thinking of sharing a bigger set of my pregnancy photography (for tier 3 Succubi!).

Please let me know what you think and if you enjoy this sort of content, too!

I hope you have a fantastic day,



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Always love me some Gwenbari Content

Tired Pro

I love these, the costume work of everyone is so well done! These little snippets of Gwenbari adventures are really cute


OMG so much Gwenbari content! 🤩😍 Love it! You rock the dwarven look so damn much and I'd like to learn more about her 💖✨


I love Gwenbari!