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Contents: lore, saucy thoughts, explicit words, w/m, early pregnancy
Story written by my partner RoseFatale, uploaded with her consent.


Ravis narrowed her eyelids while looking at her first mate.

No doubt about it. He knew. Probably again long before she herself found out.

The skilled nose of a Lupan like him could catch even the slightest change in odor. And by now the captain knew that her scent changed in certain circumstances. Or, well, at least that’s what he has told her during one of her last pregnancies.

Yet, he always kept a stiff upper lip. So much so, that it was hard to tell if he knew at all, wouldn’t it be for three other ways that gave it away: First off, he was around her more frequently. As her direct subordinate it was his job to protect the captain, but he almost got a little overprotective during those times.

Secondly, he started to growl more casually. Not in a threatening manner, and not very loud; But a subtle, very deep snarl once he was close, almost imperceptive to hear. It kind of sounded like purring, now that Ravis thought about it.

And lastly: His sex drive was ravenous. There were nights that he fucked her for six or even seven hours straight without showing any hint of exhaustion.

Now, people who just knew him briefly would not consider him sexual. Maybe even asexual. The main reason for that was that he almost never talked and preferred to focus on his work. When the other members of her crew got together with some warm grog, talking about their sexual desires or experiences, he never shared.

He also wasn’t one for hints or subtle flirting games. Also due to his nose he could very quickly tell if and how much somebody was aroused, even across big rooms like the cantine. After knowing him for so many years, Ravis could tell by now when he picked up that specific scent, and could see his peaking interest. But even then, he never made any advances. He just looked at the person whose aroused body craved for courtesy. That’s all he did. Waiting, lobserving, not breaking eye contact. Trying to figure out if he’s wanted or not, letting the others approach him. And they did. Almost always. No matter their race, gender or if they are 20 or 100 years old. And Tomas, that weird guy without any specific taste in mating partners, always served.

He probably just gets horny when others do, and that’s his main drive, Ravis thought. And considering that, it now made a lot of sense that he got really hungry for her when she was pregnant. Because during those times there wasn’t a single day where the captain was not continuously wet and consumed by lewd thoughts.

So, yeah. His services were exceedingly useful during these times.

While watching Tomas carrying barrels double the size of Ravis with ease, she unconsciously touched the side of her belly. Only a very slight curve would give away the secret hidden beneath cloth and skin. A secret even Ravis herself didn’t know much about yet. Was it Tomas’? Or that over another crew member? Maybe the giant plant creature that fucked her senseless last week. Those eggs develop pretty quickly.

Oh well, she’d eventually find out. For now, even though her crew never had any issue with their captain being in such a condition before, it’s best if nobody knew. Well, nobody except her first mate.

A gentle, very subtle movement formed within her belly, growing stronger and more apparent. Ravis looked down, almost expecting it to be visible from outside. Of course that wasn’t possible, especially since she was wearing a tight, strong leather vest.

No matter what was growing inside her, it was strong.

The captain could feel her undergarments getting soaked and her mind turning foggy.

Gosh darn it, being this easily aroused was so annoying. She needed a quick, hard fuck to clear her mind.

When she looked up, Tomas was already standing before her. He was tall on his own already, but compared to her he looked gigantic.

She gave him a lopsided smirk.

“You little piece of shit. I wasn’t even close to you.”

“It’s unmistakable.”, he answered in short in his deep, husky voice that sounded like the bark of trees looked, and visibly inhaled through his nose, seemingly to breathe in her scent. Maybe to make sure. Or maybe because he just liked it.

“Come to my cabin in 5 minutes. And clean yourself, maybe I want to use my strap-on again today.”

He nodded and left Ravis behind in anticipation. He might not be the most talkative one or even the sharpest tool in the shed, but she’d be damned if he wasn’t the most efficient and uncomplicated one she ever had the pleasure to work with.


We hope you like this short little insight! I posted those already, but as a reminder have them again 💜

And here are some around 4 year old sketches of them!



Really enjoyed that insight and the sketches - there can’t be enough of Ravis & her crew 💓


P.S. Their faces and facial expression in the next-to-last sketch - love them!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 20:22:09 oof. those sketches are really gorgeous and kudos to RoseFatale, as the story is very immersive and well-written too!
2021-04-07 02:04:39

Tired Pro

Another wonderful story!