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Hey maties!
Today I show you main working space. 💙 I find it super interesting to see how others create their workplace and what they decide to have around them. 

Especially when I'm livestreaming I'm almost always doing it from there. As you can see on my webcam which is hold by the smartphone stand. I know it doesn't look like it but this construction is surprisingly solid.😆
My table is a actually a super huge eating table  (only the top) because I looove to have a table with much space to work on! Enough space to put up my Ipad for references or other drawings or notes, more for materials, or even paperwork which I should not forget. On the picture you only see 2/3 from the table. The rest of the table is empty, so I cropped that out.
I'm very forgetful, so I have some notes hanging on the wall to make live a little easier 💦 I also always have at least 2 drinks on my table 😆 Most of the time a coffee and one glass of water.

I hope you enjoy the pictures, let me know how you like these private posts once in a while! ❤



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Tired Pro

If I may be blunt, your space looks a bit more spartan than I expected XD I honestly expected more plants (feed me, seymour!) and fabrics everywhere for some reason LOL! But as an office worker, I also understand the importance in having an organized work space. And coffee... coffee is always important. (Ooh... Uni•Ball pens, i hoard those at work when possible 👀)


I love the Audrey-2 and dilophosaurus figurines!


Haha, please always be blunt. It's interesting to hear what people think about me. It may look that spartanic because I have several work places. Two or three at Glasmonds place (where I'm mostly at), and one at home. But I think I'm also more spartan in general. Though I do like plants and fabrics, they just aren't at my working space. (such good pens!)


So aufgeräumt! *auf mein Schreibtischchaos schau* XD


Fürs Foto natürlich extra nochmal aufgeräumt. 🤣 Versuch zwar ihn so als Standart zu halten aber das ist gar nciht so einfach.. 💦