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C: Original, NS4W, oviposition, erotic belly, belly worship, slight corruption, belly sounds, eggnancy

(Find Part I here)

The ancient ones stood true to their word. While they didn’t communicate with her directly, something seemed to have rooted her instinct; It was as if invisible strings were leading Fleur-Anny to undiscovered ruins, she was suddenly able to draw conclusions and connections about their history, where she had been clueless before, and if she came in contact with ancient artifacts, her hands knew how to use them - like a skill you had learned as a child and could do without thinking about it. Despite that, she still couldn’t comprehend the ancient ones as a whole.

But not only have they planted strange seeds in her mind, growing in ways completely foreign to her; No, they have also planted them in her womb.

It hasn’t taken Fleur-Anny long to understand that. In fact, it has taken only one rather unspectacular panic attack and one slightly more concerning paroxysm of laughter right after that. She was also quick to connect the dots about the nature of her pregnancy: Obviously, they used her to reawaken their race - or at least something related to their race - from a millennial slumber. Which the archeologist didn’t just endure, she welcomed it with every part of her being, feeling an honor she previously wasn’t aware of being capable of. Fleur-Anny never wanted children and never had any desire to be pregnant, but in this specific case, she yearned for it.

The issues were the rather… unique symptoms of her state. 

It was like no pregnancy she had ever heard about. She was craving foods like pure salt, grass, uncooked fish, and even leather - but also strange behaviors, like hanging upside down, collecting one single stone every now and then, or putting the tips of her fingers into a sludge of coal.

These cravings came so sudden and out of nowhere, and since it was almost painful not to follow them, Fleur-Anny had proceeded to follow them. There was time to question her behavior later. Though eventually, she stopped thinking about it altogether and just accepted it as a new part of herself.

Then there were these strange, viscous fluids, dripping from her vulva when aroused, and occasionally from her areolas, too. It wasn’t fluor vaginalis nor common lactation. It acquits itself more like the thick sap from a juice rose. Alluring both in taste and smell, nutritious and downright addicting, once one savored it.

The last thing that had changed was hard to understand for the strange minded woman, who had never been well in touch with her feelings; It was like, for the lack of a better description, an alteration of her emotional structure. Like it had been torn down and rebuilt again. Similar to what it looked like before, but with significant changes.

For example, she had been indifferent about pregnancy before, but now accepted it as an essential part of herself. But also the things that got to her. She still didn’t care about other humans, but seeing a certain shape in leaves could make her tear up like cheesy love stories did to others.

Sometimes, when she shifted her weight, something was shifting within her, too; This specific sensation and sound were intense for her to such an extent that it made her heart pound and her entrance contract. When she got too aware of her growing midsection, a previously unknown urge to masturbate or copulate came over her. To be more specific, it was an urge for her belly to be worshiped by either herself or others, while this pure appreciation for the indescribable wonder growing within her made her reach climax.

Getting others to worship her womb full of growing history wasn’t as difficult and unconventional as one might think, though. Either her changed pregnancy had made Fleur-Anny’s body produce a scent that made others naturally curious about her growing middle, or the unfathomable power of the ancient ones hypnotized them - in any case, people were drawn to her swollen midsection like a moth to the light.

Which turned out to be a little… inconvenient. Because once people started to acknowledge her pregnancy, Fleur-Anny started to acknowledge it, too, which led to arousal, which itself led to the need to indulge in it. Granted, it wasn’t unwanted, but it eventually stole time, so the archeologist tried to travel alone whenever she could.

Today, however, she had to travel on a passenger airship, which, well, usually other passengers, and naturally, not even an hour after she went on board, she found herself in her cabin, on top of another passenger’s face.

The older, rich looking, round man ate her out like her entrance was the tastiest dish he had ever tried, humming in need of more, drinking her never-stopping clear sap without questioning it one bit. Which was mind-boggling, but more than convenient for Fleur-Anny.

She leaned back, spread her legs a little more, pushing her vulva closer against his lips, while rubbing her belly in obsessive lust. Her vagina contracted stronger and stronger, releasing more and more fluids every time.

“Mmm… that’s good… Drink it all, old man. You’ll never taste anything like it ever again.”

Thankfully, the guy had stopped conversing by now. At first, he had tried to tell her his name, his status, about his family, about how she shouldn’t tell his wife, that he usually didn’t like pregnant women, and how he had never done something like this with his mouth before, and so on. Typical annoying mannerisms of most other people. But now he was so deep into his state of lustful worship that he barely knew how to do anything other than to please.

Fleur-Anny could feel her newfound bodily juices almost gushing into his mouth, and for some reason, this aroused her further. She knew she was the only humanoid being blessed with this changed biology, and having people crave it more than gold felt nothing less than simply... hot. This man would forever long for this cunt of hers, that was carrying beings beyond his imagination, and it made her ride this power like his face.

The throbbing within her loins got stronger, now reaching her abdomen, which made the beings inside - most likely eggs with a semi-solid shell, after careful examination - audibly shift. A clear sign that Fleur-Anny was close.

The man heard the noise and opened his eyes, fixating intensely on her bloated middle.

She triumphantly laughed upon the sight of this, rubbing her belly in big circles now, careful to also brush with her thumb over her protruding belly button, which had been blessed with an almost unbearable sensitivity.

“Yes, you poor soul, stare as much as you can. Take in this glorious sight, even though you’re not able to understand it.”

And with that, she came, moaning and laughing in a way as if she came from another world, giving into her newfound instincts. When she heard the man hungrily gulping down her climax related fluids as if nothing else in his life mattered anymore, she felt like a true emissary of gods, powerful like a queen.

Hey, Rose here! I'm really happy that you enjoyed Part I! I'm not confident in my writing anymore, so reading your positive feedback and seeing the likes to my work meant a lot! I hope you can enjoy this part, too. If you dislike saucy things, you can let me know, and I'll make a rather SFW version of this story, too.



😳😳😳 THIS!!!! This is why I’m here!!!!!!

Tired Pro

"having people crave it more than gold" rose that was such a good turn of phrase 💪😤 i can't always see them immediately but i enjoy your works, everything you do is super appreciated!