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Chapter 5: Birthday suit

The local pageant had turned into a full-frontal strip show and Christopher had no idea what was expecting of him at this point.

The judges seemed to be having a good time but, come on, the outfits were lewd enough, there was no need to bare it all! Or was there?!

Once again, anything it takes to win! Right?

Terry had likely found himself naked by mistake, but Caleb and Pablo had purposely thrown away their tiny swimsuit and, worse than that, Caleb was literally fondling with his big black cock on the stage.

He was getting hard!

“Seems like the contestants have decided to add another segment to the show, the birthday suits!” Petra exclaimed, hysterical.

Pablo was doing the helicopter with his cut Latino dick to catch their attention.

Maybe this had been planned from the start because Christopher noticed that, down to his cock, Pablo was fully oiled-up and shiny.

Chris glanced backstage, trying to get some input from his mentor but he could not see him in the dark.

“Mr. Rat, what do you think of our Hotties’ initiative?” Petra interviewed the president of the Nebraska Committee and of the jury, live.

“Well, we’re between adults in here, and I think a deserving Mister Hottie Western Nebraska 2024 should be comfortable in his own skin. Am I right?”

“I agree. Nudity should not be something to be ashamed of.” Mr. Hansee, the photographer added.

“Especially in presence of such marvellous creatures.”

Christopher was confused, were they actually asking him to get nude?

Would that help him score some points? If so... Why not go through with it?

Only Jason seemed as confused as he was. The blond stud was playing with the waistbands of his pair of swimsuit but not daring to pull them all the way down.

The pop music they were dancing to on stage was very loud, Christopher could not think clearly.

He wanted his spot in the final 3 though… So freaking bad.

Was he going to go down that path?

He considered it, nobody was even looking at him anymore. He was fading in the background, losing any hope at becoming famous.

Caleb started caressing his brown nipples and the show became downright pornographic. His uncut massive dick was now fully stiffed and leaking on the stage.

Damn it, it was so big too! Like, the biggest cock Christopher had ever seen.

There must have been a fault there! This could not be allowed.

Hell, Petra and the judges only clapped louder!

“What a time to be alive!” Petra even screamed in her microphone.

Christopher had decided to go all for it and to throw his ridiculous thong, - to be fair, the thing was so tiny in itself that he might as well had been fully nude -, when the music abruptly stopped.

It was the end of the so-called swimsuit segment.

“Gentlemen, thank you for this beautiful and exciting show!” Petra told them. “Please, return backstage while our jury deliberates.”

The lights went down and the five hunks walked back the short flight of stairs behind the stage.

That was it, he had lost his big opportunity.

Christopher was disgusted. Most of all, he was frustrated.

“That’s so unfair!” He shouted as soon as he saw Mateo.

“I know, my boy… This… This was not planned.”

Mr. Mateo Rich was rarely genuine with his talent but this time around, he actually was.

Him too had been overwhelmed (although very much excited) by the nude and erotic show which had taken place. Nobody was expecting for the contestants to go that far.

“They were naked on the stage! They should be getting penalties, I don’t know! Caleb was practically jerking-off!” Chris grunted.

“What’s that? Are you talking about me, man?!”

Caleb had appeared right in front of them, looking threatening, and still stark naked.

His cock had deflated a bit but it was very much impressive nonetheless.

“What the hell were you doing up there?” Chris shouted at him.

“The show, mate! Is that a problem for you? If you can handle a little bit of competition and of action, you’re not cut off for this, number seven!”

Chris almost jumped on Caleb but Mateo got in between them.

“Come on, boys. No fight in here.”

“What do you want, Rich? Is this your new boy toy? I’ve told you to never speak to me again.”

“Caleb, this is neither the place nor the time for this!” Mateo replied, tense.

Christopher was surprised, he knew that Caleb was, or at least, had been, part of Rich’s agency. What had gone wrong between them?

In any event, on that instant, he was fully “Team Mateo” as he had hated how Caleb had acted on the stage and how smug he was being.

The black Adonis left them alone, encouraged by his own team to take a breath.

He had already won; he could not let things get messy.

“Listen, Chris, I’ll talk to Mr. Rat. See what I can do.”

“This is over… I know it, they were loving this! The guys getting naked and all, they overshadowed me!"

“Shhhh… Don’t say this Chris, be careful. If there is a way to fix this, let’s not create any more problems.”


Mateo held Christopher’s chin.

“You trust me?”


“I’ll fix that for you, ok?”

Chris nodded yes, unsure but somehow, hopeful. His agent looked confident enough.

“What are you gonna do?”

“I’ll figure something. You’ll get to Mister Hottie Nebraska and you’ll see; the pageant will be much better than this shit-show but remember, this is a necessary step. Wait here.”

Christopher took a step back as Mateo ran to the other room, probably to talk with the members of the jury.

He sat next to Jason.

“We’re screwed for the top three, right?” The blond guy told him.

“Pretty much…” Chris replied, jaded.

“I did not know things would be like this.”

“How did you find yourself here?”

“I saw an announcement on a poster in my town. My mom always tells me I look handsome. I thought… Why not? There’ll be big prizes at the State and national levels.”

“Yeah… Don’t think we’ll be there to get those, though.”

“At the very least, you have someone in your corner. That guy’s going to try to make things right for you.”

“He’s my agent, Mateo Rich. I’m a model in his agency.”

Christoper was sort of proud to be able to say that, and indeed, Jason seemed impressed.

“Oh, wow, you’re signed with an agency.”

“Yes, Mr. Rich thinks that I have a lot of potential.” He replied with pride.

“Guys, guys, please gather around me. I have an announcement to make.” Mr. Rat called as he walked in the backstage.

He was closely followed by Mateo, two members of the jury including Mr. Hansee, and Petra, the excentric hostess.

She widened her eyes as she entered the backstage while the studs were in various stages of changing or oiling themselves while they were waiting for the final results.

Christopher and Jason followed the instruction and soon enough, every contestant was surrounding Mr. Rat.

Mateo was sporting a frank smile behind him, which was reassuring for Chris.

“Gentlemen, it has come to our attention that the swimsuit portion of our pageant slightly derailed from its original purpose. I am speaking on behalf of the Mister Hottie Western Nebraska Committee and of the five members of the jury when I say that we did no intend for this segment to feature naked men.”

Phew, Chris thought, they were recognizing that this was wrong, and maybe, there would even be sanctions!

Pablo and Terry looked nervous on his side, while Caleb seemed unable to stop looking confident.

Mr. Rat continued speaking solemnly.

“As our sole goal here is to give the best shots to Mister Hottie Nebraska to represent our great State at Nationals, and to select the most deserving contestants for the title, we are determined to keep this competition fair and to give to all remaining contestants the same opportunities to appeal to the judges.”

That was music to Christopher’s ears, Mr. Rich had really made a miracle happened there!

Well… That was until Mr. Rat finished his little speech.

“Consequently, to restore balance, we will give the same chance to the final five contestants to walk on the stage one last time in… well… As our dear Petra would say, in their birthday suit. This way, everyone will be judged on the exact same criteria.”

Jason audibly gasped and Christopher’s jaw dropped.

“You want us to go back there… Naked?!” He could not help himself to ask out loud.

Mr. Rich looked angrily at him, like he was about to kill him.

“Well, we cannot unsee what we had already seen from your rivals.” Mr. Rat explained calmly. “So really, in the end, it is the only way to recreate an even plainfield for all candidates, but of course, if this makes you uncomfortable, nobody will ask you to go back on that stage. See this as another opportunity to showcase your talent."

Christopher, who was already regretting his outburst, swallowed his saliva.

Of all the people there, he could certainly not make an enemy out of Mr. Rat. Besides, Caleb looked way too happy about the way he had reacted.

“Of course, Sir… Sorry… I… I just wanted to make sure that I had understood the instructions.”

“No problem at all, contestant number seven. Petra, please give our boys a towel so they can cover themselves. You will wear it until you are on stage and we ask you to uncover simultaneously. Is this clear for everyone now?”

“Yes, Sir!” The four other candidates replied in unison.

It was on then.

Petra handed the towel to Christopher first and Mateo pulled him away from the others.

“What was that?! Snapping at the President after everything I’ve done to get you out of this mess! To offer you another chance.”

“I didn’t mean to snap… I… I just didn’t think we would go back there… In the nude! That’s crazy!”

“Crazy?! Son, you’re the one who told me this was unfair! I did everything that I could to correct this unfairness.” Mateo threw his hands in the air dramatically. “Ungrateful men! I should have known better.”

It was all a show of course.

“I’m grateful, Sir. I swear!”

Mateo sighed.

“We’ll settle this later. For now, I just need you to wrap yourself in this towel and do whatever you’re asked to do on this damn stage.”

“And what will that be exactly?”

“How should I know? This is totally new! In twenty years in the business, I have never been confronted to such a situation.”

Christopher was tightening the towel around his hips but it was small.

“Sir, do you think I’ve lost my shot?”

“Nah… Between you and I, you’re the best looking of the five, especially when you’re naked and your dick’s hanging out. Besides, telling Rat that you had simply misunderstood the instructions was a good move. I have to say, he loves dumb boys.”

“Fantatisc, then. Maybe I have a chance! Thank you!”

Chris was relieved to have done one thing right.

“Listen, the incident with the wardrobe malfunction and people ended up naked on stage, as well as the solution to make the pageant fairer will probably get some headlines in local newspapers. That could be great for your visibility. A little scandal has never hurt anyone! This whole thing might be a plus for you!”

“You really think so?”

“I know so… As long as you make your way into that top 3! We’ve come too far to lose it now.”

“Yes! I… I’ll do my very best.”

Mateo smiled at his boy. He even caressed his left cheek in a fatherly manner.

“Good, I’m proud of you, Chris. This is a tough premiere and you’re handling the pressure like a champ. Go win that thing!”

On cue, they were once again, - and for the last time -, called back onto the stage by the lascivious Petra.

Although hesitant at first, just like Christopher, Jason agreed to go back on stage only wrapped in his tiny towel.

Obviously, Terry, Caleb and Pablo were all the more ready to get naked again.

“For the final showdown in their birthday suits, please welcome back contestants number three, Jason Melloney… Number five, Pablo Alvarez… Number six, Terry Broadtruck… Number seven, Christopher Price… And number ten, Caleb Wilson!”

The applauses were more enthusiastic than they had been in the previous rounds as the five hunks took their spots in the middle of the stage, in the order they had been called in.

Christopher was standing between Terry and Caleb. He made sure to smile at the five judges and to look happy to be there.

Somehow, with his formal complaint, he had been the one responsible for this whole segment taking place.

“Now, boys, we will let our jury observe you in your most natural state, naked. To avoid any bias, we will ask you to refrain from touching your genitals during the segment.” Petra explained seriously.

Christopher glanced at Caleb; he would not be able to retaliate his lewd erotic show! That was a good point.

“You’ll be asked to remove your towels on the count of three and to remain naked for the five following minutes to let our judges inspect your physique. Once you’ll have removed your towel, please keep your hands behind your head to avoid any unfair advantage and allow for an obstructed view of the goods.”

The requested position felt very submissive and vulnerable to Chris, but at the very least, it was fair.

“Are you ready, boys?”

“Yes!” Five voices spoke as one.

“Okay, I will now count to three and you may throw your towels on the floor and put your hands behind your head. One… Two… Three…”

The five contestants reacted at the same time, threw their towels and revealed their five limp dicks to the members of the jury sitting on a table right in front of the stage, a little beneath them.

Trust me, they had a very nice view!

Jason Melloney, contestant number 3, trimmed light blond pubic hair, fairly large cut cock, with pretty massive balls, especially in comparison to the size of his dick.

Pablo Alvarez, contestant number 5, he was cut too, a fat Latino cock, girthier than long but with a beautiful caramel colour, and an even larger set of balls.

Terry Broadtruck, contestant number 6, he was as impressive from the back (with his XXL hairy ass) than he was on the front, with low-hanging balls and a massive white uncut cock, with a lot of foreskin to play with.

Our Christopher Price, contestant number 7, had indeed nothing to be ashamed of. His dick was even larger than Terry’s and his balls were full and prominent as well. Chris had always been proud of his dick, and he had all rights to be.

Even from where they were sitting, the judges could appreciate his veiny and meaty uncut slab of meat.

A few points were going his way, no doubt.

Finally, Caleb Wilson, contestant number 10, was sporting an equally impressive large dong. Actually, his cock was even larger than Chris, he was the biggest of them all.

However, maybe because he was black and this was less uncommon for black men to be blessed with such enormous cocks, or maybe, because he had shown it and played with it before, the reveal was a bit less impactful.

Christopher knew the treasure he was packing between his legs and made sure to look at each member of the jury individually, even shaking the family jewels as he was not allowed to move his hands or to touch himself.

He spent more time staring at Mr. Rat in particular, as the President was holding his future in his pervy hands.

A couple minutes had gone by and the judges were taking an awful number of notes on their pads, Hansee whispered something in Rat’s ears.

Rat nodded with a smile and from this point on, they stood up. The three other judges were soon to follow suit.

“It looks like our jury needs to get a closer look at our contestants to make their decision. This is a very close call tonight!” Petra explained.

The five judges got on stage, each taking turn around one particular contestant, standing still and slightly sweating.

Mr. Hansee was walking behind each of the contestants, - the photographer was an “ass man” -, and he remained a fairly large amount of time behind Christopher.

Chris figured that this was a good sign.

None of the judges touched the hunks standing up, their hands locked behind their heads. They were showcasing their biceps, pecs, and every single part of their muscular anatomy.

The jury did look very closely though.

At some point, Mr. Rat even knelt down to inspect each of their hanging cocks individually.

“Hmmm… Hmmm…” He mumbled at times, taking more notes on his pad.

Christopher was breathing with difficulty but he did his very best to hide his nervousness. He could still get this, Mr. Rat seemed to love his cock!

His dream may not be over after all.

But was that it? His dream? Being checked out entirely naked, in silent, by five older guys, – all of them probably faggots -, sniffing and inspecting him while they remained fully dressed?

After a time, which felt like way more than five minutes, Petra spoke again.

“What a tough job our judges are doing here! Myself, I could not choose between our five Hotties but dear members of the jury, it is now time to return to your seat, and to make your decision. Contestants, you can stay on stage while you are waiting for the results.”

This time around, the judges simply stood around the jury’s table and whispered between them to designate the three contestants eligible to take part in Mister Hottie Nebraska.

The deliberations lasted for a little while and none of the five contestants dared to move their hands. They were still standing like statutes, Greek Gods of some sorts.

Finally, while Chris’ upper arms started to seriously ache, the jury had made their decision.

“Mr. Rat, are you ready to announce the results?”

“I am, Petra.”

He got back on stage, a large smile on his creepy face.

Rat, what a fitting name that was; Chris thought.

“Please, Mr. Rat, go ahead.”

“First of all, Petra, I would like to personally thank you for this delicious evening. You look stunning as always, and you’ve been a wonderful hostess for this event. Please, contestants, may I have a round of applause for Petra? Wait… What are you still doing here with your hands behind your head?” He laughed.

They felt stupid and finally relaxed their arms.

As demanded, the five hunks applauded the hostess.

“I would also like to thank the Mister Hottie Nebraska Committee and especially, our volunteers tonight at the Mister Hottie Western Nebraska pageant.”

There were a few more claps in the room.

Come on, Chris thought, he was about to pee himself from nervousness. How long had they been waiting on that stage? Could Mr. Rat get to the freaking point?!

“Now, I am going to announce the three contestants who will have the pleasure to compete for the Mister Hottie Nebraska’s crown next June in Omaha! There, they will be joined the nine other contestants who will have been selected all across our beautiful State through similar local pageants.”

Good Lord, there was not even an audience present to cultivate the suspense.


“The first contestant who will be competing in Omaha, is…”

The five hunks held their breath like a single man.

“Caleb Wilson, contestant number 10!” Mr. Rat announced.

He was relieved.

That last round had thrown a curve ball at the arrogant jock, but now, he had been selected and was confirming every hope which had been put on him before that.

He walked forward on the stage, stark naked, looking like a nudist king.

Mr. Hansee walked up to Caleb to put a sash around his bare chest, it said: “Mister Hottie Western Nebraska 2024.”

Two more were up for grab.

“Now… The second contestant selected to compete for Mister Hottie Nebraska 2024 is…”

Chris prayed; an old habit taught by his grandmother from back when she was still alive. In case of doubt, pray to God.

Maybe God was watching this outrageous pageant after all because…

“Contestant number 7, Mr. Christopher Price! Congratulations!”

He had made it!

He would be going to Omaha in June.

[End of Part 1]



It is just starting to get hot and I'd like to see it continue. I also think this was a very abrupt ending to this chapter.


Great story. Looking forward to more