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Chapter 6: Way too narcissistic

Thank God that I did not listen to my brain when it had been time to make a decision on who should be my new roommate.

Whether it was my dick or my guts talking back then, I had made the right call.

Samuel was messy, careless about most things, loud sometimes, he was coming in and out the apartment at any time of the day or night, he had multiples girls coming over (often, in the span of a single night), but he was perfect.

Interacting with him every day had made my life so much more exciting, in all senses of the word.

He was forcing me to be more at ease with myself, he was helping me exercise more, and he had always tons of crazy anecdotes to share.

I had never met someone like him, and I was always amazed by his perspective on life.

Of course, the daily eye candy was also very much appreciated!

Two weeks after he had moved in, Samuel was pretty much naked every time he was at the apartment, and when he was not, it was only because he was wearing his white or light grey tight compression shorts, which were basically translucent.

Exercising in lycra is definitely a bold move but Samuel was not afraid to show the goods.

You might think that after some time, I got tired of seeing his junks all the time, or at the very least, that I got used to it, but believe me, it was impossible to get tired of these particular genitals.

I was now convinced that Samuel was the hottest man on this damn Earth, bearing the most perfect cock of all, and I promised myself to appreciate my luck to be living with him.

Another thing that I learned to appreciate about my new roommate was the way he was going about life. He was such a simple creature.

Maybe all straight men are?

He was concerned by two things only: exercising and getting laid.

His entire life seemed to be revolving around these two activities. Sometimes, he was doing both at the same time.

One afternoon, I came back from work and he was ploughing a girl in our living room, and trust me, it looked more intense than a gym session at a boot camp!

The poor girl was thrown around up and down, left and right. Samuel was an unstoppable fuck machine.

Even my arrival could not disturb him from banging that chick’s asshole.

To be fair, she did not seem to mind either and she even was very close to invite me to join the fun.

I went straight to my room instead, and let my roommate fucking his date in every possible position you can think of for the next forty minutes.

The dude had incredible stamina on top of everything else.

Once the girl was gone, Samuel knocked on my door.


He got in, stark naked, his dick still dripping with cum. He was not even back to being flaccid yet.

“Hope that didn’t bother you, mate. You know me, when I’m into it, it’s like… I cannot stop.”

“I’m just glad my mom didn’t happen to come to visit me today.”

“Oh shit, that would have been embarrassing for sure if she had found me like that. Warn me if she ever comes by!”

It was the first time ever that Samuel was considering something as potentially “embarrassing”.

“Trust me, I will never let you meet my mother! Don’t you get close to her!”

Samuel laughed.

He was used to bang many married women in town (my roommate was a big fan of the MILFs), so he did not even try to defend himself.

“That’s fair.” He simply said, going back to the kitchen to eat some proteins after such an intense work-out session.

At work, my friend Franck had become very curious about how Samuel was acting in our everyday life and I had to downplay his sexual feats to get my favourite colleague out of my back.

“Don’t fall for him, remember?” He told me every time we were mentioning my roommate.

I did my best not to get too obsessed or enamoured with Samuel.

He was a fantastic distraction, but he was also an illusion, a fantasy which would never become real. I knew that.

There was one downfall to all of this.

I was not very much encouraged to go out and meet other guys when I already had the perfect adonis wandering around and only waiting to be looked at, and be praised, at home.

Samuel loved getting compliments on his shape, but not only that, he was also asking me if I thought that his ass looked good regularly, or if he really had the biggest cock I had ever seen.

“You’re a gay dude, that’s a great point of reference.” He explained to me as he was flexing naked in our living room one evening.

“Point of reference for what exactly?”

“For knowing if I’m hot or not!”

I chuckled.

“You’re playing way too much, man. You already know that you’re hot. You may be the most confident guy I’ve ever met!”

“Well, is it a crime to like for people to like you?”

“Nah, but it’s definitely narcissistic.”

“What does that mean?”

Good Lord, the stud could be dumb sometimes.

Deliciously dumb and innocent of course.

“A narcissist is someone who is obsessed with himself and with getting people’s approval.”

“Oh… I guess I’m a little bit like that then.” He admitted naturally.

That made me smile.

Again, his outlook on things was so different from anybody else that I knew. Someone else may have gotten angry or refuted the statement.

“A little bit?” I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders.

“I just want to be as good as I can be! When I see another guy, instantly, it’s like my competition you know. I don’t know how other people think but for sure, I need to have better pecs, a better shape, a better…”


“Well, yeah! But for this one, I cannot do much about it. I could only count on Mother Nature.”

He looked down at his hanging cock.

By this point, I was feeling more comfortable with expressing my mind in his presence.

“I can reassure you on that; I’ve seen my fair share of dicks and this one right there looks really good.”

He smirked.

“You, cheeky boy!”

“May I look at something else other than your dick now?”

“What, you mean, my ass?” He turned around to expose his peachy hairy bum.

“No! Damn… I… I meant; will you leave me alone? I was trying to watch some tv before you got here and started to show off.”


He seemed surprised that I would disregard him like that.

Frankly, I was surprised myself but sometimes his cockiness and ego were just a bit too much too handle.

Besides, I loved pretending that I did not care that much about his body. Then, Samuel only worked harder to get my attention.

When he sadly walked to go to his bedroom though, I regretted my words immediately.

The truth was, I wanted him there, naked beside me, flexing his muscles, for as long as possible.

“Don’t be like that!” I called him back.

“Like what?”

“Don’t get upset, I was just kidding. Come back.”

“I’ve already been told that before, that I was doing too much… Sometimes, I’m not very good at reading a room.”

He was so cute when he was genuine like that.

“The vibe of the room is pretty clear right now. I love having you around, come on, just sit and let’s watch some television together.”

He smiled and jumped on the couch like an excited dog, his meaty dick bouncing in the process.

“Is that because of me that you’re hard?”

Damn! I had gotten more relaxed around Samuel, but not that much…

I blushed as he noticed and commented the blatant erection in my loose underwear.

“What do you think, idiot?” I snapped back.

“Ahah, that’s why you didn’t want to see more of me! You didn’t want to have a wet accident!”

He seemed to think that this was hysterical but I was not laughing.

“I’m glad that you think that’s funny…”

“Of course, I do! What’s not funny with a bro getting hard watching you?”

I rolled my eyes.

“You really don’t mind it?”

“Nah… Why? You think I’m a homophobe or something? On top of being a narciss… what was that word again?”

“Narcissist. And no, I don’t think you’re a homophobe but most straight guys would not appreciate their roommate fantasize about them.”

“Wait… Fantasize?”


Wrong choice of word on my part!

“I meant… Getting excited when you show off!”

“Why would I get mad about it? If a girl was getting naked next to me, I’d certainly get hard, wouldn’t make me a bad guy.”

I was almost moved when he said that.

He did not realize how touching he could be.

“You’re really…” I looked for my words. “You’re really special, Samuel. I… If more people were like you, the world would be much easier for people like me.”

He extended his strong and pumped arm to hug me.

At this point, I did not even care that he was naked, it was no longer about things being sexual, I was simply happy to have a new friend.

That being said, though, with Samuel, things never took long before getting back to being sexual.

We watched an anime together for twenty minutes before he started getting bored with it.

He remained seated next to me but he was scrolling on his phone instead of looking at the television screen.

Samuel was never short of DMs to look at on his social media. There was always a girl ready to come by to take care of his needs.

Although, that evening, he did not seem so lucky.

“What a cunt…” He muttered.

I ignored him. He was always bitching about women, but then, would always say yes when they suggested to crawl inside his bed.

I knew the drill.

“Well, I think I won’t see anyone tonight.” He eventually said, about five minutes later.

“Wow. You’re telling me that there won’t be any girl coming at the apartment?! Since when did that not happen?!” I teased him.

“Please, most of the times, I go to their places, or we do it at the gym, or anywhere really…”

“Most of the times you fuck, it’s outside of the apartment? Really?!”

“Yes, I fuck a lot!”

I almost replied something sarcastic but then, I realized that he might have been telling the truth. Samuel was not a liar and maybe the action I was seeing at home was only the tip of the iceberg!

“How many times are you fucking per week exactly?”

“Don’t know… Hard to tell… Way more than you are, that’s for sure.”

“That’s a low blow, man.”

“Sorry, I’m just frustrated. I need to bust my loads on the regular or I get irritated.”

Again, this seemed like a sincere statement.

I was curious though.

“How many times exactly? What do you mean by regular?”

“Depends on the day but, I’d say three to four nuts are a minimum. How many times do you jerk-off a day?”

“Not that much!”

Although, to be honest, my rhythm of masturbation had greatly increased since I had met Samuel; but he did not need to know that.

“Angelo and Jeong have already told me that I have a problem with that. They think I’m a nympho.”

“They may be onto something there.” I smiled at him.

“A nymphomaniac narcissist.” He summed up. “Ouch.”

“Hey, don’t beat yourself up, everyone has his own thing, you know.”

“Yeah, right, but sometimes, I jerk off so much that my wrist hurt, that’s bad, right?”

“I suppose…”

“But see, now I’m stressing out and all I want to do is rub one out! It’s my go-to because I know that it’ll make me feel instantly better.”

“It’s more harmless than using drugs.” I spoke to reassure him, and also, because I did not want Samuel to ease down on his jerking-off habits.

I had caught him a few times and it had always been a great sight. Besides, I had started to really get into the habit of sniffing and playing with his dirty cummy underwear.

However, since our time in the sauna, I had never been that close to one of his actual ejaculations.

Well, that was until that evening!

“Should we put on some porn?” He suggested shortly after.

I should have known this conversation would bring us there.

“You… You wanna watch something together?”

“We’ve already stroked ourselves in the same room, no big deal?”

“No… I… Honestly, I could use some release as well.”

“Yeap, I turned you on badly earlier, right?”

I ignored him.

“But what do you want to watch?”

“None of your gay shit, bro. No offense.”

“Non-taken, but you’ll be happy to know that I rarely ever watch gay porn.”


I thought it may have been a mistake to admit it, but Samuel was so open with me that I did not want to lie.

“I find straight performers way sexier and better at what they do than the gay pornstars. Also, there’re so much more choices within straight porn depending on what you wanna watch.”

“And what do you wank your wiener off to exactly?”

“Gangbangs and other stuff like that… To be frank, pretty rough stuff.”

“We’re not so different then!” Samuel exclaimed, rising his hand to high-five me.

A couple minutes later, a bukkake scene was playing on our TV. About forty horny men were taking care of two girls who were avidly sharing their seeds.

“That’s some nasty shit.” Samuel commented, already fondling with his XXL dick.

I slid down my underwear and exposed my own hard cock.

It definitely looked small right next to Sam’s, but he did not make any comment. He was already using both of his hands to jerk off his pole. That thing could get hard in a second.

I tried to look more at the dicks on the screen than at his rod but I did not fool Sam for long.

“If you prefer staring at me rather than at the porn, that’s fine by me.” He mentioned casually.

“You want me to look at you while you’re jerking-off?”

“If you want to! Is my dick more pleasing than the ones on the screen? Is this more exciting in real life?”

“Fuck yeah… So much better…”

“Then, what’s the issue?”

He moved over just a little so he was semi-facing me while still being able to watch the TV, he spread his legs and he added:

“Then, enjoy, bro!”

I was stunned.

Although I was learning to know Sam and how exhibitionist he could be, this was still next level. He was literally offering a solo porn scene in real life.

“Dude… You look so fucking good… Your dick… It’s so… So big.”

I knew he would love hearing that. It was just the truth.

He seemed to get even harder as I spoke.

Nine-inches of fat uncut meat was throbbing under my gaze.

I was not the only one detaching from the porn though. Very often, Samuel was glancing at me to make sure that I was still staring at his crotch.

He spat on his dick. He was so manly… and horny!

“You really like it, do you?”

“Yes… Of course I do.”

“It’s funny, sometimes girls are scared of it.”

“Stupid bitches.” I heard me say.

This was really unlike me to make such a comment but my roommate seemed to like it.

He got even closer.

His monster was dripping on our couch. I did not mind the stains; it was for a good cause.

I was jerking-off like crazy as well, and I was precumming too.

“Your cock’s not that bad, pal… How big is it? 6 or7 inches?”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it…” I mumbled.

“Besides, that doesn’t matter that much to you, does it? You have the size where it matters. On your big old ass!” He laughed.

It was really getting hot on this couch.

“Shut up. Stroke your cock and just let me watch.” I snapped back.

I could provoke him as well.

He did not seem to mind.

On the contrary, he had another idea to spice things up.

“Would it help if you could have a closer look at my dong?”

“What… What do you mean exactly?”

“Just arch yourself a little bit, lean over, you’ll have a better view.”

I spontaneously obliged, I was mesmerized.

“Fuck…” I gasped, as my face was only a few inches from his wet cockhead.

“Inspect it as much as you like.”


I was probably looking like an idiot, a fan-boy or something, but I could not hide my fascination for his tool.

“Not sure that I can jerk off myself for much longer though…” He spoke.

“You’re already getting close to jizz?”

I was more talking to his dick than I was talking to him.

“Nah… Although, I could… It’s just, you know, I told you earlier. My wrists… They need some rest.”

I gulped.

Was he suggesting what I thought he was suggesting?

“Don’t exhaust yourself, your need your strength for your work, for your clients.” I told him, anxious.

“Yes… But if I don’t service my cock myself, who would do it for me?”

I was furiously stroking my own dick but my hands had also started slightly trembling.


“Do you see anyone who could offer some help?”

He really was suggesting this…

“You’re sure you wanna go there?”

“Never had another guy giving me a helping hand.” He admitted.

“Not even Kurt?”

He seemed like he would not have minded! Kurt could play the part of the best bro but he was totally checking Samuel out as well.

“No… When we jerk off together, we don’t touch each other…”

“Do you… Do you want me to help you out? Now?”

He removed his left hand from his cock to massage his peperoni nipples. He was so fucking hot…

Sweaty, horny, daring me to push him in his limits.

“Are you good at it?” He asked me.

“At what?”

“Handling a fat juicy dick?”

I nodded yes.

I think I had lost the capacity to speak at this point.

On the porn playing me behind me, the girl was stroking multiple cocks at once. The performers were moaning and dirty-talking. That was nasty.

“My wrist does hurt…” Samuel whispered, in a much weaker voice than usual.

“Let me… help.” I managed to blurt out.

He let go of his dick which was now towering right before my eyes, free to be grabbed.

“What you’re waiting for?” He pressed me.

I looked at his lusty eyes briefly and then, I did it. I tightened my fist around the forbidden object of my desire.

Warm, wet and pulsating underneath my fingers.

“Aaaah…” We moaned simultaneously.

I was jerking him off with my right hand and using my left hand for my own cock, but soon, I realized that the diamond I had between my fingers deserved ALL my attention.

I let go of my own dick to focus on his.

Samuel shut his eyes there.

“Yeah, stroke that big cock, bro…” He muttered.

I did my best to please him.

I wanted this moment to be a great memory for him, I could not disappoint his expectations.

Weirdly enough, I felt like I was representing the entire gay community. I was the chosen one, elected to touch the Sacred Straight Cock and I had to do it right, for all my gay brothers who would have killed to be in my spot.

I spat on his cock multiples times.

This had for main consequence for my mouth to be connected to his cock for a few seconds while the stream of saliva was hanging between the two.

I did not consider sucking him off though, the moment was crazy enough at it was. I would not have dared to.

My dick was leaking proficiently while I was not even touching it, it had never happened before.

“Like that?” I asked after a little while.

“Yes, just like that… You can spit on it again, make it even slimier.”

I did as I was told, carefully following his few instructions.

I played with the saliva resting on his foreskin. I massaged his balls too. I got closer to his ass crack. That was wet in there.

The position I was in, semi-sitting on the couch but leaning to service him was not the best though. It hurt my back.

“Should I kneel down?” I asked.

He opened his eyes. He seemed a bit confused by my request.

Fuck. I hoped that I had not scared him away or that he was not regretting any of this.

“Yeah… If that helps…” He spoke.

I knelt down and made sure to show that my attention was not to blow him. I resumed my stroking and I could see and feel his big balls contracting as I was taking care of him.

The porn was still running and the audio was getting nastier by the minute. Those men were gross and those two girls were angry.

I was too.

I think the porn’s sounds helped keeping Samuel in the mood, maybe forgetting that it was a guy handling his junks.

Because of the way he was moaning or experiencing little spams, I understood some of his turns-on.

For instance, he loved it when I squeezed the girthy base of his dick, while rubbing his cockhead with my other hand. He seemed to also be a fan of having his balls caressed with saliva all over them.

Saliva that I spat out, of course, I did not suck on his balls, although, I was started to day-dream about it.

Maybe I could give his cock a quick peck? A kiss? A small lick?

I was accelerating my pace when suddenly, he reacted:

“Wow… Dude… I… I’m gonna cum.”

I did not let go of his dick.

Why would I?!

Instead, I just kept stroking him even more intensely. I wanted to bring him to the edge, finish the work.

“Oh shit… Man… I…. Yes…” He moaned.

It was like I could feel his sperm flying up from his balls, reaching his cock, and then his piss slit, before exploding before my incredulous eyes.

Or rather, IN my eyes.

Samuel gave me a huge facial.

About ten volleys of warm cum landed on my cheeks, my mouth, and even my forehead. A bit more dripped over his cock in my hands, or landed on his stomach.

The couch was hit as well. It had been an uncontrollable explosion.

I was paralyzed, my hand glued on his deflating dick.

My own cock had ejaculated over my stomach. That had really gotten me horny!

Good Lord, it was a huge mess everywhere.

“Ufff… That was crazy!” Samuel commented.

Indeed, it was.


He then realized how badly he had hit my face.

“Oh wow, bro, I painted you white!” He was hysterical.

And there, I said the stupidest thing that I could have said, or maybe, it was just me becoming more sincere…

“Thank you for cumming on my face.”


Elmara Aumar

This is my favorite story from you in a sea of incredible stories and I wish we had weekly chapters of this, seriously. Another great one as always, so hot, love how dumb and gullible Samuel is

Prince Aziz Hunt

This was awesome. I'm looking forward to reading the next one and seeing which boundary is crossed next