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Chapter 3: Showtime

“Not used to what? Doing your job?! You’re competing in the first edition of Mister Hottie; this is a huge honour for a nobody like yourself, and all I’ve been hearing is your whining. Let me be very clear, either you learn to be comfortable with your body, or there’s no fucking point. You can leave, right now.”

Chris felt awful for disappointing his mentor.

“I told you, Sir, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. Of course, I’ll wear the trunks and I… I’m not complaining. I swear.”

“I like that attitude better.”

Mr. Rich looked at his watch as someone from the Mister Hottie Committee walked in.

A young dude with red and brown pimples all over his face, - ouch, ugly lad -, wearing a white tee-shirt with the mention: “Mister Hottie 2024 – STAFF” pressed them.

“The show is about to start. We’re going to ask every contestant to put their suits on and walk on the stage. They’ll meet the other contestants there, as well as the five members of the jury.”

“Ok, thank you.”

“You’ll have to make your speech when asked to, keep it short please. All good here, number 7?”

“Yes… I… I think I’m ready.” Chris replied, starting to freak out.

“You’re gonna do great, kiddo.” Mr. Rich reassured Chris as the staff member went to talk to the other contestants in separate rooms.

“I’ll do my best.”

“Hansee already likes you, that’s a given. Rat is a good friend of mine and I’ve told him how great you were. You’ve got this! Just as we rehearsed: short sentences, don’t try to look smarter than you are, you won’t fool anyone, and smile to the judges. Make them feel like you’re doing the show for each of them in particular.”

“Ok, ok… Short sentences only… Focus on each judge individually… Stand out…”

“Come on, let me help you out with that suit.”

Mr Rich peeled of the sleeveless tank-top from Chris’ chest to replace it with a freshly ironed grey shirt.

“Thank you, Sir. I really hope that I don’t disappoint you on stage.”

“First step is to make it into the top 5, ok? Once you’ll be done with the first appearance, you’re gonna be asked to go backstage to change in your underwear, I’ll wait for you with these.” Mr. Rich showed the tiny white briefs he was now holding. “We won’t have much time and the main changing room might be busy.”


This experience was exhilarating for Christopher.

It was his first shot to be seen and have his big break, but at the same time, things were going very fast, and he was definitely stepping out of his comfort zone.

With Mr. Rich buttoning up his shirt and tucking it nicely in his pants, - brushing against his cock which was incidentally in the way -, Chris was quickly ready.

“Let me take a good look at you, boy… Ok… Seems good… Turn around… Yes, nice ass, these tight pants work well on you, it would be better without the underwear though.”

“What do you mean?”

“We can see the boxer-briefs lines through.”

Mateo drew the lines of the waistbands with his fingers.

“I cannot go up-there commando. That would be frown upon for sure, right?”

“Hum… I don’t know, Chris, it’s Mister Hottie here, not Mister Modest. I think the judges would appreciate a more natural and, let’s say it, daring outline.”

They wanted to see his cock through his suit pants?!

Christopher considered it seriously, - whatever it took to win -, but it was already too late for a change, they were being called out for the official introduction of the candidates.

It was time for their first appearance on the stage.

They would be called in order and Christoper was lucky number 7.

He met his competition as he lined up right next to them, they were closely gathered behind the backdoor entrance leading to the stage. None of them talked to each other.

They were in the dark so Chris could not really tell how the others looked like, except that they were tall and seemed fit, just like him.

Number six right in front of him was displaying a large fat ass. He wondered if this was an asset or not.

How exactly would they be judged? What were their criteria?

Chris’ heart was beating fast and loud in his chest.

He was afraid to sweat, - in fact, he was already wet -, but thankfully his jacket would hide the thick stains under his armpits.

Thank God, they had not made them wear a tie or it would have been even worse!

Number 1 was called by the hostess of the event.

She was the only woman attending the pageant actually. An old cougar nicknamed “Petra”, semi-celebrity in town, who had done too many lips and cheekbones’ injections, and now looked like an alien.

The members of the jury applauded politely as the first contestant took place on the stage.

Christopher was nervously shaking his left leg as he was waiting for his turn.

Number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… And finally…

“Number 7, Christopher Price.” Petra called.

It was showtime.

Awkwardly but doing his best to appear confident, Christopher pushed the back door, walked up the few flights of stairs to find himself standing on a small stage facing a table of five judges clapping solemnly.

They were already staring at him, evaluating him up and down, and taking notes.

They had the official portraits shot earlier scattered on their table.

Mr. Rat only had the underwear pictures with him.

Under the spotlight, Christopher first saw the hostess Petra, in a bright red gala-dress, and his six competitors standing side by side wearing the exact same grey suit, equally judging him, probably assessing if he was a threat or not.

At this point, Chris had nothing to do except for walking around the stage until he found his spot, right next to candidate number 6, a bald guy (the one with the fat ass) with very sharp features who seemed to be the oldest contestant there, in his early thirties.

Thinking of which, Christopher realized that he knew very little about the official rules of the pageant and what were the conditions to enter it, whether there was any age limit or a required height for instance.

He had only been told that his agent had to call on a few favours with the Nebraska Committee’s president, Mr. Rat, for him to get his ticket.

Since there had been some bending of the rules to get him there, Christopher had never thought it was a good idea to mention this point to anyone.

See, he was not that dumb!

Contestant 8 was called out right after him, a guy who was probably Chris’ age with ginger hair and round glasses.

He was okay, a fit handsome lad, but he did not seem to make much of an impression.

Contestant 9 who followed suit was probably the worst choice of casting.

He did not stand a chance among the other adonises, he had a bit of a belly and was clearly struggling to put one foot in front of the other on the stage. He also looked like he was properly terrified to be there.

One of the judges even spoke a noticeable “really?” as he took his spot next to number 8.

Contestant 10 though, Caleb Wilson, did look like a threat to win it all from the get go.

Christopher immediately recognized the dude he had seen some pictures of in sexy underwear, the first night he had talked with Mateo Rich over Instagram.

He was the other guy competing that Mateo had mentioned as being formerly part of his “agency”.

The other thing Chris noticed as soon as his last competitor walked on the stage was that Caleb Wilson had decided to go commando.

One could literally see the outlines of his big black cock leaning against the grey pants as he moved around, under the loudest round of applause of the night.

Aside from the fact that he looked dapper in his suit and that his body seemed perfectly shredded, – even with clothes on -, Caleb was exuding confidence which made him terribly sexy.

He was sporting a cheeky smile and took way more time than any of the others posing in front of the five judges. He even winked at the President of the jury.

Mr. Rat was eating him up and Mr. Hansee, the photographer, seemed to be readjusting his pants quite a lot during his segment.

Christopher was dead-jealous but as advised by his agent, he made sure to keep a smile on his face all throughout.

Stay positive, no matter what.

The worst moment of the pageant was coming up though… the dreaded speeches!

Christopher had never been able to talk in front of his classmates and teachers back when he was in school.

To be fair, he had not much to say about the classes he was attending since he was not understanding much of it.

“Thank you, contestant number 10, that was quite the entrance! Now, let me ask our ten hunks why they should be our next Mister Hottie 2024!” Petra announced while walking towards them with a microphone.

It was a painful couple of minutes for everyone involved when contestant 1 talked.

He fully lost his train of thoughts, was shaking as he grabbed the mic, and stammered all throughout his mediocre speech.

Christopher did not even manage to catch his name.

Number 1 did not look that great anyway. Nicely built physique but pretty generic face.

Contestant 2 did much better. He was probably the guy who looked the most like Christopher on the stage and therefore, was probably his most direct rival.

“Good evening, everyone, my name is Eric, I’m 23. I’m a proud carpenter and I love working with my hands. I think I’ve got what it takes to be your Mister Hottie Western Nebraska 2024! Why?” He walked upfront on the stage. “Well, when looking at my body, I believe it is rather self-explanatory!”

He turned around on himself and Petra, the hostess, whistled like she was cat-calling him in the street.

“Thank you, Eric. That body is quite telling, indeed. Contestant number 3?”

He was another contender for the win. Curly blond eyes and piercing blue eyes, Jason might find his way in the top 3 for sure.

A little too shy and vanilla maybe?

“Hi, I’m Jason, I’m 19 and the reason why I should become the next Mister Hottie is because I want to use this platform to promote charities like the ones which help the animals. I have a dog called Rex which I love very much.”

Not the sharpest tool in the shed but Chris was not sure that he could do much better than this.

At the very least, Jason was likable.

Contestants 4 and 5’s speeches followed the same tone, a little awkward, a word about charity, and a whole lot of bullshit.

Good enough.

Their main job was to look good and to align words without freaking out.

No one was really expecting for these jocks to have great elocution anyway.

“Contestant number 6, why should you be our first ever Mister Hottie?” Petra asked the bald guy standing on Chris’ left.

“Dear Petra, dear jury members. I’m Terry, I’m 31 and I think Mister Hottie Nebraska deserves a real man and not a boy to represent our beautiful State for the Nationals! I’ve got the energy and the experience. I’ve been modelling for more than ten years and I have a 5 years-old daughter… You guys know that Daddies are hot at the moment, right?!”

He walked back to his spot… but Terry had one more thing to say.

“Oh! And I almost forgot, how could you not rate this big juicy ass a 10 out of 10?!” He smacked his own ass for the judges who audibly laughed and gasped for the first time.

“Wow! Can I feel it?!” Petra intervened.

Before Chris’ incredulous eyes, the contestant number 6 gladly bent over and offered his ass for the hostess to grope.

“Firm, right?!” He joked.

“Very firm, I can confirm it to our panel of judges.” She announced as she was still massaging the fat bum with her left hand.

“Thank you, Madam.”

Terry kissed her hand; He was really doing the most! And the worst part was… it was actually working!

Christopher was unsettled when his turn came up.

How was he supposed to make a speech right after that? He had no similar plan to wow the panel of judges.

“Contestant number 7, it’s your turn to take the mic and tell us why you should be Mister Hottie Western Nebraska tonight!”

“Thank… Thank you, Petra.” Christopher blurted out before remembering to walk further on the stage and to smile.

It was really intimidating to be standing in front of the five judges.

Mr. Rat seemed to still be looking at Terry behind him, two of the judges were buried in their notes, and only Mr. Hansee and the winner from Mister Sexy in Bikini 2021 were actively listening to him.

“Contestant number 7?” Petra repeated.

Oh yes, he had to talk! Right!

“Hi… Hello everyone, I’m Chris, I mean Christopher, but everybody calls me Chris and I… I’m 21. I work at a factory, with my father. I… I’m single.”

What else was he supposed to say?

Mr. Rich was biting his fingernails backstage, he was getting nervous…

He needed to have his new boy to make it to the top three but he could not use his connections to save him if he were to be such a wreck on stage.

Maybe he had not bet on the right horse after all!

Like he was mind-talking to his talent, Christoper recentred himself.

Short sentences, and individual attention to each of the judges… That was what he was supposed to do. He remembered something he had rehearsed before.

“It’s not my place to say if I am deserving of the title, but it would be an honour to be appreciated by this prestigious jury, made of such great talents, models, photographers and producers.”

He made sure to look at each one of them in the eyes.

His fake-modesty and his flattery seemed to hit their targets. He did get a few polite claps and a frank (or perverted) smile from Hansee.

Mateo was relieved backstage. His boy could make it! He knew the speech was the most difficult part for the dumb jock.

Chris went back to his spot slowly, he had a great ass too and now that he had their attention, the judges needed to see it!

Very shaken-up by his first ever intervention on a stage, Chris barely registered contestants 8 and 9’s speeches.

He did get back to it when it was Caleb Wilson turn to make a speech… If you can call it that.

Caleb did not walk to get closer to the judges, but danced his way towards them, literally twerking in the middle of the stage.

This could have looked ridiculous, especially as no music was playing, but Caleb was skilled with his booty shake and was totally owning up to his lascivious moves.

Confidence really is key!

“Hey, guys. I’m Caleb, 22 years old, your hottest Hottie of the year!”

He threw his jacket on the floor, and he pulled his tight grey shirt so that all the buttons would snap opened at the same time, revealing his incredible upper body.

Muscles, on muscles, on more muscles!

“Ooooh dear Lord!” Petra moaned in her mic.

Was this even fair?

“If you want to see more of what I can do, bring me to the Omaha stage, gentlemen! I’ll be there, representing Western Nebraska like it should!”

Another twerk, another wink, and Caleb walked back next to contestant number nine, knowing he had just won his ticket to the State pageant.

“Has the temperature been rising in here or is it just me?!” Petra asked. “Boys, you can go backstage to get ready for the underwear catwalk, I don’t know about you, members of the jury, but I can hardly wait!”

With a finale walk around the stage in the suit under a tune of classical music, each of the contestant hurried backstage to change.

Just like Mateo had anticipated, it was hectic back there!

The first thing Chris saw was the big cock of Terry (contestant number 6) bouncing before his eyes as he was changing into the tight white briefs.

Fuck, that dick was fat and meaty!

Because they only had a couple of minutes to change, most guys did not bother with privacy.

The youngest and shyest of the group, Jason, did try to find an isolated corner of the room and faced the wall while he was changing, but none of the other guys cared to be seen naked.

Hell, they even seemed to purposely be showing themselves off!

“Here’s your pair of briefs. Quick!” Mateo pressed his new talent as Chris joined him, excited and nervous.

Surrounded by naked sweaty jocks, all galvanized by their very first taste at fame, the agent was pretty much in paradise.

“How did I do?” Chris enquired.

“I’d say you still have your shot but the competition is tougher than I thought. Thankfully, your body is probably your biggest asset. The underwear will work on your favour! Come on, take off those pants!”

Christopher obliged and just like the others, found himself mindlessly butt naked in the middle of the room.

“I did lost track when I began my speech… Sorry about that.”

“Erf… I noticed but don’t apologize… Thank God, this is not a debate contest…”

“I know…”

“Listen, Chris, I think Caleb has an insured spot in the top 3 but in my views, you could beat any of the other guys to the punch. Don’t be afraid to be more daring and assertive!”

As Mr. Rat came backstage to see if everything was going well, Chris started to feel self-conscious about his dick hanging out, but his mentor was holding on to the tiny briefs.

“Understood. Sir, can you give me back the… ?”

Mateo cut him off.

“If I were you, I would flex my body on stage, your biceps and pecs of course, but down to your glutes as well.”

“Mr. Rich, the briefs…”

“Feel free to turn around and show off your ass, they seem really into it!”

“Can you hand me the…”

“In any case, keep on smiling! You must walk confidently, you stare at them, almost defy them in a way!”

“THE BRIEFS, SIR!” Chris yelled in the room, making some heads (and dicks) turn towards them.

“Chill, boy, here they are. What is wrong with you?” Mateo shook his head.

“Sorry, Sir… I… I just want to be ready when they call us on stage.”

Most of the guys, - except for Caleb who was literally parading his massive and flaccid uncut cock backstage to anyone who cared to see -, were already wearing the sexy underwear.

Mateo grabbed Chris’ wrist and got closer to his ear.

“Rat’s right there behind you, checking out your ass. Take your time sliding into the pair of briefs, idiot! That’s an opportunity to score some points here!” He whispered.

Christopher swallowed his saliva but at this point, his desire to win was stronger than anything else.

He gladly listened to his agent’s advice and made sure to put the underwear on only when Caleb Wilson had gotten his own dick under the white fabric.

Rat smiled and nodded to his old friend.

His brand-new talent had some nice buttocks, that was for sure!

“Boys, it’s time for the underwear walk, please come back on stage!”

Chris’ balls were ready to slip out at any given moment which was a concern, but he had not much of a choice.

Besides, looking at himself in one of the mirrors, he could not deny that he looked hot as fuck. His dick was seemingly huge in the bulge-enhancing tight underwear.

“Good luck, Son.” Mateo told Christopher, patting his bare shoulders.

His boy looked strong and sexy; he was about to make an impression!

The underwear catwalk under some recent pop music turned out as outrageous as expected.

Christopher was not the only one who had gotten the memo that the most shameless guys would get the most chances at victory for Mister Hottie.

It was like everyone was fighting to get front and centre and to take more lascivious poses!

They did not need to do anything for the show to get lewd though, the tiny white briefs they were wearing were doing the job, especially as all contestants were soon victim to a general wardrobe malfunction…

As it turned out, the briefs were more translucent than they were white when worn under the spotlight.

Once they had gotten to the stage, it was like the contestants were wearing a translucent mesh fabric!

Christopher noticed it first on Jason, the blond contestant number 3. As he walked past him, he had a clear picture of his cut cock trapped in the tiny underwear.

Looking around, he could evaluate his competitors’ genitals and was soon to realize that the judges were doing exactly the same… including with his own junks!

Terry, the 31 years-old model was packing a massive uncut dick, but even more evidently a pair of huge balls, while Caleb was shamelessly showcasing his big black cock and hairy balls.

It did cross Chris’ mind that maybe, this scandalous display could be damaging for the acting career he was imagining for himself but there was no audience, no cameras, and only the five members of the jury to see that… And as far as they were concerned, they were clearly enjoying the show.

Each of the contestants got the opportunity to catwalk on their own while the others were watching on the side.

Contestant 1, whom Chris finally learned the name – Gary -, did a better job at flexing his muscles than he had done with talking earlier.

Well, it was difficult to do worse than his speech but he had a nice muscular body and the briefs suited him nicely.

He sort of redeemed himself there but still, he was not a threat to Christopher.

Contestant 2, Eric, had a very impressive and slightly hairy chest and twirled his hair to amuse the judges. That move seemed to have some sort of an effect.

Contestant 3, Jason, used his long curly hair as an asset but he was naturally handsome and he did not have to do much to receive praises from the jury.

Contestant 4 almost fell down as he walked (ouch) and contestant 5, Pablo, who had been pretty indifferent so far suddenly made an impression as one of his balls effectively slipped out from his briefs, right as he was walking towards the jury.

Christopher could swear that he had made that happen on purpose!

Those guys were willing to do anything for a spot in the top 5.

Pablo did not put his nut back in the briefs until Terry, contestant 6, was already caressing his pecs and biceps like he was a stripper in the middle of the stage.

When it was his turn, Chris knew he had to pull out a great performance to be noticed.

The idea came out of nowhere, or maybe, out of the cover of the magazine his mentor had had him look at earlier.

Christopher flexed his biceps, turned around to show off his glutes, - as advised by his mentor -, and then, he faced the jury again.

This time around, he played with the waistband of his underwear, slightly pulling it down until the base of his dick was almost visible.

For the first time, the little play did bring a few favourable reactions to Christopher and even, a moan of approval from Petra.

“Wow, seven is not afraid to show off his beautiful shredded physique. Look at those V-lines! Impressive!”

That felt great to hear!

Only Caleb went further than Chris later on, literally pulling down his entire briefs under his bum to reveal his bare ass. He spanked himself to close the show!

He was thanked by the biggest applause thus far.

Once every contestant had been able to parade, the five judges were conducted by a member of the staff to an adjacent room to make their decision on the top 5.

Only Petra remained with the contestants who were asked to stay on stage while waiting for the results.

Unsurprisingly, they found themselves standing in their underwear way longer than they had been in their suits.

As it turned out, the Mister Hottie Committee was all about the body and not so much about the fashion.

A few guys tried to make some jokes, but the tension was already running high between the contestants.

Half of them were about to say goodbye to their hope of fame.

More than fifteen minutes later, - the guys had been sweating their asses on stage -, the jury came back to announce the results.

Mr. Rat walked up on stage.

Christopher said a prayer to himself… as if God had anything to do with that ludicrous show!


Arnold Stone

It was the first time in my life that I was nervous throughout a beauty pageant. However, I only saw the fantasy film that my brain projected based on the text. Congratulations, Thomas! Although there was still no real sex, my mind was already producing several dirty scenarios for a possible sequel. I hope that Caleb, Terry and Jason will be in the Top 5 as well as Chris and there will be some serious competition for who goes to the bottom, I mean who will be the first bottom. :)


Is Christopher going to have to show the goods…….