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Under the mentorship of the cunning Mr. Rich, Christopher, a naive but hunky aspiring actor from Nebraska finds himself competing in an outrageous (and overly sexy) male pageant.

Whatever it takes to become famous, right?!

This story and its characters are entirely fictional. Plase, do not take this work more seriously than it is intended. Most characters are caricatural and the situations are meant to be over the top. Have fun!

All characters fetured are above 18.

This story is only meant to be read by mature audience and, in any case, by people over the age of 18.




Chapter 1: Scouted

“Aren’t those a bit too revealing?”

“Nah! Don’t worry about that, women show way more skin in this kind of pageants. These briefs are very standard in the industry.”

Christopher held the tiny white briefs in the air to show them to his mentor.

He thought they were ridiculously small.

For real, he had never seen a male underwear with so little fabric, they would never contain his (massive) junks.

“It’s way sexier than the boxer briefs they made us wear for the official portraits.” Christopher pointed out.

Mr. Rich sighed.

“Men wear tight briefs very casually these days… You’re too closed-minded for your own good, Chris. You have a great athletic body. Firm and strong. You should show it to the world proudly!”

“Thanks, Sir.” Chris blurted out.

“I don’t understand, kiddo. Why are you so shy about flaunting the goods?”

“I’m not usually shy… But I… I guess, I don’t want to look gay.” Chris corrected himself immediately. “No offence.”

“Non-taken, idiot.”

Mr. Rich looked for something in his leather bag, he presented a scorned magazine to Christopher.

It was the latest issue of GEN-MODE, a popular fashion publication.

“Look at this guy, Chris, look at what he’s wearing! Straight actors, banging the hottest chicks on the planet, main leads in blockbusters, and they’re wearing way more revealing undies than these ones, on the front pages of international magazines! That man sure doesn’t look gay to me.”

Chris could not deny that his agent was right.

His favourite movie star was the brand-new ambassador for Pelvis Klein underwear and his latest photoshoot had been racy to say the least.

Yet, the actor was exuding confidence and manliness.

On the cover of the magazine that Mr. Rich was holding, the superstar was only wearing a pair of super-tight blue briefs, the new kind where the dude’s package was very much enhanced and on display.

The fit actor was spreading his legs wide, and basically, his prominent junks were front and centre on the page, catching all the attention.

You know the saying: “sex sells”, and GEN-MODE certainly wanted their last issue to be a hit!

It was lewd though; you could practically draw each detail of the actor’s veiny cock and hairy balls through the light fabric.

Literally, the front page was showcasing some strong “big dick energy”.

A few decades ago, this would have certainly been considered as porn but it seems like time changes.

Part of the actor’s trimmed pubic hair was even visible while the model was pulling down the waistband of his underwear to offer the reader a full view of his defined V-line.

In comparison, the tight briefs Chris was holding looked rather tame, indeed.

“Ok… Fine. I’ll wear them and it will be cool, I’m sure. I’m simply not used to…”

“Not used to, what? Doing your job?! You’re competing in the first edition of Mister Hottie; this is a huge honour for a nobody like yourself and all I’ve been hearing is your whining. Let me be very clear, either you learn to be comfortable with your body, or there’s no fucking point. You can leave, right now.”

Christopher looked at the floor, his face turning red.

He hated disappointing Mr. Rich and it was the first time he was seeing him this mad.

The agent had scouted him on Instagram and it had been the opportunity of a lifetime for the aspiring young actor.

Chris had been trying to have his big break in the entertainment industry for years, - ideally to become an actor in big-budget action movies -, but none of the audition tapes that he had sent to various production companies in Hollywood had hit their target.

In three years, he had not received one single feedback, whether positive or negative.

Just plain ignorance.

To be fair, it is tough to make a name for yourself when you come from the smallest town, buried deep in the western countryside of Nebraska.

Christopher was not very good with academics either (a polite way to say that he was dead last of his class), therefore, his only option when he turned 18 had been to work alongside his father in one of the remaining factories of the area.

Not his dream job…

They were making engines for sport cars, which was cool in theory, but very frustrating when Chris knew that he could never afford such a car for himself.

He was painfully driving the old truck which was once owned by his big brother, five years his senior.

Being the genius of the family, Clay had managed to get the fuck away from their hometown at only 18, working in tech in the Silicon Valley. The two brothers were barely talking to each other now.

To be fair, they did not have much in common.

The family had taken a huge hit when Chris’ mother, – the old bitch! –, had left them to re-marry a wealthy guy from Atlanta, and Clay had left the house shortly after.

Since then, it was only Christopher and his father. 

This could get depressing sometimes, especially as Chris’ long-time girlfriend – the nasty bitch! - had dumped him for a local news-weatherman, Larry Scott, who had asked her to move to Omaha.

Chris’ father was constantly turning on the local news channel, (the old man barely moved from his armchair when he was home), and it seemed like the condescending weatherman’s face was on the television screen 24/7.

Freaking Hell!

Without the local gym to burn off some energy – and the few MILFs he could bang along the way -, Chris would have certainly gone insane.

The sad truth was, he was losing hope to ever leave the dead-end he was stuck in…

You bet that when Mateo Rich, self-proclaimed professional agent, - with a real website and everything -, slid into his direct messages on Instagram, Chris could hardly believe his own luck.

23.156 followers on Insta, including local celebrities (essentially male models, but also damn Larry Scott!), photographed on red-carpets, movie premieres and fancy galas, always surrounded by young adonises, Mr. Rich looked like he was the real deal.

Dear Christopher, I am scouting future talents in the Nebraska region. Your profile has caught the attention of my team. Would you be interested in potentially working with us? We usually start with modelling jobs but our goal is to bring our talents to the big screen.

Could that be his chance at a bigger and more thrilling life?!

His dick got hard just reading the words “the big screen”!

Chris had mentioned on social media that his dream was to become an actor or a model, but most of the rednecks surrounding him had mocked his attempts at getting noticed.

His gym bros teased him anytime the topic would come up.

Christopher Price, a movie star? Come on! The dude had never left his hometown and was only good at flexing his biceps, much like a gorilla in a zoo. He could not be serious!

He was though.

Late at night, once Chris was done jerking off, his mind was wandering elsewhere… Walking on red carpets, being featured in magazines, playing a superhero in a movie, that was all he could think about.

He wanted the likes on Instagram, the hot girls coming at him, the private jets and the fans worshipping him.

The few encouraging comments he did receive from his posts were coming from gay guys.

Sadly, they turned out to be solely interested in having him join an X-rated platform and none of them presented him with a real opportunity.

Christopher did not even know that it was possible to do nude content for a dude.

Granted, he was watching more of his fair share of porn, gooning over his favourite actresses for hours every night, but he had never considered that an average guy like him could be paid to send out naughty pictures.

An old pervert hidden behind an anonymous account (“Mr. Sugar Daddy”) had even proposed 100$ to get a picture of Chris naked and hard.

Chris considered it seriously but he eventually turned down the offer.

He decided that he would never go this low for money.

For fame though… What would he be willing to do?

Anyway, Mr. Rich had liked a few pictures posted by Chris, - thinking of which, only the ones where he was shirtless or flexing -, and he had sent him a message to get in contact.

That was his opportunity, finally!

Dear Mr. Rich, thank you for reaching out to me. This is amazing!!! I am very interested by the offer.”  Chris had immediately replied.

One thing you have to understand about Christopher Price is that he has never been the sharpest tool in the shed.

I suppose it is hard to be both the looks and the brain.

Not that he was completely stupid, he was simply very slow in understanding the world around him and seemed to only be interesting in learning more about pussies and growing his muscles.

The dumb jock could barely write full sentences in English without making mistakes and he had never read a single book in his life.

The most he had done in the reading department was to go through the diet plans and exercise routine of his favourite fitness influencers, and still, it was only because there were a lot of pictures in them!

Luckily (or unluckily) for him, Mateo Rich had a particular liking for this kind of “talent”.

Fit, young, hot, dumb… and most importantly, full of cum.

Even better when they were chasing fame!

As a standard procedure, Mr. Rich had asked Chris to send him a few pictures of himself in his DMs to assess his physique and see if a first appointment was in order.

The stud immediately complied.

Unfortunately, every picture Chris had of himself either featured somebody else with him, or was suffering from a very poor lighting.

The rest was heavily and ridiculously filtered which was a no-go for the scouting agent.

That will not do, Christopher. I am sorry but I cannot work with these pictures.” Mr. Rich had messaged, ending the conversation.

No, please! Give me another chance. I can take some more tomorrow and send them to you! I really want to become famous.

Mateo Rich was grinning to his ears behind his laptop. Exactly what he liked to hear.

He also noted the Christian cross in the boy’s Instagram bio and around his neck on most of the photographs.

For some reason, turning a religious straight male was even more exciting!

If you truly were motivated, you would have taken more pictures, right now.

Chris freaked out, he had been so happy to have been contacted by such an influential man, and now, he felt like he was losing his shot, his one opportunity.

I’m motivated! I promise. But I’m alone at home… I mean, my dad’s here but he would never help me with this. I can ask a friend to take pictures of me tomorrow.

Aren’t you born in the 2000’s?

In 2002, Mr. Rich, I’m 21. Why?

Then, you should know how to take selfies… It’s all your generation does! You don’t need anyone else to photograph you.

Christopher was surprised.

He thought that the quality of the pictures he had already sent was insufficient but now, the agent wanted amateur selfies taken from his bedroom at night…

He did jump on this second chance though.

I can try taking selfies with my cell phone.

Christopher, I am booking all my meetings for tomorrow. It’s now or never.


A couple minutes later, he was sending about ten different pictures of himself in his room.

On the first few, he had kept a tank-top on, but on the second half, he was shirtless.

Christopher Price may have been as dumb as a rock, - and this was an understatement in many regards -, but he understood what people liked about him.

He knew that his meaty pecs, his strong and veiny biceps, and his eight-pack abs (yes, the full eight!) were his biggest assets. He was more than willing to use them!

People seemed to always compliment him on his shape and shredded muscles, especially a few older men at the gym. They always wanted to feel his strength to assess his progress. He loved the praising!

“You’re getting so big, Chris!”

“Oh yes, it’s growing firmer each week.”

“Can I touch your right thigh? Oh wow, you can really feel the muscle growth.”

Chris did look great, that was for sure. Better than he realized himself.

He was tall (6 feet 3) and rather lean despite being very muscular, meaning that he looked more like a movie star than a bodybuilder. He had practically no bodyfat, except for his bubble butt, and his hairy thighs were naturally large.

He had beautiful light brown eyes too, matching with his dark hair. A sharp jawline, and an irresistible innocent smile.

In short, your perfect 21 years-old (dumb) all-American jock.

Although he was already jerking off to the pictures he had just received, Mateo Rich did not show any sign of excitement or of content in his next message.

Models usually send pictures in just their underwear to give the agency a general idea of their looks and bodies. Taken from the front, the side, and from behind. You can put your phone against a wall, set up a timer, and take this kind of photos.

Mr. Rich added polaroid pictures of a model he was working with to give as an example of what he was expecting.

The black model, Caleb, was wearing grey boxer briefs and, Chris could not help to notice, seemed to have the largest cock he had ever seen!

He was wearing another type of enhanced bulge underwear and for fuck’s sake, that thing looked HUGE.

Christopher thought he was very blessed with his big white cock (larger than most, but more importantly, super girthy), but maybe his mates at the local gym or in his football team were smaller than average because compared to Caleb, he was not so sure that he could compete.

A bit startled but not seeing the harm in getting down to his loosened underwear to obtain a meeting with a big agent who happened to be living in his area, Chris did as he was told and sent about ten more pictures to Mr. Rich.

Although the pair of underwear he was wearing was rather bland, and certainly not tight, his package was clearly noticeable.

He felt weird about showing his bulge, but then again, it was nothing too bad.

Even if those pictures were to leak someday, everyone would think that he was looking great and would not even mention his crotch.

Chris certainly did not mind wandering naked in the locker-rooms at the gym, or in the communal showers installed at the factory.

Besides, Mr. Rich seemed like a true professional.

Visibly, Christopher had done well with this new round of pictures because from this point on, Mr. Rich was hooked to his new “talent”.

Chris was invited the very next day for a meeting!

He jumped in his bedroom like an excited kid the morning on Christmas when he got the “yes”.

Despite his father being suspicious and annoyed about the whole thing, their boss had a liking for Chris and let him go early so he could get there on time.

Christopher would have never told his father that he was going to meet with an agent, he had told a lie about a professional meeting to work as a personal trainer instead.  

His dad was a raging homophobe, hated anything that had to do with the entertainment industry (“a bunch of faggies and sluts”), and judging by his Instagram, Mr. Rich seemed to be a proud homosexual man.

Jay Price would have never approved of the meeting.

Although he had nothing against them, Christopher did not feel very comfortable with faggots either, but he knew damn well that they were absolutely everywhere in Hollywood.

A fact that Mr. Rich was quick to confirm.

“If gay people are into you, the whole world will be next!” He had told Chris during their first in-person meeting.

Chris was surprised by the location of the interview.

He had expected a large office space and a secretary but he was welcomed directly in Mr. Rich’s personal apartment.

“We’re just one of those companies who have switched to full-remote following the pandemic. It’s cost effective and as you can imagine, most things happen in Los Angeles anyway so we reserve our costs to travel. At Rich’s Agency, we want to spend money only where it matters, and of course, that means mainly on our talents.”

“That makes sense.” Christopher had replied.

The hunk was as hot as he was gullible… and as mentioned before, he was VERY hot.

To be fair, aside from the absence of an office, Mr. Rich played the part of the serious business man very well.

Expensive watch on his wrist (only experts could tell it was a counterfeit), elegant suit and leather shoes despite being in his own home, and his beard and hair were trimmed by a professional barber.

For Mateo Rich, it was all about the appearances. Fake it until you make it.

He had two phones on his desk and one laptop opened to what seemed to be mail exchanges with a producer based in Hollywood. Really, it was just an email from an intern working at a local cable channel.

As you can imagine, Chris was quickly asked to get down to his underwear for more pictures that Mr. Rich took inside his own living room.

He had set up a studio with a white font and some lights.

“I mostly work as an agent but I dabble in photography. It’s good to have multiple strings to your bow, you know.”  

That seemed professional enough for Christopher and he quickly found himself in his boxer briefs inside the apartment.

Being part of several sports team and having worked his body that hard, Chris was certainly not shy or too self-conscious about his shape, yet, he did feel some nervousness when Mr. Rich started to ask him to take more suggestive poses.

It was all nice and fun when he had to flex his pecs or biceps, to showcase his legs, but when he was asked to bend over to display his glutes, that was a different story.

“If you want to work as a model, or even as an actor, your body will be your main way of expressing yourself. You look very good, Christopher, I have to say, but you need to learn to be at ease in front of the cameras.”

“I can work on that, Sir.”

“Right now, it’s easy, it’s just me, there’s no need to be intimidated. But imagine when you’ll have to convince directors and fashion designers to pick you amongst hundreds of potential candidates.”

Christopher nodded yes and he did try to take more explicit poses to display different part of his body. Mr. Rich knew what he was doing, right? It was not like he was modest anyway.

He could spread his legs and grab his junks for some more provocative shots.

He did arch his back after a while and was praised for his “fantastic bubble butt”.

Even covered by a pair of grey boxer briefs, the two ass cheeks looked appetizing.

Mateo wanted so bad to ask his new talent to go full nude, he could already tell that the jock was hiding a monster cock underneath his underwear, but he did not want to push him too far.

No need to scare him away, Christopher had to learn to be more comfortable first.

Without getting him fully naked, Mateo did learn that Chris was uncut, - definitely, the boy was checking all the boxes -, since he had asked the question during their interview.

“Both for medical reasons and for potential underwear photoshoot, this detail could matter. Every actor does nude scenes at one point you know, it’s part of the gig.”

“Maybe, but I think I’d do better in an action movie, fighting guys...”

“Of course, Christopher. You do have some undeniable potential for the big screen, but every action movie star has to shoot romantic scenes as well. Besides, all major actors have started with modelling job. There’s barely no exception to the rule.”


Mr. Rich gave him the names of a dozen movie stars who had, according to him, started in modelling or beauty pageants.

Obviously, there was no way to check if this was true or not, and in any case, Christopher did not even think about questioning his new agent.

“Don’t you know that? I thought you were passionate about the industry.” Mr. Rich told him condescendingly.

“Oh no, I mean, I did know that, I just… I wasn’t sure about all of the people you just mentioned!”

Chris lied, pretending that he was somewhat aware of how the business worked.

“Don’t worry, son. This is exactly what I’m here for, telling you what you need to do to become famous.”

After the photoshoot, Christopher stayed in his underwear for the entirety of the interview.

It was not so much of an issue as it was very warm in Mr. Rich’s apartment, the heaters were operating at full capacity. Frankly, he was even glad not to have to put his clothes back on.

Even Mateo was sweating through his shirt.

The mentor never took any of his clothes off though…

This would quickly become a pattern.

“But even starting in modelling is tough when you don’t have any experience. At 21 years old, you’re practically an old man in the industry!” Rich explained.

“Oh… Really?”

“I mean, you should have done a lot already – advertisement, television, modelling -, so to be in capacity to reach your peak at 23 or 24… Nothing to show for at your age, a shy boy from Nebraska, no connection whatsoever, that does not look good for your future.”

“So, you think this is pointless? I can never make it.”

Playing with the man’s hopes was a game to Mr. Rich, another lesson he had learned from Coach Ranson’s book.

“I say it’s going to be difficult but you’re not alone anymore, you have me! Listen, I’m willing to bet on you, even without the experience, even if there’s a lot of work to do, I love to work with raw diamonds.”

“You meant that you would accept me in your agency?”

Poor dumb Christopher had stars in his eyes, and pearls of sweat on his nipples.

“Yes! And free of charge! The agency will even pay for your travel expenses. I only take a commission on the gigs that I bring you. 80% for you, 20% for me. Fair, right?”

“Yes, of course, but I…. What kind of gigs exactly?”

“I happen to have something to start with which would be absolutely perfect for you! You’re a little bit too muscular to work as a fashion model, but your physique would be great for advertising underwear for instance.”

“You think so? I go to the gym 5 times a week, minimum!” Chris exclaimed, enthusiastic.

“The thing is, we have to start somewhere, to put your name out there.”

“I understand… But how?”

“You’re a lucky man, Christopher Price, because I happen to be a good friend of Mr. Rat. He’s the C.E.O. of a new beauty pageant with worldwide potential. The next big thing in 2024.”

“Isn’t this a woman thing? I mean, the beauty pageants?”

Mr. Rich chuckled.

“Maybe the pageants you watch to see girls in their bikinis are exclusively featuring women but those competitions are held for both genders.”

Chris blushed.

His new agent had gotten it right; the only pageants segment he had ever watched were the swimsuits walks replayed on YouTube.

To say the truth, he had already jerked off to a few of them. Some of these girls were hot and had gotten him to nut like crazy!

“They do beauty pageant for guys?”

“Of course, they do! And they’re really successful amongst women viewers. It’s also a great way to get some money if you win, and some visibility even if you lose. MISTER HOTTIE is brand-new though, a modern spin on pageants, it’s gonna be one of the big events of this year, everybody’s already talking about it in the industry.”

“Mister Hottie…”

“The U.S. finals will be aired on national television. Can you imagine, being seen by millions of viewers in one night? I promise you, this would sky-rocket your career!”

“Wow. I’ve had no idea.”

Chris could already see himself, walking in a designer suit in a ball-room, being praised and applauded by the audience, getting the crown, and having hundreds of thousands of new followers on social media.

“Just like any pageant, there will be local elections, then state elections, then national and finally, worldwide! The winner of Mister Hottie America 2024 will get 50 grands and will compete in the international contest. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves, the idea for you is mainly to participate at this stage.”


“I can only see perks for you: it will be a great way to learn how to be comfortable in front of the cameras, to talk in public. It will also be a chance for you to be seen by fashion designers, photographers, producers, and other influencers in the entertainment industry. If we do things right, you might even land a few contracts along the way.”

“Okay, okay. That sounds cool!”

“Registrations for the local elections are normally closed, but as I told you, Mr. Rat is a very good friend of mine so I might be able to squeeze you in.”

“You could do that? Really?!”

“Of course, I always keep my promises.”

Christopher had never even thought about a beauty pageant before, but in less than ten minutes, it had become his biggest dream to take part in one, and more than that, to win it.

“Thank you, that’d be amazing. I… I don’t know what to say.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to repay me, one day.” Mateo Rich spoke, readjusting the solid brick in his pants.


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