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Chapter 7: Poker Night

When I went upstairs to wake Joe from his nap the next afternoon, for once, it was not to get ready for more hard work.

We had guests coming over!

Although the upcoming visit did not involve much preparation other than getting chips and cold beers, - “we drink, eat some barbecue, and we play cards, we’re not old women having a tea” Joe told me when I asked what needed to be done -, Joe still thought we would be better off if we were not tired from an afternoon of physical labour outside.

Especially since it was a very hot day.

The heatwave had been hitting hard since I had arrived in Utah but that day was the worst of them all. We worked at the barn in the morning and we were drenched with sweat less than two minutes into it.

Seriously, we had to stop before 11 AM, for the sake of our health.

The air was hardly breathable.

Joe was wearing some tiny pair of shorts and farmer boots, - that was it, no socks, no shirt, no underwear… -, and the light grey shorts had turned translucent as soon as we had started working.

No need to mention that Joe’s humongous flaccid cock was fully on display, glued to the fabric.

You could see everything, from his thick prominent veins to his bushy pubic hair.

I was distracted all morning!

At some point, I had to screw a large wooden board (no pun intended) against the main entrance of the barn and I needed someone to hold some of the wood for me (again, no pun intended!).

Even doing this together, it was still tricky to find the right way to go at it and I found myself stuck right under Joe’s crotch, his drenched cock rubbing all over my face as he was slightly moving to maintain his position.

Sure, the heat was unbearable but damn, the fabric of these shorts was so thin it was as if he was not wearing a thing!

Besides, he was so wet that I could not tell if it was piss or sweat dripping on my face.

Either way, it reeked like manhood!

I wondered if Joe had noticed that he was smacking his slimy and meaty anaconda against my cheeks and forehead as I was struggling to get the work done.

Probably not since he was too busy grunting at me:

“Boy, it’s getting hard to hold that big wood for you! What’s taking you so long?!”

Shit. It was getting hard indeed, in more ways than one.

We managed to finish this up and without air conditioning inside the farm, we ended-up sweating near a fan in front of the television for most of the afternoon.

I was drinking frozen water in the couch while Joe was lounging in his armchair.

I was wearing some white boxer briefs but Joe had decided that even the slightest underwear was too much to handle that day. He was stark naked, his legs widely spread to “let the air pass through”.

The fan was set up right beneath Joe and some of the thick black hair on his ass crack and balls were moving like trees in the wind.

I was not too sure what to expect for the evening to come but frankly, I was happy to have a break from our routine and to have a reason not to think about Joe’s large bone.

I was definitely not cured from my unhealthy obsession…

I had gone over the fact that a random dude had blown my dick at a truck stop the day before (I could rationalize it: this was a once in a lifetime experience, I had never actually seen the guy, and I was the top so, technically, I had not done anything gay… right?), but I was really weirded out by how much I was staring  - and thinking, and dreaming of, and obsessing over - Joe’s impressive genitals.

I imagined that with the guests being here, Joe would finally wear some type of clothing that evening and I could focus my attention elsewhere.

Of course, I had no idea how lewdly things would turn!

Robert, or rather Bob, was the first one to arrive at the farm around 8PM when it was finally starting to feel comfortable outside.

He had brought some meat, some sausages and more booze. We had planned for a barbecue.

I was excited by the prospect of grilling meat and not having to pretend to take some vegetables to go along my steaks. No women there to scold us on the danger of a potential heart attack!

I understood right away why Joe and Bob were friends. They were very alike.

Although he was a bit slimmer and leaner, Bob had the same careless and macho attitude, complaining about his annoying wife as soon as he got to the farm.

“Fucking good to see, Joe!” They hugged each other. “I thought Susan would never let me out of the damn house! Because of the heat, I was stuck inside with the kids all day, fucking hell if I do say so myself!”

His hair and beard were a weird shade between ginger, blond and grey, - they looked pretty dirty -, and he was dressed casually for the occasion.

Just like us, Bob was only wearing a pair of (filthy) sandals, some shorts, and a stained tank top which he took off as soon as he started taking care of the barbecue.

Bob definitely was working out. His V-line was not as clearly defined as mine but still, not so bad for a forty something!

I always appreciate a fellow dude who can pull some weights at the gym.

Joe and him seemed to be long-time friends, Bob was apparently one of our closest neighbours. Still a good 15 minutes car ride though.

“Oh, that’s your new boy!” He told Joe when he noticed me standing awkwardly behind him.

I hated the fact that he talked about me without addressing me directly, (I mean, I was right there!), and I was not too sure if I liked being called “Joe’s boy”.

Rather quickly though, I learned to enjoy Bob’s company.

He was pretty harmless and he could even be funny.

“Yeah, that’s Liv’s boyfriend, Blake. He’s been helping me out for about a week. A good lad.” Joe told his friend.

I was beaming with pride inside.

I had rarely ever heard Joe complimenting me, or anyone other than his daughter for that matter.

Bob shook my hand firmly. He was sweaty. To be fair, we all were.

“Hi Bob, nice to meet you.”

“You’re the kid who let his girlfriend fly to Europe for three months? Alone?”


“You must be a confident man then… or a stupid one!” Bob burst out laughing. “Good for you for helping our old joe though. He certainly needs a helping hand!”

He winked at Joe and smacked my butt.

I had the instant confirmation that he was basically Joe’s twin in terms of recklessness, - and redneckness-, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, Bob was indeed a good distraction.

He was cracking jokes, teasing Joe a little which was nice to be part of, complaining about his “damn kids” as he was preparing some hot dogs, and he almost constantly had a smile or a grin on his face.

He was more light-hearted than Joe and the man could certainly take a drink (or a few) without flinching, he was already at his third beer when the second guest arrived.

The atmosphere shifted a little when Dave joined us.

He looked a little older, maybe due to his more furnished silver fox beard, and more generally, he seemed more aggressive and, I hate to say it, a bit scary.

Physically, he was very similar to Joe.

Dave was tall, broad, very muscular, rough on the edges, a hint of an ex-bodybuilder within him although, he was showing more of a dad body and he had the large stomach of a guy drinking a little too much beers.

His belly was coming through the bottom of his tank top. He did not seem to care one bit though.

“Hello, pussies.” He said, getting out of his van.

That pretty much set the tone for the entire evening.

“Hey Dave, how was the ride?”

He was living a little further away, on the other side of the main hill of the county, closer to the little town I had visited the day before.

“Pretty damn long and I’m wondering why I haven’t a beer in my hand yet!”

“Blake!” Joe barked at me. “Bring our fine guest a fresh beer!”

I felt so submissive hurrying up to the fridge to get it but what else was I supposed to do? Say no to Joe? In front of his friends? Come on…

“Thanks, Pal. You’re a good boy.” Dave told me when I handed the drink to him.

“Good boy”, those guys were freaking me out with the way they were talking to me like I was their kid or their dog even.

I was a man for fuck’s sake, just like them!

Why did I feel so powerful with my mates on the football’s field or on the campus and so small there?

Well, I guess that I did look like a boy next to those three buff older guys…

Overall, the barbecue was a good time. The temperature outside was nice, finally, the vibe was chill.

We were talking football, hot chicks, and nice cars.

“How’s your son doing by the way? He’s a mechanic, right?” Joe asked Dave.

“Don’t talk to me about this piece of shit. Haven’t seen him since I moved down here. Nearly a year now. Ungrateful brat.” Dave grunted.

“Wait, wasn’t he there when I passed by your farm a couple months ago?” Bob seemed to remember.

“No, that was not Connor that you saw. It was Cody. He’s been workin’ for me since forever, he tagged along when I moved here. Cody’s a good kid, way more appreciative of what I do for him than my own freakin’ son.”

“Oh, yeah, Cody’s great.” Joe approved. “A very hard worker and a very dedicated boy.”

A large smile had grown on his face.

“Where did you live before?” I asked Dave to take a more active part in the conversation.

“On the East Coast, I was running my old pa’s farm in the countryside. But even far away from the cities, I could not handle the libs mentality there. Too many faggies and anti-gun morons.” He spat on the ground. “I’ll tell you what, my Connor changed as soon as he moved to New-York, never been the same since then.”

“Yeah… City mentality sucks sometimes.” I approved.

I could tell that I had scored a point with Dave who served me another hot dog.

I was eating, and drinking, way too much.

We only got back inside around 11 PM to play some cards. Joe had briefly explained this was a tradition to play poker with the guys every time they would visit.

“Guys, I won’t gamble any money, Susan would kill me, she’s already cut me off.” Bob explained immediately.

“Come on, you’re a boss or a bitch to your wife? Man up!” Dave mocked him.

“Find yourself a woman and we’ll see how you do!”

I thought they were about to actually fight but they did not. They sat around the table dissing each other for a few minutes.

That made me laugh.

“That’s no fun if there’s no stake in this.” Joe commented.

“No money doesn’t mean no stake. We could bet on other stuff than money.” Bob suggested, probably to redeem himself.

“What’re you thinkin’? Betting your wife? I could probably help Susan relax a little! Let’s put her big juicy ass on the table!” Dave exclaimed.

“Don’t push it, man.” Joe intervened.

It was fun seeing the two macho dudes bickering but if that were to turn into an actual fight, we would all be in deep shit.

“Oh no, that’s fine.” Bob replied. “At this point, I’d take anything that’d put wifey back in the mood. Even freaking Davey here! The woman must be frozen inside, she won’t open it up. I’ve tried everything.”

“You’ve tried roleplaying?”

“Yeah… Everything! I mean… I even read the stupid magazines on how to rekindle the flame. Bullshit. She won’t even let me massage her. A man has his freaking needs.”

“That’s for damn sure.”

“Have you tried looking around… Elsewhere?” Joe asked, a sparkle in his eyes.

Bob did not reply but he had a smirk on his face which was saying it all.

I wondered where else he was getting off considering the very small pool of available women in the region.

Maybe he could give me some tips on hooking up with the MILFs at the store. Then I thought, maybe I had already run into his wife. Could you imagine if I had fucked her?

“So, what do we do with this cards’ game, any suggestion kiddo?”

I was surprised that Dave asked for my input, just like I was belonging to the group.

“I don’t know, I’m not that good at poker but I’m up for anything.”

“I’m sure you’re a quick learner.” Dave winked at me and tapped my thigh.

“Why don’t we go old school?” Joe proposed.

“What do you mean?”

“A good old strip poker! The loser takes off his clothes; winner keeps them on!”

The other guys chuckled.

“We already know Blake here is up for anything but, come on, we’ve seen enough of your cock when it hangs out from your shorts, Joe, don’t you think?” Bob replied.

“You’re chickening out my friend? Afraid of showing your little wiener to the rest of us?” Dave had immediately jumped on board with the idea.

“I ain’t afraid of shit, man.”

The alcohol was not helping me thinking clearly although I could definitely tell we were walking into a dangerous territory.

I sank into my seat a little.

It was too late though; everyone had already agreed to take part to the “strip poker” and I could not be the buzz kill.

I had done strip poker a few times on campus, but only when there were hot babes involved.

There was definitely no pussy to uncover in that damn over-heated kitchen.

It had already been decided though. Dave and Joe moved the table so we would sit on four chairs in a sort of a circle and it was game on!

Joe was on my right, Dave on my left, and Bob was facing me – his smile still glued on his face.

I had never been self-conscious about my body so I was not too worried about showing off, even in front of these guys, but I did feel a distinct tickling in my stomach thinking about Joe undressing in front of three other dudes.

I found myself with a loosie game from the start, having only a couple of pairs to show for.

I folded but it worked in my favour since over-confident Dave thought he had it and he was beat to the punch by Joe.

He lost his tank-top and slapped his beer belly. Full dad’s body indeed.

“Wait, let’s go back to the rules, here. You guys are not wearing anything more than I am, right? I only have those shorts, sandals and underwear left.” He noted.

“Same.” Bob and I replied.

“I don’t even have any underwear on.” Joe pointed out, grabbing his prominent bulge. “I don’t mind the game being unfair, I never lose at poker anyway.”

The second round proved him wrong immediately and joe threw his sandals in the air, letting us see… and smell his two gigantic bare feet.

I swallowed my saliva and I tried to relax.

The worst thing that could have happened to me was to get hard in this situation. Or at the very least, that was what I imagined as the “worst possible outcome” back then. As it turned out, I was very naïve…

I have to admit though, a part of me did want Joe to end-up naked.

I wanted to see how two other dudes would react to seeing my future in-law abnormally massive dong, hanging low in full display.

I needed to have some sort of confirmation that I was not insane for obsessing over it! They would probably gasp and stare at it, just like me.

The game continued and things were going pretty well for me.

Dave lost and he found himself bare foot as well and then Bob lost two times in a row, he took his tank top which he had barely worn anyway, and his shoes off.

I was the only one who had not lost a single round yet while the three of them were only in their shorts.

Beginner’s luck, I guess!

We had moved on to drink some shots and things were getting looser and more outrageous by the minute.

The jokes had gone full-on dirty, the burps and slaps on each other asses were becoming the main way of communication, and Joe was shamelessly scratching his balls under his shorts making no secret of how much he was packing.

I could swear that he was even getting hard!

I was mostly a spectator of these three horny and goofy middle-aged men horsing around even though I was also taking part, receiving a few spanks here and there and being the butt of a few of their jokes, often revolving around my big full lips or my bubble ass.

I was way too drunk to care anyway.

Miraculously, I kept on winning and on the next round, Bob lost his shorts and found himself in tight and light blue boxer briefs.

Those were quite revealing and not at all what I was expecting from a married farmer with three kids.

His bulge was looking big, and to be honest, a little weird, like there was a weird bump in his briefs or something.

Fuck. Why was I looking at this?!

I forced myself to ignore the multiple elephants in the room.

On the next round, I lost for the first time. It was bound to happen so I took it well. Even if I lost my top, I still had my shorts, shoes and Calvin Kleins briefs to hold on to.

Dave who had been very hands-on with me throughout the entire evening helped me out of my sticky, sweaty, almost-glued-to-my-chest, singlet.

“There you go, boy, looks like your lucky strike has finally passed!” He said as he was practically groping my pecs.

He brushed over my nipples multiple times and I did my best not to lose my mind over it.

Things were getting blurry. The heat. The way-too-many drinks. The farmers semi-naked around me. Joe’s crotch was now clearly stirring up on my right, turning his shorts into a tent.

We threw my wet tank-top on the floor and we kept playing.

One way or another, we would be determining a loser soon enough, both Bob and Joe (who was going commando, remember) had only one more item to lose.

On the next round, it was Dave who got unlucky and he had to lose his shorts.

I was shocked when he stood up and revealed a pair of grey jockstraps which were letting his big fat ass hang loose.

I remembered the leather pair of jockstraps I had stumbled onto in Joe’s drawer.

Did these macho guys really wear those on the daily? I really did not know much about the countryside.

“Nice package and nice hairy ass you’ve got there!” Joe exclaimed, living for this, he even smacked his pal’s bare ass.

Dave turned towards us and slapped his own ass again, making it giggle.

He was laughing his ass off. Literally.

“This, my friends, is the best purchase I’ve ever made. You’ve got to let your skin breathe during the heatwave.”

“Sexy too!” Joe teased him.

“I just rather have a pouch holding everything in rather than going commando and having my junks swinging around all day.” He showed us and grabbed his (quite filled) pouch to make his point.

“You do you, mate!” Bob applauded.

“I guess I just prefer my cock and balls swinging around freely!” Joe replied.

They all chuckled and I joined them.

Those guys were just a version of my teammates and I after practice, only twenty years older.

Men being men, you know. We were having fun.

The game continued.

I do not have a perfect recollection of the next round which started only once we had all taken a few more shots but I know exactly who lost because everything escalated immediately afterwards.

Bob became red as a tomato when he realized that he was about to lose the last piece of clothing he had on and that he was meant to get naked in front of three other dudes, staring at him.

“Fuck, guys! That idea was stupid from the beginning!” He complained. “All because of freaking Susan and her fear of gambling!”

“Don’t be a sore loser, bobby, we all agreed to this, ain’t that right, Blake?”

“Yes, sure! Let’s go!” I concurred.

I was so happy not to be the one in his position.

Besides, I was admittedly curious about what type of tools he was hiding in his underwear.

Bob stood up and was holding the straps of his blue briefs, ready to pull them down.

“You’re enjoying this, eh? You’re having a good time?” He teased us.

“Sure, we do!”

“Strip, strip, strip!”

Dave and Joe cheered.

“Ok, ok… But if everyone is having so much fun, let’s level up the stakes!”

“Eh, we don’t change rules in the middle of a game!” Joe pointed out, his hand constantly fondling the inside of his shorts.

“Let’s hear him out.” Dave suggested.

Bob smiled. We were seeing the top of his dick now… And wait… Was that a pink thingy? My mind started reeling.

I could not see well…. All those shots…

“I’ve lost, I’m a man of my word, I’ll get naked. But let’s not make this the last step of the game.”

“What are you proposing exactly?”

“Once I’m naked, we keep playing. If I lose, you get to decide on a pledge I’ll have to perform, nothing too crazy, just so that losing or winning really matters here. If I win the next round, the game continues. In the end, it’s the first naked person who loses a round who has to take the pledge. Understood?”

“We’re no dummies and this is not rocketing science… What do you think guys?” Joe asked Dave and I.

“I think Bobby here is giving us the perfect opportunity to find a way to humiliate him in the next round. We’d be stupid not take it.” Dave replied with a devilish smile.

“Winner takes it all. I do like the spirit. What do you think, Blakey? This has to be a unanimous decision since it changes the game we’ve already been playin’, although you seem pretty safe right now.”

I was.

I would have to lose three rounds to be in trouble and get naked, and a fourth one to really be in trouble and having to take the pledge. That seemed very unlikely.

“I’m in guys!”

“Nice! We like boys who do not chicken out from a challenge!” Dave exclaimed, grabbing my torso once again.

“It’s a deal then.” Bob confirmed, finally sliding down his briefs and revealing his meaty junks to us.

Joe and Dave may have been laughing and cheering their friend up but from this point on, I was dying inside.

Not only Bob showed us his girthy flaccid cock, but he exposed a very distinctive and recognizable bright pink cock-ring surrounding the entire base of his dick.

Yes. It was the exact same cock-ring that I had seen going through a glory-hole the day before!

Of all the married men in the world, freaking Bob, the best friend of my potential future father-in-law, had to be the one who had sucked me off in a restroom!

And now, I was taking part in the lewdest strip-poker game of my life with the two of them, and another dude who could not keep his hands off me.



thomas lodge

Confession here: A Summer at the Farm may be the story I am enjoying the most writing since I have started this!


I don't think I've made one of my usual comments about the way certain things happen. I freaking love this chapter and the way the story is unfolding. Looking forward to the next chapter. I smell sandbagging at work.